Polestar Phone spotted on Google Play's list of supported devices

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to Android@lemdro.id – 34 points –

I don't understand why this exists. Polestar has enough problems lol

I imagine it's because it gives the car some OS-level privileges or something for better interoperability with the car OS (Android Automotive)

Forgive my skepticism but what could they possibly want to do that requires elevated permissions? Android is already pretty good about things like that

Seems like a great idea to me.

-Sent from my Teslaphone

I see no problems

-sent from neuralink (it broke my optic nerve so I can't see anything actually)

Colour me intrigued. I want more manufactures that go against the norm. If they put out a generic slab with normal specs at an expected price, I won't be very interested, but if they do something cool I'm all for it

Except I just noticed the part where it's developed by Meizu so nevermind probably will be a generic Chinese phone

Except I just noticed the part where it's developed by Meizu so nevermind probably will be a generic Chinese phone

For a Chinese manufacturer

Huh, didn't realize Volvo was primarily owned by a Chinese company, you got me there lol, genuinely always thought they were standalone and therefore a Swedish company

Geely buys European car brands left and right. Somewhat recent examples are Lotus and Smart.

Interesting, hadn't heard of it before today, but guess I don't look at European car brands that often anyways

They are still a Swedish company, they are just owned by a Chinese company (Geely).

Ah I mean fair enough :) I don't keep up much with car brands and ownerships, but still TIL haha