Google blocked Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro reviewers from using popular benchmarks to test the Tensor G3 chip, new owners too - NotebookCheck

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 155 points –
Google blocked Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro reviewers from using popular benchmarks to test the Tensor G3 chip, new owners too

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According to the comments section, users have been able to sideload them without issues. Play Store has since begun allowing the installs.


Google has lifted the block it placed on the ability for users to freely install benchmarking apps on its Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphones. The block had been in place during the review embargo period but extended past the on sale period where customers purchasing the devices couldn’t install benchmarks on their new Pixels either.

Update 2:


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The app hasn't been updated but the Play Store block has indeed been lifted. People were sideloading without issue. Perhaps Google intended for the block to only last until launch to prevent reviewers only.

Android 14 uses new APIs and Google requires everyone to update their SDK to say whether or not it uses the new APIs. If they did nothing it was flagged as an incompatible app, but if they don't use the APIs it will run fine.

You can usually adjust your app and publish an update without needing to change the app's targetSdkVersion. Similarly, you should not need to use new APIs or change the app's compileSdkVersion, although this can depend on the way your app is built and the platform functionality it's using.

You can update the SDK without triggering an update to the app and it will be available on the play store.

Occam's razor applies here.

Yes. I have a personal app that I made many years ago and used on my Pixel 4 and 6. It would not work on my 8 until I updated the sdk version and some of the tooling.

There is actual compatibility, and official compatibility.

The updated apps likely didn't have any code changed. (why they still worked when side loaded) Instead, the Play Store listing updated the compatibility filter to include Android 14, so 14 users could now see them in the Play Store.

It's not an uncommon practice. Many apps might simply have a compatibility filter like "yes if [OS version > X]". But that can be a problem if some future OS breaks compatibility. Especially in the case of a benchmark app that's supposed to give comparable results between OS versions. If the new OS tweaks something that doesn't fully break the benchmark, but causes inaccurate numbers, that would need to be checked before it gets approved.

I'm not seeing updated versions of the listings on my end (in terms of the last updated entry). Unless compatibility can be set separately?

Unless compatibility can be set separately?

I imagine it could. It would be strange need to upload a "new version" of the app, when nothing actually changed accept approving a new OS for that version. Then you need to track which version numbers are real changes, and which aren't. That would be weird.