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For those who don't know, the blue liquid is their blood

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No, unless we separate housing from investment, it will never be affordable. I don't foresee the political will to make it happen.

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They didn't earn $544M, they had $544M in revenue. They lost $124M but it's all due to their decisions. They have a great operating margin in the 60s and spent all the money elsewhere.

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You're not supposed to. It is a marketing ploy from oil and gas companies to shift the blame from corporations to individuals for their pollution.

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The amount realtors get paid to the amount of work they do is crazy. Mine spent like 10 hours showing homes, maybe 2-3 hours on the phone, and then the rest was handled by an admin for handling paperwork and DocuSign. For like 15-20 hours of work she got paid almost $50K.

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People would just go on the internet and tell ties? I don't believe you.

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I remember people were hyped when they announced on Thanksgiving 2012 that drone delivery service was right around the corner. Brilliant marketing from them because people were hyped.

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Be more accepting of yourself and follow those passions. Nobody cares in your 20s what you do in your spare time, as long as it is something. There is nothing more boring than a person who has no passions and just exists.

Their stance is more money please

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Mr. Altman’s departure follows a deliberative review process by the board, which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities. The board no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading OpenAI.

Now that is a damning statement. Usually an exec being fired is through sugar coated language like spending time with family, wants a new challenge, took a roll elsewhere, or retiring.

As someone who has to prep docs for the board review meetings, I'm super curious as to what he lied about

Ever since it was widely available, I see one on every flight I take. It's not surprising it's sold well.

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They increased prices this year too. It used to be $150/yr, it's now $200/yr.

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Something everyone saw coming

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You build a 10 foot high wall, they will build an 11 foot ladder. Stir/shaken was good for like 6 months before spam callers were able to bypass that security measure.

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Usually cookies need baking soda, not baking powder. If they call for both, it's at least 2x baking soda. People mix it up and add baking powder instead of soda.

Or if the cookie requires levening from the powder and it's expired, it will not rise and spread.

Soda helps with browning and powder is for levening

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What I would like to know is how often does Israel get this kind of warning? The Yom Kippur War Israel wasn't ready because everyone kept massing troops on their border and never invading and eventually pulling back. By the time they actually invaded and started a war, Israel wasn't prepared because they were no longer reacting.

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Prom is definitely something the media pushes to be more important that it is in reality. It's fun, I liked going, but after high school it's pretty meaningless.

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Recent events this year came out with claims of inaccuracies in their videos and a former employee is also levelling allegations of a toxic work environment and sexual harassment

The auditory features that the AI focussed on included slight changes in pitch and intensity, which human ears cannot distinguish. This was then paired with basic health data gathered by the researchers, such as age, sex, height and weight.

Not quite just voice but still impressive

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Maybe this is his plan all along? It will help cut down the workforce without having to do a layoff and pay severance.

That is accounting value and not real life resale value. If you could buy a car with 500 miles for 20% of the price, no one would buy new cars

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Android 14 uses new APIs and Google requires everyone to update their SDK to say whether or not it uses the new APIs. If they did nothing it was flagged as an incompatible app, but if they don't use the APIs it will run fine.

You can usually adjust your app and publish an update without needing to change the app's targetSdkVersion. Similarly, you should not need to use new APIs or change the app's compileSdkVersion, although this can depend on the way your app is built and the platform functionality it's using.

You can update the SDK without triggering an update to the app and it will be available on the play store.

Occam's razor applies here.

Their response isn't very reassuring that they blamed outside lands. They need to get off the streets during a disaster so emergency vehicles can get by but instead it sounds like they will be stuck clogging up roads.

The headlines just keep repeating. Insert newest generation and print

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Not Toyotas first time either Toyota has said their solid state batteries are just around the corner.

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Steam deck is a good reasonably priced alternative for people wanting to switch

The definition of mass shooting shouldn't detract from the fact that 500+ shootings 4+ injured is too many

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That would suck for the jury, this is a long trial and this only makes it harder on them.

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This is also done by a company, envoy, that helps companies understand their office data. So it's a bit of a conflict of interest.

The greenhouse recruiting study was more interesting. Attrition goes up and companies had a harder time filling the newly vacated roles compared to companies that didn't force a back to the office.

Personally I think the back the office mandates are a way to do voluntary layoffs without making the execs look bad

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Not related to the marriage. They work as a 5th grade teacher, do they each get paid or is it one salary?

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It's not just when you're cooking is the problem. It's always releasing toxic fumes

A company that just raised $10b from Microsoft is struggling with $260m a year? That's almost 40 years of runway.

I remember reading in college and essay about school is for making you tolerant doing the same thing say in day out for 50+ years 8 hours a day. It really clicked and made understand why I did so poorly in high school but thrived in college.

Must be great to read if you were one of the employees laid off from these companies.

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Their labor is worth 6 million more than they thought because it was exceeding plan not total sales

To train ai models

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Ever since Netflix took over, it's been a step down in quality

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I was on vacation in Denmark over Thanksgiving, there was always a police presence outside of every Jewish site.

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I don't think it would. My wife is a teacher and her contract states she is only paid for teaching time and school mandated events like staff meetings or training. Any kind of of time spent outside of school preparing lessons or grading isn't paid time. One of the tactics teachers use leading up to a strike is to only work contract hours and have everything else fall behind to have parents put pressure on administration.

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