Mastodon has hit 2 million active users today! to – 1999 points –

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Do they really? I prefer quality over quantity. We don't really need a massive influx of users, just steady growth.

But quantity drives quality. Many big names join platforms specifically for the outreach they provide. That's by far the biggest reason that there's still so many big names on Twitter and co that haven't migrated.

Especially for the many people who need to make a living and thus need that outreach. The vast, vast majority of viewers will never pay for a picture they see on the internet or a streamer who makes them laugh. For a platform to be financially viable for creative types to make a living, they need a ton of viewers.

While generally true, moderator tools really aren't there yet on Lemmy. Growth will need to be more measured until work on that front catches up. There are also massive gaps that need filling in terms of the potential for spam. Keeping spam in check was challenging enough on reddit with various tools at our disposal - it'll be even more difficult here.

I say keep the flow coming, because the good shit eventually floats to the top.

The more people here, the more attractive it becomes to bigger-names, which will then bring their audience over.