1 Post – 126 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What am I missing?

Linux has been out in the open and running shit since the 1990s.

How exactly is that a secret?

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Please welcome the new "Truth Social 2.0"!

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Just as enjoyable as 2 Year old threads showing up right in the middle of my hot & fresh feed.

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"Canonical announced it was building an all-snap, immutable version of Ubuntu for home users called Ubuntu Core Desktop."

I don't like the sound of this.

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Special forces landed on the western shore of Crimea, near the settlements of Olenivka and Mayak, in a joint operation with the country’s Navy, according to Ukrainian Defense Intelligence.

I hope Russia doesn't read CNN.

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Built-in OneDrive and RDP support. No apps needed. I like the sound of that.

When Elon fired all those people, he showed that he clearly did not care about them as either humans or as a valuable company resource.

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Performance and functionality.

When I click the Firefox icon, I expect Firefox to open. Like, right away.

When Ubuntu switched it to a snap, there was a noticeable load time. I'd click the icon and wait. In the background the OS was mounting a snap as a virtual volume or something, and loading the sandboxed app from that. It turned my modern computer with SSD into an old computer with a HDD. Firefox gets frequent updates, so the snap would be updated frequently, requiring a remount/reload every update.

Ubuntu tried this with many stock apps (like Calculator), but eventually rolled things back since so many people complained about the obvious performance issues.

I'm talking about literally waiting 10X the time for something to load as a snap than it did compared to a "regular" app.

The more apps you have as snaps, the more things have to be mounted/attached and slowly loaded. This also use to clutter up the output when listing mounted devices.

The Micropolis (GPL SimCity) snap loads with read-only permissions. i.e., you cannot save. There are no permission controls for write access (its snap permissions are only for audio). Basically, the snap was configured wrong and you can never save your game.

I had purged snapd from my system and added repos to get "normal" versions of software, but eventually some other package change would happen and snapd would get included with routine updates.

I understand the benefits of something like Snaps and Flatpaks - but you cannot deny that there are negatives. I thought Linux was about choice. I've been administering a bunch of Ubuntu systems at work for well over a decade, and I don't like what the platform has been becoming.

Also, instead of going with an established solution (flatpak), Ubuntu decided to create a whole new problem (snap) and basically contributes to a splitting of the community. Which do you support? Which gets more developer focus to fix and improve things?

You don't have to take my word for any of this. A quick Google search will yield many similar complaints.

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They were willing to fuck over some people and drive them completely out of business.

Which people? Developers. The very people that helped make Unity what it is. Unity wanted to completely crush their own developers. Some estimates put Unity's fees higher than 100% revenue in some scenarios.

Them back-tracking and saying "wow! we didn't expect this to be so hated!" shows that they either don't understand numbers (they do) or that they think their users are idiots.

So why would developers want to come back to them?

Because everyone knows that live chat rooms are exactly like message forums with content that can be voted up and down.

Part of the problem is the instance's open registrations which do not require you to enter an e-mail address during signup.

How is this even a thing? Why would the Lemmy software even allow operation like this?

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Punishing the poor and making things harder for them to dig out of their situation is certainly for the best!

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"Push to start" may stop someone driving off in the car, but they are still targets.

Thieves smash the windows, hop in, see the lack of key startup, then hop out. You still will end making a call to the police or insurance company.

Having "Hyundai" or "Kia" anywhere on the car makes them a target of thieves, even with push to start.

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It's beta software syncing with beta software, all while being crushed with a flood of users no one expected before last month.

I'm surprised things are working as well as they are now.

Things will get better and more functional as time passes.

I've been paying $25 a month to run into relatives that all have their trees set to PRIVATE.

They're my cousins / second-cousins, and I'm not sure who their parents are or how they fit into my tree.

The site lets you look at US Census data... from the 1950s or some shit. So I can piece together family information upwards half a dozen ways to my grandparents and their parents and so on, but I can't seem to get any info from the system for anyone born after the 1950s.

I keep paying because I'm trying to solve a spooky family mystery.

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I never knew that pirating kids was such a problem.

Gosh, now I'm not sure if I will ever vote for HUNTER BIDEN.

I bought Overwatch on PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC. I also bought it for my daughter on PC. We would play online together.

I would then buy myself and my daughter each a big loot box pack when there was a new event (Halloween, Christmas, etc.) so that we could get some fun cosmetics.

I paid A LOT of money for Overwatch.

Blizzard then killed off the game. It's gone. We cannot play it, ever again.

In its place is now Overwatch 2. It looks similar, but it plays differently and has new mechanics and a whole-new monetary system that locks gameplay elements behind a paywall.

The game now being "free" for everyone to download doesn't make anything about it better. And it certainly doesn't make up for the fact that the old game is gone.

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Users can block instances


I've had enough creepy/disgusting furry and pedophile drawings on my feed. That "yiffit" instance will be the first that I block.

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They work just fine.

They get you off cigarettes. Problem solved.

You'll just be vaping all the time, instead.

They were never for quitting everything. Just cigarettes.

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it doesn’t always mean every UFO is an alien.

The size & age of the universe pretty much tells us that it's never an alien.

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Well, the destruction of Twitter AND Reddit, especially so close to each other, is leaving a hole in my heart.

The magic of the "fediverse" can be both a bandaid and a fix.

A shiny, new replacement (Mastodon and Lemmy) for me to fall back on for comfort, and a new paradigm of social interaction (Fediverse) that will hopefully offer long-term immunity from assholes that want to destroy everything.

The more people on the Fediverse, the better it can become for everyone., butt-stuff?

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Until something better comes along, is the place.

wefwef (now Voyager), the Memmy app (iOS), and the "old.reddit" view ( make it REALLY easy to use Lemmy.

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1990s: VR is the future. Put these on!

2000s: VR is the future. Put these on!

2010s: VR is the future. Put these on!

2020s: VR is the future. Put these on!

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For decades he's been known as a huge piece of shit.

He's known now as an anti-American fascist that tried to destroy our county. The 91 indictments are only the beginning.

The idea that party lines separate people into groups that either want to hold him accountable for his crimes or that want to SUPPORT HIM and aid him in his crimes means that these "party lines" are what separates regular people from fucking scum of the earth deplorables.

I set it up with my work profile for Office 365 stuff.

I've given up the hope that Office will ever come to Linux, so instead I'm just trying to use the web version more.

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Oh! I forgot another one! Updates.

You can't really control when the updates of snaps are rolled out.

For "regular" software, I have an "apt update" type of script that I can run when I choose to update everything on my system. On some systems, I have this in a weekly crontab. On other systems, there is no scheduled run. On those systems, it's important to keep many apps as-is - so several packages are also locked, as well ("apt-mark hold").

With snap, you basically have no control. It updates as many times as it wants, when it wants. You can try to adjust some timers to change the window when forced updates are rolled out, but can never tell it to NOT update something. Broken package updated? Well, you can manually roll back that one. Broken update pushed again during the next forced update window? Just roll it back again! (and repeat, every day)

These are the words direct from a snap developer on why you cannot lock an app: "You need to keep your software up to date."

Yes, I understand that, but I also know it's really important to not update some stuff, and I know that broken snaps sometimes get pushed.

Basically, the snap developers have talked down to the users. THEY know better of what WE actually want and need, not us dumb users that actually administer things for a living.

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They usually cover/conceal nipples, so you don't see everything.

In the list of "games", the top item is the "Just Talking" or whatever the category is called. Click that and try various sorting.

I'm taking notes, in case I'm ever arrested for something.

Delay, delay, delay. Court date set? Just Appeal. Sentenced to prison? Nope, I'm just gonna delay and appeal and delay some more. An unlimited freedom trick.

Can't lock me up if I simply keep telling the courts no.


Uh, most apps are still for Windows. That's why so many people use it.

If you tell someone to use an alternative OS, but then they are left on their own to run alternative versions of apps that don't work the same, forced to give up features they are use to, or run dozens of different programs through Wine or Proton or emulation or virtualization or whatever, JUST BECAUSE "Microsoft bad", they're going to laugh at you and go right back to Windows.

It's taken Linux 30(?) years to make it to 4%, and a lot of that is recent because of games. It's still a niche platform.

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I need a mod for my phone my that just makes every icon a picture of some character with their mouth wide open, yelling.

(refer to this reddit post for what I mean)

Calculator? Someone yelling.

Settings? Someone yelling.

Camera app? Believe it or not, someone yelling.

I'm not doubting that something is out there.

It's just the MASSIVE amount of where and when that something exists makes it incredibly unlikely that something just happens to be right next to us at the same time that we exist.

There might be "people" out there with near-light speed travel that could possibly reach us. But when did they exist? We won't be seeing them if they lived and died out a billion years ago.

Space (crazy huge) times Time (crazy huge) is just an incomprehensibly big number. What are the chances that aliens are visiting a planet at the exact moment that the planet just so happens to be full of crazy people that claim to see aliens and make movies of aliens and seem obsessed with aliens?

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"Capitalism is dead. Now we have something much worse"

Capitalism 2.

After realizing the Godot package in Ubuntu was terribly outdated, I checked their snap store.

There are half a dozen Godot packages on Snapcraft, uploaded by random people. There is no indication of which a user should actually get, as none are "official". The one package that has a "verified" check also has a full description of just the word "blah", so it's clear it's not the real one and the "verified" checkmark means nothing.

Anyone that wants to upload something can. Non-functional, non-tested apps, others' work, abandoned apps, malware, etc.

And then the system ties your hands behind your back and refuses to let you control things like updates.

Snaps are an abortion and it has been turning people off to Ubuntu like crazy.

If you're building systems, I would assume you're the kind of person that knows how they work.

  • The system tells you what CPU it has on boot.

  • The BIOS tells you what CPU you have.

  • MemTest86 would have told you what CPU you had when you tested it after assembling your system.

  • Windows tells you what you have in Settings > About and Task Manager.

  • Apps like CPU-Z have been downloaded a billion times and tell you what CPU you have.

  • Geekbench would have told you what CPU you have and how it performs.

The article mentions someone paying a bunch for a specific CPU back in April, but then never bothered actually checking it until recently... What the CPU had written on it is meaningless. I couldn't even tell you what my current CPU looked like before I installed it. It could have said Pentium 2 or 486SX or Core i-13. What mattered was that it physically fit, the system booted, and my software said "yup, this is what you paid for."

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That is SAD.

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I have a 14 Pro, and the changes in the 15 Pro are tempting to me.

I want USB-C, I want the lighter titanium, I want the rounded edges, I want the new camera effects, I want to try the new case options, etc.

Anyone coming from an older phone would find a LOT to look forward to in the iPhone 15 or 15 Pro.

It sounds like your life is pretty sweet in order to be underwhelmed by a magic $800-$1000 device.

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My thought on this:

If it was bad, wouldn't we know by now?

SSD-only systems have been a thing for over a decade, and SSDs themselves have been around for decades.

If standard swap files damage SSDs, someone probably would have said something.

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