Ubuntu Core Desktop Delayed, Won't Be Released in April

pnutzh4x0r@lemmy.ndlug.org to Linux@lemmy.ml – 88 points –
Ubuntu Core Desktop Delayed, Won't Be Released in April - OMG! Ubuntu

Ubuntu Core Desktop will not be released alongside Ubuntu 24.04 LTS in April, as originally hoped.

Canonical doesn’t go into details about what specific issues need resolving. One imagines, given that the first Ubuntu Core Desktop release was going to be a preview and not a recommended download, it’s a myriad bugs/difficulties — ones not easily sorted.


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"Canonical announced it was building an all-snap, immutable version of Ubuntu for home users called Ubuntu Core Desktop."

I don't like the sound of this.

Yeah, it sounds like the desktop version of an Iphone.

I don't believe iOS and Android use immutable filesystems to the extent some Linux distros do, like openSuse Aeon, Fedora Silverblue, Nixos, etc. iOS and Android just make it more difficult to gain root access.

They do. By default the system partition is straight up mounted read-only.

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