Trendy to Lemmy – 1515 points –

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Just as enjoyable as 2 Year old threads showing up right in the middle of my hot & fresh feed.

This is the one that gets me. If I'm doom scrolling a community and accidentally comment on a 3yr old post, it shouldn't get catapulted into hot. Hot should be filtering out anything older than 2 days

Ah, the YouTube experience. Jeez, you guys are still talking about this? Wait, no, no you're not.

Reddit was getting pretty bad about surfacing ancient threads there, for a while. I thought they were back on their bullshit about Gamestop but no, three year old thread.

When you say bullshit about GameStop, are you talking about the memestock thing? Because they never really stopped

Yeah they've been riding that high for ages.

I had a friend lose so much money on gamestop he had to get a job as a solar salesman.

Considering I've enjoyed some of the "old" videos the algorithm sometimes sends my way, I'm not always disappointed when I find one I hadn't seen before.