Trendy to Lemmy – 1515 points –

Rather than "Trending" they seem to be newly created communities

They probably use a simple posts-over-time equation to gauge popularity, so a 5-second-old community with 1 post technically has a rate of 12 posts a minute. Very popular.

Just as enjoyable as 2 Year old threads showing up right in the middle of my hot & fresh feed.

This is the one that gets me. If I'm doom scrolling a community and accidentally comment on a 3yr old post, it shouldn't get catapulted into hot. Hot should be filtering out anything older than 2 days

Ah, the YouTube experience. Jeez, you guys are still talking about this? Wait, no, no you're not.

Reddit was getting pretty bad about surfacing ancient threads there, for a while. I thought they were back on their bullshit about Gamestop but no, three year old thread.

When you say bullshit about GameStop, are you talking about the memestock thing? Because they never really stopped

Yeah they've been riding that high for ages.

I had a friend lose so much money on gamestop he had to get a job as a solar salesman.

Considering I've enjoyed some of the "old" videos the algorithm sometimes sends my way, I'm not always disappointed when I find one I hadn't seen before.

I haven't dug into the docs so I'm not sure if this is a feature or a bug, but I've noticed that old posts will never get pulled into my instance after I subscribe. So a sub can appear empty, but then I'll click to go to its home instance and it's full of posts. Lemmy only syncs new posts upon federation (but again, not sure if that's intended/expected).

This is the biggest usability problem for me on Lemmy right now. I don't want to hop between instances.

Is that a hecking moving meme here on lemmy?

Please don't ever say "hecking" ever again. Leave that shit on reddit.

Same thing when the “hot” feed shows dozens of threads with zero comments. Idk what hot means in this context, evidently.

Hot sorting normally has some weight put towards new posts so they show up occasionally. I think on lemmy right now the weight of new posts is just way too high.

I tend to stick to top in time period, and use hot as a smarter version of sort by new.

What I don’t get is when the community has like 2,000 members but 0 posts. How is it trending?!?

maybe look at it in the original instance? it could be that your instance hasn't federated with it yet or the community's instance is gone

Meme aside this moment is so great.

Anyone who has move out of a place they feel attached to has felt this. And how empty it is without all the familiar things.

You almost want to start putting the furniture back just so you can have a few more minutes.

you're not wrong.. but because its completely dead.. Its up to end users to use it more. Users should start commenting more than you did when you were on reddit.

Experiencing the other side of this having just built a new instance. As the communities get closer to 50 subscribers, all I can think is "post, post, post"