4 Post – 347 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It’s like the original blueprints were a word document and the architect tried to paste in an image.

Horrible stuff that makes my stomach turn but the article doesn’t indicate that he was actually in the videos, simply distributing.

The adults in the videos are animals that don’t even deserve a grave.

Steamer game, represent.

For individual investors, individual stocks are not a worthwhile risk. Buy a broad scale index fund, realize you won’t get rich but you also won’t lose it all, and build for your retirement.

I bought a mesh sneaker bag from Amazon that is designed to keep them safe in the wash and it seems to do the trick each time. Just be sure to take out in the insole before washing.

Just use Firefox.

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It was to be expected, but I found Lemmy because of everything that happened, uninstalled Reddit, and now use Mastodon and Lemmy as my social media platforms of choice, so it’s a personal win.

Hopefully, as Lemmy continues to thrive, instances hold up to the pressure of growth and we see an influx of content that made Reddit so valuable to users and Reddit corporate alike.

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He sold about 500,000 shares. He owned, apparently, 3.3% of the 17.06 million total shares of the company, meaning he had a little over 562,000 shares. He sold almost all of his shares. That doesn't exactly exude confidence in future growth, IMO.

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Robert Reich posted this the other day and I can't help but think this is probably more accurate than anyone in the Trump org wants to admit.

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Anyone else remember, in the lead up to the ObamaCare vote, when the GOP used the idea of government officials (death panels) deciding who should get treatment and who should die as a fear mongering tactic?

My my my how the turns have tabled.

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This is a roundabout way for billionaires to donate to Trump without him having to necessarily disclose everything.

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For the average consumer, this would help Apple and Google out more than anything. People want what they know.

On the more savvy user side and for gamers, this move would, potentially, help Linux adoption rates.

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Women are screwed in states like Texas. This woman isn’t someone who was careless and doesn’t want to live with consequences. This is as clear cut and in line with the supposed exceptions as can be. She’s very fortunate that she can afford to go elsewhere. There are many woman who don’t have that same option. Absolutely horrible.

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It’s wild that we’re wasting lithium batteries like that.

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Dallas County Sheriff Adam Infante said that school had not yet started when the shooting began.

“Luckily, so there were very few students and faculty in the building, which I think contributed to a good outcome in that sense,” he said at a news briefing.

Maybe it’s a bad selected quote but using the phrase “good outcome” because only 3 people were shot in a school is insane, to me.

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Having a conversation about immigration isn’t a bad thing. Going in to that conversation looking to shove your view points down the others side throat IS a bad thing.

The reality is that we need immigrants to fill a ton of holes in our workforce but we also need to fix the system to allow legal immigration to be an easier process and to try to stem the tide of illegal immigration.

I don’t have the answers, but I know the problems exist and there are much smarter people who could help get ideas moving if the ideologues would get out of the way.

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That explanation that he didn’t think it would set off an alarm has to be the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while. At least as dumb as the fact that the government is going to shut down because of a few moronic house members.

Charges should be pressed, IMO. Whatever the law says about pulling a fire alarm when there’s no fire. No idea what the code is but he shouldn’t be above the law.

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He just seems like the kind of guy who’s never been punched in the face but really needs to be.

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I donated to Wikipedia, today. A few bucks to a very valuable site.

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The irony of their efforts is that it only proved to show that they could easily begin influencing users which is the key argument being used against them.

I'm still not sure what my feelings on the subject are. I don't use the app myself, but besides its connection to a company in China and, therefore, the Chinese government, it seems to do the same exact tracking and algorithm manipulating that every other social network does.

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Ain’t it a bitch when OTHERS use the right you thought only you’d be able to use? What a dumbass.

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Years ago, had a job at a public establishment. Building gets evacuated due to suspected gas leak. Four fire trucks in front of the entrance with lights flashing and an army of firemen inside, trying to find the source of the leak. In the midst of all of this, a customer walks between two of the trucks and tries to enter the building.

It was fun watching the fire fighters scold him like a toddler

I hope this is true so I can use it the next time my dad goes on some diatribe about how the democrats are ruining the country or how he couldn’t vote for any other than Trump in good faith.

If this is true, everyone who continues to support him is outright against our country.

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I know nothing about this man other than this quote, but it's fucking awesome that he came out and said it.

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Customers are terrible. I feel bad for the employees who have to clean that mess.

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I know the Fediverse loves a good “Twitter is going down” circle jerk, but at some point, we need to move on. Lemmy and Mastodon are great for me and we should be evangelizing and sharing content with others from these platforms.

This dope and the orange dope just do and say outrageous things so they stay top of mind. Don’t give them that and you take away their super power.

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Remember when he floated the idea that the DNC was keeping Biden away from in person speaking events because his mental acuity was declining?


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The guy described HIMSELF as “David Duke without the baggage.” I’ve never seen a word do as much lifting as the word “baggage” as he used it.

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Bro, there’s not an ounce of hyperbole here. Crazy…

The proposed law

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I’m all for that too, but at least they can be voted out of office. Supreme Court Justices are appointed (which I’m ok with because I don’t want them campaigning) for life. Once they’re there, they never have to leave.

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He’ll never actually do it. He simply wants to encourage more people to say outrageous things so engagement levels increase as everyone does dumb shit.

Good luck to anyone who falls for this.

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Seems like a great idea to me. Invest in the population and it’ll pay off, long term.

One of my greatest regrets is dropping out of college. I’m doing ok, thankfully, but it hasn’t been an easy path.

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I’m all for people using Firefox instead of Chrome, but RAM being used up shouldn’t be a complaint unless something else needs that RAM. If it’s there, it should be considered usable.

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Imagine the GOP being so desperate for a win, they just continue to let this guy rot them from the inside. It’s incredible the lack of balls every single candidate running against him has shown.

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Read this a week or so ago and it's a fantastic summarization of the core problem. I almost never use Google search anymore. I go between DuckDuckGo and Perplexity.

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I mean he changed his mind. That’s important and not something many people are willing to do publicly.

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This guy has balls of steel. In position for less than a year and he’s getting shit done.

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The world is already healing 🙏

Guess someone convinced him that he will wind up being charged with perjury in nearly record time. He lies about easily verifiable things. He’d be screwed.

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There was actually follow up tweets all about equal opportunity for women. It was a GREAT way to get people to slow down and read the rest.

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