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Joined 1 years ago

So this person thinks too dudes bang by smashing their dicks into each other full force? At least now I see why they might be a little concerned lol

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That's one hell of a long running sentence right there.

6 weeks? I thought everyone left that dumpster fire 8 years ago

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Protip for when you do need to reference a short like that: just replace /shorts/ in the url with /v/ and it'll be a standard youtube video, just in a vertical format.

Imo continuing to use reddit is a lot better than using Facebook. As many issues as you may have with Reddit as a company, Meta is far worse.

I sit in my open plan office all day, dreaming of the privacy of a cubicle

Yeah, nuclear is to fossil fuels as planes are to cars, safety wise. Sure it's a huge deal when an accident occurs, but that's because accidents are drastically more rare.

Oh my God you sound like me 5 years ago, back when I was an insufferable Linux fan boy, constantly downplaying every negative of Linux and pretending none of the pros of Windows existed.

I never had the balls to pretend nvidia gpus performed better on Linux though, so you got me there.

Looking up on that sub and all the current talk, sounds like there was some issue where pedos thought it was okay to post CP there, but it seems under control now.

Probably not them allowing CP in the first place, so much as them struggling to moderate fast enough at first. Make sense for communities exploding this rapidly, and nsfw communities have always and will continue to need to constantly be tightly moderating to get any illegal shit out of there ASAP.

Imo both sides of this argument are way overblown. If Karma scores affected you that much, positively or negatively, you should be taking a long break from social media and having a chat with a counsellor.

I don't mean that as an insult, it really is the kind of thing that only matters if you've gone so far terminally online that it's seriously affecting your mental health.

Imo it's because sites like reddit make communities too open. It's common knowledge that once a sub regularly makes it to r/all, it loses all identity and joins the vague soup of r/all content which everyone upvotes with no regard for the source.

A lot of people don't want one big page with all the biggest communities thrown together. They just want to follow what they like and nothing else.

That said, the chat room format of discord is a pretty awkward stand-in for a forum type of community.

My team has being trying an approach where instead of story pointing, we break everything down into the smallest incremental tasks we reasonably can and use number of tasks overall as the metric instead of story points.

In theory it's meant to be just as accurate on larger projects because the larger than normal and smaller than normal tasks all average out, and it save the whole headache of sitting around and arbitrarily setting points on everything based mostly on gut feeling.

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You know how male animals like cows and moose will fight by ramming into each other, and the winner is the one that pushes the other one back? I'm picturing that, with the same serious faces, but it's penis heads that make contact.

You wouldn't believe the number of autopsies where they found copious amount of dihydrogen monoxide, but still listed cause of death as "unknown." I've seen teachers promoting this stuff to children! WAKE UP!!!

GDPR wouldn't cover this case either. Not if the logo has no personal data attached to it

I don't think it's the start, but I think something's happening. The internet has just been through an incredibly stable period for 10 years or so, but I that finally came to an end a year or 2 back. There have been lots of smaller social media platforms popping up for a while now, and I think the landscape is finally becoming less stable and more dynamic again.

I too hate it when community focused on Topic won't shut up about Topic.

Upvotes aren't responding for me, but the comment is marked as upvoted when I refresh the page. I think it just isn't rerendering on the frontend.

Edit: same thing is happening when posting comments. I refresh and the comment was posted, but without refreshing it's marked as loading forever.

I'm of the stance that it doesn't actually matter at all if you give a platform up, it's just the overall amount of time that does. So imo there's no reason to not keep going to reddit for the stuff you can only find there.

Hell, if everyone on Lemmy never went anywhere else, all we've done is doomed the site to die off as no new people ever hear about it.

I've been on Reddit since 2012, but I haven't quite quit Reddit completely. It fills the same role as twitter now, where I go there to interact with specific communities but never scroll through the front page any more.

Hot sorting normally has some weight put towards new posts so they show up occasionally. I think on lemmy right now the weight of new posts is just way too high.

I tend to stick to top in time period, and use hot as a smarter version of sort by new.

It's giving me strong ~2013 reddit vibes, which I always thought was around the peak of the site to be honest.

I think the community system starts to break down once the platform gets too big. As reddit grew, all of the big r/all subs lost any sort of identity and became the same amorphous community copy/pasted over and over.

The downside is that we don't have as much niche content yet, but we'll see how it's looking in a year or so.

Also doesn't help that half the people supposedly in charge of cracking down on this kind of thing in the US belong in an old folks home. Most of them don't even comprehend the issue.

I'm surprised I haven't heard any pushback on it from the EU though.

5 migrants? No fucking way. 5 average citizens of any developed nation? Sure. We perform expensive and resource intensive search and rescue operations for people lost in the wilderness or out at sea all the time. And once the media brings attention to it, there's a lot of pressure to keep the funding going, otherwise next election cycle people are going to remember the current leadership as "those guys who just left some poor people to die to save money."

The problem is this is an argument of what ifs. Who knows if Japan would have reconsidered if the US had performed a public demonstration, or even just made the trinity test public before dropping Hiroshima, so the Japanese knew what was coming if they didn't surrender. Maybe it would have done something, maybe it wouldn't. We'll never know for sure, and all this arguing about the collective psychology of a large nation 100 years ago is never going to reach a point of agreement.

Oh my God it's beautiful!

I know there are a couple of other * domains, are they actually listed anywhere? feels like they would make sense to be added into the starting guide stickied here for newbies.

I'm trying out Connect For Lemmy which came out a few days ago, seems nicer than Jerboa to me so far.

I can definitely live without it, bit I do miss it a lot.

I liked my magic internet points number, man.

Meanwhile, Windows has become drastically better for development over the past few years. There are still some drawbacks, but a ton of the anti windows circlejerking in tech spaces is caused by people who haven't touched windows as a dev environment in 10+ years.

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