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Joined 1 years ago

I have cats and would never have the audacity to do something as vulgar as that.

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Oh hey, my fear. Do you have door knobs, or uh - the flat handled kind that swing down or up? I just realized I don't know what those lever like door handles are called.

I can hear one of my cats pawing at the door knob at night, he'd be getting in places he shouldn't if we had those flat kind.

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Is it withdrawal symptoms if I'm only curious out of spite?

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Lol idk if you're just rolling with the meme but yeah it would be used as a compliment, but it's unfortunately a very unintended double entendre here. I think the other meaning came from a peg board, and it's like a "I would have placed you..." thought. "I would have pegged you as burger kind of guy" for example, if someone orders a salad at a restaurant and you were surprised by that choice.

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Typically attached?? 😳

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The scariest part of going to the city is driving if you don't do it often. That's... All I can think of. I guess getting lost? I can do that in the woods too though

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I don't even know a damned thing about him, other than drug abuse. That doesn't paint him as a piece of shit to me, just sad. A man who made many poor decisions. (There very well may be shitty things I don't know, but they're loudest about the drugs)

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The implication of it being the quiet part is just that no one says it, even if everyone knows it.

It definitely took me a minute in this context, I was very "what the actual fuck" at first.

I don't know if I agree with the content necessarily but do find it funny if I'm following right.

When on the phone with an automated system, many of them will bypass to a real person if they hear certain phrases, "representative" being a very commonly used one. I think it's saying the way you say representative reflects your true self, whether you just calmly repeat "representative", or yell "REPRESENTATIVE" at the robot until someone picks up lol

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Lol, tell me you think you should be able to abuse your wife without just SAYING "I should be able to abuse my wife if I wanna!"

This is why I always say "I'll try to remember." That way I can hit them with a "SON OF A BITCH I FORGOT!". Then both parties can agree I suck and we continue doing what we were doing.

Lol this is the second time I've seen this guys deleted comments in like 3 minutes

I thought it was more of a "no, I definitely don't want to sell the rights of a movie. Well, I guess maybe if Ghibli approached me it'd be hard to say no, but otherwise.."

It's 2am and I don't care to admit how long I looked at this.

Some of the best fire starters (and unfortunately multiple arsons) I've met were fire fighters

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I think a large detterent for many is the price difference. Hershey's kind of matches that snack price for a little treat you'd find at the front counter. Going back to the good stuff and seeing it 3 or 4 times the price will lose a lot of people. There's a reason people say you get what you pay for though...

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Hey, newer homeowner here. If the housing market crashes, does that actually affect me at all? Or is it just like, I can't profit if I wanted to sell my house or some shit

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It's Japanese not Mandarin too. I see うなぎ - unagi, which is definitely Hiragana

Edit: Now that I think about it though, Unagi is written in katakana I think? ウナギ, so maybe it is Chinese and they just poorly tried to translate

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Hahah, I put Jerboa right where rif used to be, so now I end up here instinctually plenty of times a day. No complaints on my end, the apps doing everything I need so far!

Ted Bundy is half sonichu and Hannibal the Cannibal stans Trump. What a weird week

Linux has tons of perks! If you don't care, awesome! Have a nice day and enjoy whatever you want.

I don't see how this is a difficult concept for so many haha. Like yeah, you can like something and think it's a better way to do something, but I do LOADS of things the "wrong way". Who cares

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Growing up we had a cat named Remi, I would tell people his full name was Sir Remi Remington Remingston III. My mom hated it. I miss that cat, he was great

Seconded. Weathering with You is also good, but Your Name and Suzume are absolutely top notch

Sounds like rich entitled cunts

Yeah I was about to say, I quit smoking like 10 years ago. Then due to stressful situations and poor decisions making skills, I began vaping (I want to quit, fuck past me). I 100% know for a fact my lungs are way worse than before. Not as bad as when I was smoking a pack and a half a day, but I play guitar and sing often. It's noticable.

Oh my god I love this. Let the chaos begin

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Oh my god I love them. Pet them lots for me

I know no one's going to like the pay more money option, but I know on the app you can tell them to put 3x as many toppings in. It's almost TOO much, but damn is it good.

Hahaha one of my best friends is the guy who made this joke on reddit. Love it still.

Are you at least vaguely responsible? You should be fine, grow a way man!

Truth. I smoked every day for many moons, and then had to quit for job related reasons. The dreams were crazy, I went from never having them to having many extremely vivid dreams one after another.

Did you comment on the wrong post?

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Playing Splatoon with my girlfriend and death scrolling inbetween matches lol

Most people who are blue no matter who would gladly vote for 3rd parties if they were at all feasible. Republicans don't care who they're voting for as long as they have an R. If third parties enter the mix, only the left gets hurt

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I think he just needed to vent, assuming he isn't saying "Don't vote for Joe, Democrats don't do shit" sincerely. He has a point when he says they need to insert a god damn spine. But this countries politics is fucked, and there's not any systematic change that's going to be happening by the time the election rolls around. So we get what we get.

I can't stand the Democratic party. They'll be getting 100% of my votes for the foreseeable future. Yay freedom! lol

Lol what? Almost all places I know (around here at least), the power and Internet bills are paid by the tenants

I mean, buying a bottle of water is at least a dollar too.

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Best is going to be very subjective, but I'm a fan of Google's "Gboard"

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