0 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Did people actually change what they'd say based on whether or not they thought they'd get upvotes? I always just said what I wanted and used the karma to determine how popular of an opinion it was, so pretty much exactly how Lemmy works now. I don't think I ever looked at my overall account karma on Reddit.

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Really? I left on blackout day and haven't been back. I thought that was normal.

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I can't believe how many people I'm seeing who automatically assume that it's going to be an auto-lose for the right in the upcoming election. Do they not remember how everyone had this exact sentiment in 2015? We can't let ourselves fall any further by losing again to someone we thought couldn't win.

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They probably use a simple posts-over-time equation to gauge popularity, so a 5-second-old community with 1 post technically has a rate of 12 posts a minute. Very popular.

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Bold of you to assume they can walk

It's not so much that people will switch sides, it's that they won't vote at all. I know so many people who thought voting in 2016 was worthless because Trump was never going to win. Anyone who views voting as a hassle is a lot less likely to do it if they think that the results are guaranteed, so we need to be mindful that we thought that exact same thing in 2016, which caused us to get the worst president ever, and I personally believe we only won 2020 not because people switched sides, but because so many people who never bothered to vote before finally went out and did it to stop Trump.

Kid named Substance:

It's just the ever-present need to feel unique. I feel like everyone goes through it.

As we grow up we start to notice differences between ourselves and the average person. We rationalize this by assuming we're unique, when really we just spend a lot more time thinking about our own differences than we do thinking about other people's.

The reason that sonder evokes such a strange feeling when it happens is because we're usually not fully aware of the complexity of the people around us to the same degree as our own. We just pile those around us together into the category of "normal" people, while at the same time dissecting our own features to find every irregularity.

From there, we feel the need to explain the differences, usually gaining a sense of superiority, like the common "not like the other girls" sentiment, or we feel ostracized and seek to find like-minded communities to join, such as the neurodivergant groups in this case.

I'm not saying this person isn't unusual in some significant way - I'm sure they are somehow - but this understanding of how habits work is pretty normal.

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People who watch conspiracy videos tend to watch a lot of conspiracy videos, which the algorithm likes. So if your watch history suggests you might watch a conspiracy video, it'll suggest them to you so that you'll hopefully get pulled in and watch a bunch of videos.

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I didn't get the sense that they're saying China's the sole reason for pollution - we all understand that it's an issue globally - that article is just showing an example of how, instead of fixing the problem, the powerhouse countries of the world are doubling down on pollution.

The thing is that he's blind to his own upcoming demise.

He's not dying of boneitis right now, so he can make a profit and use his money to do something about it when it actually becomes an issue, but in the end, when that happens he's too late. And to top it all off he curses the boneitis instead of his own mistake of destroying the company making the cure.

It's similar to how capitalists will likely react when their homes and lives are destroyed by the byproduct of climate change - it will be the weather's fault, not theirs for choosing profits over fixing the issue.

They'll consider it if they know someone else is willing to pay it. I got headhunted a couple years ago by a place willing to pay me 50% more than I made to work remotely doing generally the same thing I was already doing in-office. There were more responsibilities, though, so I wanted to stick with my current job if I could get them to match the offer. I took it to my boss, and he agreed to match the pay, and even talked the CEO into letting me work remotely when they otherwise have a pretty strong push toward in-office work.

Now I get paid more than my own supervisor while working a pretty cushy job in my pajamas.

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This is how it works for me. The radio plays songs I'm not all that interested in, so it fades into the background and I can listen to it for hours without issue. My own songs are interesting to me, so I actively pay attention to them, but that also means I get brain fatigue from that attention.

Those are clearly oranges. You can tell by the color.

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Don't get complacent; while the policy changes are rallying Democrats to vote in order to reverse them, they're also rallying Republicans to vote to keep the regression train going.

Yeah, as much as people say they're meant to serve a different purpose, the upvote and downvote buttons will always serve as "I agree" and "I disagree" buttons.

I loved my small community subreddits, which is why I'm trying to grow them here. Reddit has shown that it doesn't care about its users, which means that sooner or later those small subs will need to go elsewhere or be trapped on a site that just continues to get worse for its users. If you actually care about the communities you're a part of, and not just about the content they produce for you, then help grow and uphold them here.

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Ultimately, we need to tip people in the short term to keep them afloat until we can work with them in the long term to get America to the standard that most of the rest of the world takes, where tipping is a special case scenario only for exceptionally good work, and never to be needed or expected.

A bread proofing box. Not only has it made my bread making attempts much more consistent, but it's also great for tempering chocolate, making buttermilk, and more!

No, those are reds.

I dunno, man. A species using up all the resources available in its isolated home, only to develop the ability to use those stolen resources to go to other nearby bodies and use up their resources as well... Makes me think of a virus. If that's how our species survives, I'd rather we didn't.

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I think that achieving space colonization will only happen if we bring this world to the brink of destruction and the 5 people with all the money at that time decide to spend it all to escape. If we do achieve harmony it'll be after those guys have already left to go destroy another world, and those left behind who survive the millennia of desolation as the world falls apart and puts itself back together again finally get the picture and treat their home with respect. And even then all it'll take is one self-centered, power-hungry person being born for the exploitation to come back again.

It does, but as far as I can tell it doesn't let you combine them into one feed.

I'm not as techy as the stereotype seems to portray, but otherwise, yeah, I'm a white guy in my 30's.

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They're trending heavily in their community, but nowhere else. It's like how a bunch of audiophiles will probably watch a review of some super-expensive set of headphones, but nobody else will be interested at all.

I don't want our whole identity to just be anti-Reddit. We should be called whatever feels most natural to say, rather than some less-fitting word with an unintuitive meaning we'd have to explain all the time. Yes, we were mostly all brought here by a common ostracization from Reddit, but we've got plenty of other content to provide to this site than just that shared sentiment. Plus, if this site is going to be successful, it'll need to grow a lot more, so it won't have this strong of feelings toward the site pretty soon.

I applied for a mortgage a few weeks ago, and ever since I've been getting literally 40+ spam calls a day. It's insane. They all get blocked, so it's not anything I really have to deal with, but my missed calls list is just a sea of red "likely spam" callers.

More like "If we further break what's half-broken and going haywire, maybe it'll stop."

Yeah, I'm old enough to think that these aren't that old.

Yeah, if we keep having this tendency to say someone wasn't too bad once someone worse comes around, we'll just end up thinking Trump was great by comparison to whatever crappy politician we have as president in 20 years.

Did you really think they'd honor a warranty from something you bought on ebay? It's a reselling site - pretty much an online garage sale. Unless the seller's own receipt from when they bought it is included with your purchase, then there's no proof that it's been 2 years since its sale.

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I find playing Nintendo games is always best on Nintendo systems. I use a hacked 3ds for all my handheld games including Gameboy, a hacked Wii U for Gamecube, Wii, and Wii U games, and a hacked Switch for everything else.

I just don't understand what you mean by "good enough to replace Reddit." Reddit is a space for a community to grow, one that has shown itself to be toxic.

When you have a farm and find the soil to be toxic, you don't keep growing new crops on it, you start over in a fresh field with new seeds that grow into a new farm. Yes, your yield will be significantly smaller for a good long time at first, but that's just the effort required to keep a healthy farm.

That's what's "good enough to replace Reddit," and why Reddit itself isn't good enough anymore; it's not about the content the community makes, it's about the safety and the security of the space in which the community grows. The content is just the byproduct of that growth.

As for what you can do to help it grow, sure, most people can't run their own community - myself included. But if you have the time to comment on this post, you have time to comment on a post from a growing community with only a couple active users, and maybe make a post every so often.

That simple effort means now that community has a third active user, which paves the way for a fourth, and fifth, and so on. It's not hours worth of work, it's really just the same effort you've already shown in this one thread.

I subscribe to a lot of channels, and they usually put out significantly more videos that I don't want to watch than videos that I do. I'll usually subscribe to a channel for a specific video in case they make more of that specific kind of video, but I won't care about their other stuff.

For example, I subscribe to the Game Grumps channel, but I only want to watch them play games that I've also played, or that I at least know enough about to follow along with the gameplay without focusing all of my attention on it. If they're playing a game I've never heard of - which they often do - then I don't care to watch it.

The algorithm does a better job of showing me the videos I actually want to see than the subscription feed does because it takes into account which specific videos I've seen and skipped for each of my subscriptions.

Don't get me wrong - the item shouldn't have broken, but ultimately, a warranty only applies to items bought from the manufacturer or one of their authorized distributors, and you instead bought from some guy who bought up some Logitech stuff to sell on ebay. You can find decent deals on ebay, but it's a risk specifically because you're not going to get any support, since you're not actually a Logitech customer, you're a customer of Joe-shmoe at ebay. Take it up with him, since it's his product you bought.

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It's new, but not original. With the recent influx of AI content that doesn't seem to be slowing down, I'd say we should make a new designation of GC - generated content.

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Inspiration isn't the same. It's more like if I found a bunch of pictures I liked, then traced my favorite parts from each one onto a single piece of paper to make one image made up of lots of small copied pieces of other people's work.

You didn't buy it from the delivery guy, you bought it from a guy who bought it from logitech. You didn't buy a new product, you bought an unopened product. It's only new when it's sold by the manufacturer or its official distributors.

I've bought unopened things from garage sales, too, but never thought I could bring the sticker with "$5" scribbled on it to the manufacturer for a replacement. Your receipt from ebay is just as official as that would be.