
2 Post – 377 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman!

EU to the rescue again!

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When your local politicians and journalists start to use Mastodon or similar apps.

Actually it's quite the opposite, some of my friends are considering buying YouTube premium and even people on the other social media sites are advocating it as the "only good subscription".

While Lemmy is gradually growing and the whole federation is a pretty good concept too I have one question about lemmy and it's future.

  1. Since it's just two devs maintaining the whole project (I know there are many open source contributors but the project is on them right?) what if they get tired of the project or go MIA? Can a fork be made and that can be maintained as a replacement of lemmy?

  2. How are and will be the SEO of the lemmy's instances? Reddit reached a wide audience due to that. It's nice to have a niche set of audience at the start but that should not be the case forever right?

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It's always good to have alternatives. Healthy competition can make them grow better too.

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Identity theft is not a joke Jim

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no wonder the board hates him lol? also how can they not know about what they are (or were) working on when they have invested a lot on a company that practically had no products (before chatgpt)?

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Yeah, if you can afford it. Buy it. If you can't, no harm in pirating it. Applies to almost everything.

I don't think irc and usenet is dead. It's still used a lot for piracy.

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At least there is a public modlog for accountability on Lemmy

This is one of the features I like in Lemmy so far. Accountability for actions.

But I see no evidence that an organized effort took place.

Reddit blackout protest clearly made us understand that if we do any sort of resistance against them they don't think twice replacing the current mods with new ones even if that can affect the subreddit. At this point, they see Reddit as a cash cow and not a people's forum. If they didn't, we wouldn't be speaking here in lemmy.

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when only 10% of your character got downloaded

headphone jacks are still available for mid ranged androids, even along with a charger. pretty much the only win we can get for purchasing a mid ranged androids.

yeah, as long as you don't specifically point to a copyright infringing content things will be fine. that's why all piracy related subreddits are still not taken down.

having no proper competitor is the only thing that's still keeping youtube on the boat.

bruh some of my friends weren't even allowed to talk to the opposite gender in their schools.

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Ability to migrate account or a community to another instance.

he is horny and you should bonk him

It was not just Apollo, there were other good clients too like Sync for Reddit.

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guess money and having a (near to) monopoly changes any company

as if they give updates to my one year old android. they never did.

No. There is no God and if there was one, most of the gore crimes in the pasage of history should have been stopped like human trafficking, slavery, child abuse and countless murders. If there is one and he is simply watching, he should not be worshipped.

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Stage 5: Acceptance

because most of the people only use public trackers and for public trackers you really don't need anything besides vpn.

while i think there are people like that i think this particular issue is a serious issue that should be handled properly. i think the conversation should have been much professional from both sides, but nonetheless this issue addresses a serious problem.

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Yep. The more I reduce using Instagram, the more I feel better mentally. Instagram has become a rat race for people to show who has a better life.

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also it has way more clients and instances than kbin

cost cutting at its finest.

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if you still have her contact details, keep being in touch. ask her for a date if things go well, good luck.

The above comment says:

I’ve never seen anyone post or comment a link to a pirated file.

proceeds to post a screenshot where they just name the site and not the particular content.

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I think it's not easy this time.

Any browser choosing not to implement this would not be trusted and any website choosing to use this API could therefore reject users from those browsers.

Seems like this aren't the only bad stuff they did

I wonder whether he ever worked 70 hours a week for some company ever in his life.

How different it will be from friendica?

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did lemmy world or db0 ever got a dmca request? you will get dmca request only when you link to a particular copyrighted content and not a website

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User and Post flairs. Post flairs is helpful to me (in reddit) when I want to find posts that are similar. Like having a flair named "Episode Discussions" for communities like !anime@ani.social can help me to go through anime episode discussions threads. This is just my own use case and there might be better use cases for post flair.

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Well, he says X is a free speech platform when it clearly isn't. Blud can't even take a joke.

the work life balance in Japan is pretty fucked up, isn't it?

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not directly related to these communities

you got your answer here, like i said above unless you let your users link a pirated version of a copyrighted material you are good to go and i think db0 takes care of it since they are more easy and vulnerable to get dmca than other communities.

imagine using Gemini for this, would be peak irony.