YouTube Music sending out more notifications

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 67 points –

People actually like features like this? For me it's a message that says "hey! You forgot to uninstall me!"

I'd agree if it wasn't a notification channel you could simply disable.

You can't? I literally never get notifications from YT Music. Pretty sure I have them disabled.

Huh? My point is that you can simply disable the new music channel.

I don't ever get them either. Not even when my favorite bands release new albums. People that get militant over this are rarely users and are just people who want a reason to shit on whatever is fashionable.

I can't believe people actually allow notifications like this...

Any app that gives me bullshit "for you" or "suggestions" notifications gets muted or uninstalled immediately.

i dont understand when people complain about this considering it's so easy to go into notification categories for an app and disable the ones you don't want