7 Post – 273 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What the fuck is up with this kind of behaviour on Lemmy tonight? So many people flying off the handle at the slightest hint of disagreement.

You need to chill the fuck out. Also, if they're a world-class projector they should open a drive-IN not a drive-thru. This is cringy ass behaviour. Smh

Man, you're a real insufferable cunt. Lambasting the "high road" while parking your ass firmly in the middle of it. Unreal.

[Edit] Isn't it funny when people act like asshokes on the internet, get rebuked for it and then delete their comments?

If you weren't willing to stand behind your comments why did you post them in the first place? This is some weak ass revisionist behaviour.

Kars 4 Kids.

This wasn't on their free time. Are you ignorant on purpose or just completely clueless?

It is when you feel like everyone owes you something. So many dudes are absolutely clueless about women. Its honestly scary how bad it can be.

Honestly, yeah. This is perfect!

Only the best bathroom cleaner ever made.

Your body and your wallet will thank you.

Dude, you took the words right out of my mouth. HLD is a masterpiece.

No idea why you're downvoted for this. Have an upvote for contributing to the thread. Interesting perspective too.

Honestly, I feel like many problems with the modern workplace stem from executives' insulation from the workforce.

This is how its done. I hope this sparks a FOSS revolution.

Maybe if they made their content affordable more people would consider paying for it. Their prices are ridiculous.

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Honestly, as a newbie to Linux I think the ratio of well documented processes vs. "draw the rest of the fucking owl" is too damn high.

The rule seems to be that CLI familiarity is treated as though its self-evident. The exception is a ground-up documented process with no assumptions of end user knowledge.

If that could be resolved I think it would make the Linux desktop much more appealing to wider demographics.

That said, I'm proud to say that I've migrated my entire home studio over to linux and have not nuked my system yet. Yet... Fortunately I have backups set up.

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He says as he conveniently ignores the existence of Boston Dynamics.

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Imagine if your ass and your smoking habit are the basis of your personality? Just wow.

Nobody forced this guy to be a soulless capitalist. He chose his career path. Oh woe is you, Phil. Must be so hard for you. /s

Weird hill to die on, friend.

The mistake is the assumption of a certain level of end user knowledge.

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We can't forget that a lot of people have absolutely no idea that this is happening or what it means. Many folks just think the Chrome icon is how you access the internet and have no idea that there are other options. Helping to educate those folks is going to be a significant part of minimizing Chrome's dominance.

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Agreed. Very well written. Clearly Leif is a person that should be a leader in the communication space. Its such a shame that we're losing him to this fight. :(

The way I see it is that when I've run out of content on Lemmy, that's my indication to put down my phone and do something else. My buddy framed it in that way during a discussion we had the other day and I think he hit the nail on the head.

Why not have a cozy pair of slippers?

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Consider getting a Pixel as your next phone, immediately flash GrapheneOS onto it and never look back. Its very easy to do.

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Interdimensional Cable from Rick and Morty is outrageous. GTA's radio stations (VCPR was the best) and TV shows are often really funny. The Pißwasser beer commercial from IV always gets me.

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The fix for this is for the guilds and unions that represent these celebrities to spin up their own instances. The suffix of the username granting the legitimacy.

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I'm all for piracy of greedy corporate media, but copyright is an essential part of ensuring that artists retain control of their creations. If you throw the baby out with the bathwater, you harm independents who might be supporting meager lifestyles on the income from their art.

This is not and never will be a black and white issue.

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Ultimate-Guitar has a massive library of free tabs. You don't need their Pro subscription.

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If this annoys you, try QKSMS instead. Go another step further and flash GrapheneOS onto your Pixel. It's worth it for the peace of mind.

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That's just how digital zoom works with modern phones. Optical zoom is typically very limited so you're stuck with digital zoom.

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If you ask me, you seem to be looking for a fight here.

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That was wild. I'd love to hear the accessibility cues he's hearing for some perspective.

Big Trouble in Little China! Great 80's action comedy with Kurt Russell and Kim Cattrall. Drink every time Kurt's character asks a question. Lmao.

Its definitely one of my favourite movies ever. Very chill and funny.

None of those tools has ever made a full releasable track for anyone, just like the tape machine never created music out of nowhere.

This hot take brought to you by someone with no intellectual property of their own, I guarantee it.

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If all you care about is money, then yeah sure. If you actually give a shit about humanity the return would be absolutely immense for society.

"Cut my life into pizzas, this is my plastic fork"

That's how it goes, right?

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No more fucking hemorrhoids!

Assault on the Control Room is epic as hell though! By far my favourite mission in the game.

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Pretty bold assumption you've made there.