Google's plan is to annoy you relentlessly until you update Messages to – 160 points –
Google's plan is to annoy you relentlessly until you update Messages

There's a new Google Messages update page that takes up your phone's entire display every time you open the app.

Granted, keeping your apps up to date is important, and this new system will help get that across to users. But weโ€™re not sure annoying the hell out of the user about it is the best strategy.


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If this annoys you, try QKSMS instead. Go another step further and flash GrapheneOS onto your Pixel. It's worth it for the peace of mind.

If only we could get RCS with any app other than Google's. I wonder how long they can gatekeep those APIs.

Is this something akin to what Apple does by adding application layer functionality to SMS messaging? And, please correct me if I'm wrong about how the apple stuff works.

No, iMessage is a completely separate protocol and has nothing to do with SMS. It uses WiFi/Cellular data, unlike SMS. It doesn't involve your mobile carrier at all, it all goes through Apple's servers. They just put iMessage (which is basically like WhatsApp or Signal) and SMS into the same app and made everything confusing and annoying to use.

I have to have MS apps for work and so have two devices, one with Lineage and one stock....its amazing how bad the stock experience is on a Galaxy Tab. Samsung and Google constantly bugs me to use apps I can't remove or turn off. Its infuriating that this is a tablet I paid for.