YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers to – 2016 points –
YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers

These tech companies have underestimated their utility. They are mostly providing mindless time wasters. If you try to charge money or create inconvenience, people will look for something else to do.

Their attention is your lifeblood, and you’re actively giving them reasons to look elsewhere. The VC grow-at-all-costs business model is fundamentally flawed. It doesn’t scale when profitability becomes a priority.

Their attention is your lifeblood, and you’re actively giving them reasons to look elsewhere.


My attention is all the currency YouTube will ever get from me - and it should be enough. If I post videos to YouTube (for nothing in return) and I talk to people about videos I saw on YouTube or link them to videos - then I am a net gain for Google and they should treat me as such. If anything, they should be working (nicely) to try to get me to want to pay (or view ads) and just be thankful I'm there if I don't pay (or view ads). Instead they've chosen to work at ensuring everyone is so goddamn pissed off at their bullshit that they'd rather make it their full-time job to never give them another dime. Good job, Google! Smart!

Edit: Oh look, half a dozen lectures about how Google has to make money somehow. Hi there YouTube shills, I thought I would see you here.

Look I hate YouTube ads too, and ads in general, but let's say every user of a service is like you. Attention is all the currency they'll ever get from you, that's totally cool, absolutely. I'm totally that way too. But they've got to make money somehow, so if you're not the paying customer, someone else has to be.

I'm not saying it has to be ad sales either, but if we want a world in which we can use services for free without ads, we need to come up with an alternative way for them to make money. It has to come from somewhere, and by the bucketload.

If every user thinks like you, then it doesn't matter how many people you talk to or share links with, you're not a net gain on their service, you bring nothing to it.

Why should they, or anybody, be thankful that you honour them with your presence, if you contribute nothing of value? What makes you so entitled to use somebody's product for free with no strings attached?

Ads suck, I'm eager for us to move past them once we figure out an alternative that keeps products in business and us receiving things for free. But we can't deny the reality we live in right now either. Even huge companies like Google (who yes, do suck) have to make money to survive.

I think generally you will find that people of this opinion hold that it is unreasonable that we have privatized basically all of the internet infrastructure. These people tend to be in favor of expecting the consumer spends more on hardware for hosting, and enthusiasts, hobbyists, non-profits, and occasionally companies develop the software necessary to make the internet function, rather than companies just paying for tons and tons of warehouses of servers, and then just forcing the software to all become fucked up walled gardens while the actual utilities everyone rests upon is left to rot.

they've got to make money somehow

But they have been, and for years. All the years I've run a smartphone Google has harvested and profited from my data. From Gmail to Chrome (before I switched) to Maps, etc - they have profited from people's data at scale. So the argument that they need to make money somehow falls flat for me.

Also, if they charged like $2 a year to block ads, plenty of people would buy it. But like most things lately, the enshitification of our user experience continues. It's not enough for companies like Google to "make money" - it's never enough and their greed has no boundaries.

That's why you see people like us pushing back - enough is enough.

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Look I hate YouTube ads too, and ads in general, but let's say every user of a service is like you.

I understand the message about needing to fund services to exist, but that stance I feel doesn't always really work too well. Since if other users were like them then it'd also mean there might be a lot of stuff that doesn't exist anymore which could be a pro like microtransactions ceasing to exist and move to subscription model failing.

And for YouTube might be completely different where depending on their taste maybe click baits turned people away if the person hated them, so those don't exist. And long winded videos attempting to take advantage of the algorithm failed if they were someone who didn't like videos that wasted their time, and everyone is like them.

Reddit might still support third party apps if everyone was like them, and lemmy bigger. That's why if everyone was like them argument is just a weird one, since it turns minority actions into a majority and changes way too many things to focus on one singular thing.

YouTube creates no content and it’s reliant on people volunteering their time and talent to them. Fuck the idea that we need to pay google to access content they only host and don’t pay fairly for.

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I will quite happily pay a reasonable price for the privilege of avoiding ads.

I understand why people block ads, even though they are a a free tier, even if I don’t agree with it.

The fact that the cost of YouTube Premium almost doubled overnight is making me rethink my ethics, when my current subscription is up for renewal, I will be reassessing whether to cease watching YouTube, watch YouTube with ads or determine another way of supporting content creators.

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You sound like you'd pay someone "with exposure" for their work.

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I pay for Premium now since it includes music streaming which is convenient to use. If they raise the price too much, I'll absolutely just go back to mp3s and deal with the ads on YouTube and just watch less content on there. $15 is about my cap before I do that.

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There are no better adblockers, uBlock Origin is all you need and is already updated to bypass it.

Unlock origin is the adblocker that people are installing. There are a lot of people with shitty adblockers out there, I guess they are switching.

I bet all those people with shitty adblockers are also probably googling better ad/YT compatible blockers lmaoo

I searched "YouTube adblocker" on both google and DDG. The first mention of ublock origin was in the 1st page of Google (just at the bottom, under "recommended adblockers for Firefox", the 2nd option). There was no mention of it on DDG, even though I clicked "more results" once (so searched the equivalent of 2 pages). The problem with Google search is not google, it's SEO, that affects all search engines.

To be fair someone that uses DDG most likely already has ublock origin.

Can confirm. I use DuckDuck Go and uBlock.

Thing is, searching with DDG takes time to get used to, as it doesn't work the same way as Google. Google uses a lot of convenient algorithms that are also a double edged sword.

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I just tried it and there's plenty of results to Reddit references to U block origin on Firefox.

You're clearly making an assumption here

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After YouTube started filling their search results with mostly shorts, I stopped using it for new stuff. It's terrible now.

Yeah youtubes attempt at being tiktok is just awful and they don't even have options to not have shorts show up in the feed. On top of shorts just being inferior versions of regular videos without functional controls

This is what gets me. Wanna show me shorts? Ok. But why the fuck am I not allowed to rewind a couple of seconds if I want to? It's an artificial, completely useless limitation that had no place in 2023.

So, no thanks.

For what it's worth you can replace the "short" in the url with "watch" to get the old interface back.

There are obviously also extensions/userscripts that do that for you and convert all shorts into regular videos.

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They're not even doing a good job at cloning TT. You've been able to seek in TT videos for a long time now lol

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Most of my browser addons are aimed at making YouTube usable. Hiding shorts is priority one

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I started blocking those from appearing when they first showed up. There are a number of ways to do it. The Blocktube extension is one.

if you click ublock, select the settings cog, then in the tab that opens select 'my filters', you can enter the following to do the same thing:

Personally I avoid installing too many extentions as they are quite literally apps that auto open whenever you just want to browse the web (regardless of if you're going to youtube, you're computer runs a youtube specific adblock)

I switched to FreeTube and now all the shorts are on a separate page I can switch over to if I feel like watching them. It's also got SponsorBlock built in. Now I can enjoy youtube with a clean, faster interface and google isn't tracking a damn thing. All because google got greedy and made their user experience shit.

Google didn't get greedy, it's doing what it's been doing for years. Before resorting to plunging us into Matrix-like pods, they're trying to squeeze some more data out of users.

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Yeah, I hate how crappy search now is.

It'll show me a couple of videos, then shorts, then some kind of recommendation list. If I actually want to do a complete search for the thing, and only the thing, I'm looking for, I have to go to advanced options and specify I'm looking for videos. JUST videos.

I don't even care about the shorts showing up in search results. What really irks me is that you get like 3 videos related to search results, then some random unrelated shit, 3 relevant videos, more unrelated garbage, and then the rest of the actually relevant videos. I am specifically searching for something, just show me the damn thing.

Yes. The way the default search now works is that, when you search you get:

  • Three or four videos that are actually from your search.
  • Some recommended playlists.
  • The shorts tray that vaguely has some content related to your search.
  • Maybe two or three more videos from the actual search.
  • "People also watch" recommendations.
  • "Shorts for you" recommendations.

If you want to get just your search results, cutting away shorts, playlists, and the recommendations that take up the majority of the search page, you'll have to open up the filters and click on "videos" on the cl tent type list. Then you actually get to see the search results.

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for real the discovery is terrible. it's all junk and it's a waste of my time.

the shorts tend to be so bad and pointless. occasionally there is someone who makes an effort, but the number of low effort and garbage ones made me stop looking at shorts ever.

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Didn’t know about SponsorBlock until all this started. So many just found out ad blocking is possible.

I only heard about AdNauseum because of this whole debacle. It blocks ads, hasn't temporarily broken (as far as I have seen), and I set it to "click" 80% of all ads it sees.

I have probably screwed whatever profile they built on me, cost the ad buyers money bc clicks, hurt the conversion rate for purchases to cost google money, and even possibly made money for my favorite creators and sites (depending on how they're paid).

Though someone lmk if I am misunderstanding something about it.

Holy crap, now that is causing massive damage to advertisers. I didn’t know this existed either. If everyone used it, the entire internet would collapse because most of it is for-profit now, unlike 30 years ago (when I made my first site in notepad).

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There’s also the option of biting the bullet and paying for YouTube Premium.

No. Never. I'd rather stop using YT at all than giving in to coerced user-tracking.

I mean, I might have considered paying for YT premium if I thought it offered some value (other than disabling ads) but I won't sure as hell pay for anything that any company is trying to blackmail me into.

I mean you didn't buy it before so why would you now? You don't need excuses. You just don't want to pay for it. Own it.

One could argue that we're paying for it without our consent, given the fact that Google doesn't pay anything in taxes. That's a cool four billion a year (at least) that they get from the American taxpayer for free.

One could argue that we're paying for it without our consent

One could argue that the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists. That doesn't make it remotely true.

Google doesn't pay anything in taxes

Uh. Google pays a shitload in taxes. There hasn't been a single year that they HAVEN'T paid taxes. They paid 11 billion in income taxes alone in 2022.

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For desktop install and use "FreeTube".

Alternatively for your android phone you can use "GrayJay"

Never. Pay. For. YouTube. Premium

NewPipe still works well for me on Android.

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Abandoning YouTube is seriously more difficult than abandoning other "non-fediverse" general social media platforms, since it's got so much useful content that gets straight up ruined by the company that owns the website.

I doubt PeerTube is anything better than Vimeo, at least for now, things can improve after all.

At this point, I don't even care about the user tracking. I just don't want to sit through unskippable ads anymore. Especially when it's the same ad over and over again.

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I love that all the centralized social media networks are scrambling to become shitty for profits right around the time users are realizing that they don’t need centralized servers to host their user-generated content. Users can take their content wherever they want and let these platforms die.

I'm not sure if we manage to do the same for video though; hosting these costs a lot more.

Maybe we don't need 4K 60FPS video to show Mr. Beast giving away more crap. Just because we can up the quality, doesn't mean we should. Or maybe client-side real-time AI upscaling will make this a non-issue.

Call me old fashioned but I'd rather see high native quality available for when it is relevant. If I'm watching gameplay footage (as one example) I would look at the render quality.

With more and more video games already trying to use frame generation and upscaling within the engine, at what point is too much data loss? Depending on upscaling again during playback means that you video experience might depend on which vendor you have - for example, an Nvidia computer may upscale differently from an Intel laptop with no DGPU vs an Android running on 15% battery.

That would become even more prominent if you're evaluating how different upscaling technologies look in a given video game, perhaps with an intent to buy different hardware. I check in on how different hardware encoders keep up with each other with a similar research method. That's a problem that native high resolution video doesn't have.

I recognize this is one example and that there is content where quality isn't paramount and frame gen and upscaling are relevant - but I'm not ready to throw out an entire sector of media for this kind of gain on some media. Not to mention that not everyone is going to have access to the kind of hardware required to cleanly upscale, and adding upscaling to everything (for everyone who's not using their PS5/Xbox/PC as a set top media player) is just going to drive up the cost of already very expensive consumer electronics and add yet another point of failure to a TV that didn't need to be smart to begin with.

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This 100%. Look at forums. Back in the early days, there were lots of little independent forums. Sites like Reddit took over because you could easily keep your identity across multiple forums and see the content from all your communities on one page. We gained convenience, but didn't think too hard about what we were losing or who we were losing it to. Then along came enshittification and we are collectively realizing what we lost. Federation is of course the solution. As I see it, the only missing piece is monetization. Platforms like YouTube make it easy to monetize page views, Twitter / X is doing the same. That's much harder in the fediverse.

Patreon for monification?

Ads suck. And honestly, if we had less content creators, they'd be fine. There are a lot of absolutely degenerates out there. Let's cull the herd a bit and let us speak individually with our wallets.

That's a fair point. Patreon, or whatever comes next, needs to drastically reduce friction. That by the way is why Amazon is so successful, reducing purchase friction. Right now if you have something that a million people will take for free, and you start to charge just one penny for it, your audience of a million will drop to like 12. Not because people don't want to spend a penny, but because they don't want to fill out a form and put in their name address credit card number expiration date security code phone number email address etc. If there was a button they could click that was like 'instant donate 5 cents' most people would click that a lot.

The closest thing I've heard to that was a crypto called basic attention token, which aimed to do just that. They are making a big mistake though in that they are only integrating with Brave browser rather than making a universal plug-in. So the idea of a universal solution is still a ways off I guess. But I think to make it zero friction it will have to be crypto based in some way.

you could easily keep your identity across multiple forums and see the content from all your communities on one page

RSS feeds have provided this experience for years. The problem is that a lot of sites stopped serving RSS feeds for their content. But sites like and openrss can be used to get RSS feeds for sites that don't have them.

RSS is great for content consumption. It's a shame that many sites stopped serving it- same thing with podcasts, now everyone wants you to listen on this or that platform instead of just publishing a normal RSS feed full of MP3 files.

That said though, RSS doesn't help for participation, it's a one-way tech.
I guess if you have forums that put out RSS feeds you could aggregate them together for post titles, but that's still clumsy. Lemmy does it much more elegantly.

My understanding of RSS is that it's basically a list of metadata and links for content... Its always seemed to me to be a great way to aggregate the content you want to see. He did specifically mention keeping an Identity across multiple forums and I'm not aware of any RSS implementation that provides that functionality though... are you? That's a huge feature to miss if we're talking about social link aggregators like Reddit and Lemmy.

One of the main advantages of RSS is that it doesn't track you or require an account for it to work. As you said it's only a XML or JSON file wth the latest items posted on the website.

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It's like we're reverting to the days you would go to, illwillpress, etc to see content from people you actually wanted to see content from. Honestly looking forward to it

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Youtube is a perfect example of why ad blockers exist. They use ridiculous ad volumes and spy on their users for data to sell.

ive had ads longer than the video i watch and then ads when that video ends

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uBlock Origin FTW!

I love that, in a competition between a corporation worth hundreds of billions of dollars and a FOSS project, all Google managed to do was annoy uBlock Origin users for like a week. I just had to manually update the extension and restart my browser a few times.

I have been lucky, no ads, no message. Probably my region gets the updates so late uBlock has already compensated.

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And they increased the fucking price for YouTube premium.

They reduced the price!

And forcibly added a YouTube music sub to the price...

The music subscription service is older than YouTube Premium. It started as Google Play Music, then YouTube Premium was rolled in, then they replaced Google Play Music with YouTube Music.

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I don't think they did a proper cost-benefit analysis for this one. Feels like the new CEO learned of ad blockers and put down a diktat.

No, I think the advertisers learned of ad blockers and started putting pressure on the new CEO. "Why am I paying you $X,000,000 for an ad buy that people can just block? And you're not doing anything about it?!"

So they put some development resources behind it, make some noise, get the internet in a tizzy, so the advertisers feel like they're being heard and listened to and some progress is being made. Then later they can say, "hey look, less than 1% of ads are being blocked on our platform but views have gone up by 6%, so we'll only increase the ad cost by 5% this year and call it even."

Boom, everyone wins and they can drop it, at the cost of just a little bit of their dignity and self-respect.

The advertisers are only paying for seen ads, not ads that are blocked.

And people that block ads weren't likely to click on any to begin with, which benefits advertisers because they get a higher clickthrough rate.

Google doesn't want to be providing a good service to anyone though, they want money. Low clickthrough with high views makes Google more money (and costs the advertisers more money and the viewers more time).

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Meanwhile, Youtube engineers and uBlock Origin volunteers are in a war of attrition, updating both the website (youtube, to block ublock) and uBlock Origin (the ad blocker, to unblock the ublock blocker) multiple times a day every day

I feel like uBlock Origin has been coming out ahead more often than not. I haven't had to manually refresh my lists for the last few days.

Yep, it's going to be a constant game of cat-and-mouse from now on. Google isn't going to relent on this.

Oh, of course not. But uBlock Origin and pihole aren't going anywhere. Hell, they'd probably have to get legislation to slow it down, but good luck fighting that battle. Hollywood's war against piracy is a good comparison.

something something offer a better service than the pirates

Exactly. We've come a long way from $6/m netflix. I would rather give up youtube than pay them $10/m. I GLADLY paid $1/m to a twitch adblocker the other day. Ill pay, but not fucking $10/m when I can avoid it with some complications for free.

I'm scared that that's the endgame here. By educating people about ad blockers, they might be purposely tanking their business model so they can cry to the government to ban ad blockers to save them.

Not even, they've already tried to make the case of Anti-adblock bypass violating DMCA and it hasn't gone anywhere. Unlike piracy where it can and is claimed as a violation of copyright law.

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Reminds me of the IM wars back in the latter 90s / early 00s. At one point, briefly, AIM and Trillian were pushing updates to negate each other every few hours.

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Spread the word to install firefox based browser, use different frontends to block youtube ads in browser, Invidious and use piped youtube apps on android to block youtbe ads: Newpipe

is there a way to simply install a addon in firefox to redirect all youtube links to piped links?

Anything that can be done to destroy youtubes monopoly is a good thing.

Not going to happen with self hosted stuff. People really have no idea how much storage or bandwidth YouTube uses.

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I had uBlock Origin installed since forever, are people just finding out about it?

Adblock plus was the standard for so long until maybe 5 or so years ago when they were bought out or something and they were hinting at letting some ads in. I think only the very online people switched to uBlock Origin before Adblock Plus tanked itself. That is all from hazy memory but it wouldn't surprise me that normies got recommended Adblock Plus and used it until it didn't work right only to seek out better options now that youtube is serving them so many ads.

That has had an Acceptable Ads Committee for over a decade now. I'm surprised that YouTube Ads wouldn't have been permitted on it.

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NewPipe in my mobile and FreeTube in my desktop. Fuck you Google

it's only a matter of time before those don't work anymore

It will always be a technology race. And it's one that so far the content platforms have lost.

Especially given they always abuse the upper hand when they have it, motivating the coding community to solve that problem right quick.

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Been using these apps for years, when YT does their crap the community gets it fixed and rolled out within a few days (worst has been two weeks).

Lots of thankless devs and contributors dedicated to preventing YouTube from screwing us over!

True, but there will be New Solutions. Or no YT for me at least. I am not willing to watch a single stupid add. Not one.

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Just this morning all the posts (here on Lemmy) were about how everyone was uninstalling their adblockers.

Why the fuck would anyone uninstall their ad blocker just because one site demands it? Whitelists exist for a reason.

I'll stop using Internet before I even consider whitelisting YouTube.

Right? I've used ad blockers as soon as they popped on the Internet scene. I hate advertisements, commercials and any kind of marketing. I don't watch TV, and when I do or it's on nearby, I get up and walk away during the commercials. When sponsored stuff interrupts a video I'm watching, I skip forward until the video returns. If I have to use a browser with no ad block, I straight up abandon most sites. It's untenable!

In general, I treat life and products/services I want like a business doing a Request For Purchase (RFP). If I want something, I'll look up companies that provide that product or service and rely heavily on the recommendations of friends, family, and community when making a purchase decision. Those who aggressively solicit me will almost never get my money or be considered.

Fuck capitalism.

To install another one that works!

That article was full of such blatantly misleading crap. Headline talks about record number of adblocker uninstalls, but the actual data says it was an uptick in both installs and uninstalls. In other words it was people cycling through different adblockers trying to find one that still worked.

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They should fucking do an experiment - 2€/$ a month for an ad-free subscription and 3€/$ a month for higher video quality+no ads subscription. I would fucking pour my money into it.

Oh wait, that would not solve lack of sponsorblock. I guess I am not interested then...

They literally had that experiment with Premium Light. €6 for ad free watching, it was all I needed. But they literally sent out a mail they were stopping this tier right before they started implementing more anti-ad blocking measures.

Oddly enough, the "lite" subscription was introduced in some other countries during the time they shut it off in the launch countries.

I wonder if they're testing willingness to spend using the cheaper sub, then pulling it if it turns out people are likely to buy the pricier plan once the lower tier isn't available anymore?

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2€/$ a month for an ad-free subscription and 3€/$ a month for higher video quality+no ads subscription


This is basically Nebula lol, minus the video quality tiering

Nebula can only afford to do that because basically nobody who subs to nebula actually watches the videos on it. They did a video about their revenue model and people treat it as a way to support the creators, not to actually watch content

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Nebula is pretty awesome and the type of content is great. I miss some light entertainment content though, so the network effect is at work. Still, nebula is the only streaming platform I'd consider subscribing as their policy is great and they do provide good value.

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Not a penny to those bastards. Should YouTube and Google along with it rot to hell, I don't care. Maybe we'd finally get better alternatives running at full capacity.

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They'd absolutely 100% be losing money with a $2 ad free tier. Ads make significantly more than that per user per month. Same with your """solution""" for higher res video. Bandwidth is goddamn expensive.

I agree, but they'd get a large number of users to subscribe.

And then maybe they wouldn't complain when they raised the price to $3. And a few months later maybe $3.50. Then $5.

A few years ago, people wouldn't have paid over $15 for a standard Netflix tier without 4K. But the way to boil a frog is to make them nice and comfy in lukewarm water, then keep increasing the temperature slowly... So even if they lose money, maybe a low price for the ad-free YouTube could make sense, from a business perspective.

Every time Netflix rises prices it makes it to the news (let alone all the drama on twitter/reddit/etc), I don't know what frog boiling you're talking about.

Yet they keep posting more and more profits. Subscriber count has only increased despite the content being lower quality and prices being higher. The fact that we don't like them increasing the prices doesn't mean it isn't working for them.

I'm not arguing it will work forever, but for now, it's been a viable strategy.

Plus, no way would it ever stay at that price. Nothing ever does. The only service I pay for now is spotting, and that's just to have ad-free music on my half-hour drive to work.

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Not everybody is.

That's the thing, even if 95% of users currently using ad blockers block ads anyway or leave the service, YouTube still wins big.

They aren't worried at all about alienating users from which they can't extract ad revenue. Those on the margin that turn off ad blockers or subscribe to a paid plan are the target, not everyone else.

This doesn't make sense because they have the monopoly on video now. By monetizing a bit they are creating a a huge demand for a competitor, risking their monopoly.

I want to believe that you are right - but don't think you are. I wanted to switch over to rumble. But, except two, none of the creators i regularly watch are there. Fine, let's try Odysee: geoblocking my location atm.

The only reason, why i use other platforms is Grayjay. It aggregates content from wherever you want and creates one feed. If it wasn't for this app, i'd probably only use YT with better adblocks.

That is the extent of their monopoly right now.

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Part of the value of a service is the size of it's user base, not just the size of the monetized user base. Right now, Youtube is just about the only game in town, but if half their users just Leave, even if it was the half that used effective ad blockers, the value of the site as a whole, for creators and advertisers both, is diminished.

That's true to all extent, but the more present online folks do end up driving behaviors about regular users as well. There was a tube when even having an ad blocker at all was a "power user" thing, now everyone does it. If they fail to accommodate the people that will put energy into circumventing ads then they will just find and normalize a new work around.

It's similar to content piracy. You will never get rid of piracy altogether, but if you make content accessible and affordable you can mitigate how common it is.

For YouTube, they need to balance how intrusive the ads are against how easy it is to get around them.

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So today I've seen this article saying YouTube failed and another saying they've succeeded because of record uninstalls of adblockers.

inb4 those uninstalls were just because they were installing better adblockers. /j

because of record uninstalls of adblockers

That's how you know it's bullshit, because every major ad blocker allows you to disable per site. There's no need to uninstall. The claim that they're being uninstalled was written by uneducated propagandists.

yeah like who has a few days of youtube ad blocking not work then goes "that's it im uninstalling this ad blocker and going back to ALL THE ADS EVERYWHERE

You vastly overestimate the average user. Probably installed an ad locker cause heard from a friend or coworker. Then stops letting them watch YouTube so they uninstall. Go to a non techie and browse the web it's insane.

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Considering that, after Netflix enabled anti account sharing, they got an increase in subscriptions, I've lost faith in humanity, and believe YouTube will succeed in the same way

But that's because most people watch Netflix through smart TVs and those TVs are closed systems that don't have apps, or very limited ones. Trying to get people who barely understand how to operate their remote to stream from their computer or other device, isn't going to happen.

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I don't know what the whole fuzz was / is about, it's years now that I unwillingly watched ads, anywhere. So easy, piehole, newpipe, avoid any Microsoft shit, you just have to be ready to learn a bit, it's not rocket science. Ok, rocket science helped, but that's not the point...

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I dont even mind ads when its like one minute for 20 minutes of footage. Pluto TV is free to use and has commercial breaks but they never really bother me because they aren't that annoying and i get a lot of MST3K before I watch them. Youtube ad are cancer in comparison.

Seriously, I wouldn't even bother futzing with adblockers on my Android TV if it was reasonable, but fucking 45 seconds of ads for every 5 minutes of content is just ridiculous. I almost wonder if it was all an experiment to see how much they could get away with...

They probably expiremented an answer to that question and came to find it was: "not enough". So now they become desperate to get out of the reds.

Same the normal ads aren't much of an issue for me, especially since some are skippabke. But about a year or so ago, I was getting 30 minute ads. They were skippable, but if I was just playing the shows in the living room while making dinner in the kitchen or whatever, I had to constantly go hit the button on the remote or be stuck watching 30 minute infomercial for a product I'd never even consider buying. Are they still allowing these long ads?

that's the funny part. i also didn't mind ads once in a while, but when i started looking for a YT solution i not only found one but i also found sponsorblock. i didn't know of it before the YT bs. now i just don't see ads at all. thanks YT!

reminds me of how bugs develop into superbugs after building resistance to antibiotics

That's a good example of unintended consequences. Another is alcohol becoming really dangerous on the black market once Prohibition happened in the US.

Drugs going through that now. I took some stuff in college. No way would I touch it today. Fentinyl in everything.

What happened to the idea of small, non-intrusive banner ads? Of course it's not realistic to expect those on YouTube and they bring much less revenue compared to in-your-face video interstitials per impression, but I'm much more likely to whitelist those.

What happened to the idea of small, non-intrusive banner ads

You answered your own question:

they bring much less revenue compared to in-your-face video interstitials per impression

And shortsighted profit driven thinking - can make a load more money now even if some users are pissed off, don't worry about long term user retention. Oh what!?! The usersbase is pissed and leaving/blocking things, better double down to keep them profits high in the mean time...

Can't believe I'm actually missing the days of the "you're the 1000th visitor" banner ads.

Good, fuck those greedy bastards. yt-dlp + mpv with sponsorblock FTW, bonus points for stopping using a YouTube account altogether and using RSS feeds for your subscriptions instead.

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I went the route of accepting their 2-month trial of Premium, and immediately disabled it from continuing after the 2 months. Hopefully that's enough time to come up with an acceptable solution that works the way I want it to. Honestly, if Premium was like $5/month, they'd get my money. But for almost triple that? Fuck no, never happening.

Triple for now. After a while they will quadruple it. People will be a paying 100$+ on subscription fees

There was a post yesterday saying that the price of YT Premium Family in Australia is almost literally doubling next month (+88% IIRC). People from a few other regions reported similar. Completely insane.

So the that Youtube's plan backfired because uninstall rates on some AD blockers increased and a percentage of those users cited "YouTube" as the reason.

I don't know if it's just me but that's a massive stretch. I would like to hear numbers from YouTube themselves before jumping to any conclusions. These companies operate on scale and usually have enough data to back these decisions. Can it go wrong, sure. Has it already backfired. Not sure.

Firefox with ublock / Libretube / Libretube with Sponsorblock / Newpipe / Piped website if not on mobile.

EDIT: I currently use Firefox with uBlock on desktop and Libretube with Sponsorblock (integrated) on android.

Does any of those support YouTube shorts?

Firefox with ublock without any problems, and on my smart tv with smarttubenext I see them as well.

Newpipe on android doesn't seem to show them, but I haven't really looked for it either, maybe I'm just missing a setting somewhere.

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I just wonder how much of Chome's browser share Google is willing to lose over this.

The article mentions people moving from Chrome to Edge to try and get around this. With how ubiquitous Chromium is as an engine behind a wide range of browsers, it seems most people won't actually move away from a browser that Google has some control over.

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My ad blocker was working so well I didn't even realize I had it installed and blocking ads on YouTube. I don't mind watching a few ads as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

I actually used to have all ad blockers turned off for YouTube because I wanted to support all my favorite creators on there. But then YouTube took away the daily suggestions because I don't let it track my history. So I said "fuck it" and turned all the adblockers back on.

Now I just support the creators I care to via Nebula and their various Patreons.

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I quit YouTube because the ads were overwhelming, and quality content is so rare.

There is a ton of quality content, I watch 3 hours a day and can't make a dent on my "watch later" queue.

News, popular science, hobbies, humor, tech...

How do you find it, all I seem to get is trash and if I have to hear the phrase "like and subscribe" one more time I'll scream?

Ironically that is how you get better content. If you don't engage and let the algorithm find you content, you're going to get generic crap. Unfortunately. You can use logged-in Youtube to find stuff and NewPipe to watch it.

I have to agree with this. As much as we all hate the algorithm because it's what brings us those thumbnails and annoying begging from creators it actually works. It just takes time to find some good people. Though I wouldn't mind a post on lemmy with everyone sharing their favorites.


Steve Mould, Smarter Every Day, Real Engineering, Vsauce, NightHawkInLight, NileRed, How to Make Everything


Joshua Weissman, Guga Foods, Sous Vide Everything, Andy Cooks, Uncle Haji's Kitchen, Tasting History with Max Miller, Babish Culinary Universe, Yueng Man Cooking


Serpa Design, MD Fish Tanks, Ben's Worx, NileBlue, ClickSpring, The Samurai Carpenter, Kris Harbour, Just Alex, Ly Thi Ca, Hoàng Huong, Primitive Skills (these last 3 are silent channels from Vietnam. I've linked them since these are hard to search for in a sea of that type of content)


mrnigelng, Will Stelter, Thack Ironworks, shurap, Frog Leap Studios, Andrew Huang, Rob Scallon, look mum no computer

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Use sponsorblock and you won't get any of that like and subscribe shit.

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There's tons of old movies and TV shows on YouTube. That alone is hours of content worth watching if you can block the ads.

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I'm guessing this isn't what YouTube had in mind when they started this campaign.

To quote The Joker, "It'll be funny if it weren't so pathetic...oh, what the heck, I'll laugh anyways!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I didn't have ublock installed on my machines. I'd removed it a year ago because it was breaking sites and my pihole does a pretty good job, but I kept getting pop ups from sites about "turning off my adblocker". I didn't have an adblocker running. I was using vanilla firefox. I got so irritated, I looked up how to get rid of those messages and everything pointed me to ublock.

So, shout out to thinkgeek for reminding me what its like to browse the web without a ton of ads. If it wasn't for your annoying popup about my non-existent adblocker, I would never have installed an adblocker.

Oh, and I hadn't realized how awful youtube became over the last year or so with the ads. I was just dealing with it like an asshole. When I put ublock back on, my enjoyment of youtube shot up!

I was considering paying for premium too because I want to normalize paying for content and supporting things I like on the web. But I was struggling with the decision because usually you either pay with your data or pay with money. In this case I know I'd be doing both since Google will gladly take my money and also hoover up my data. Then they jacked the rates up to $14 a month...and now I have ublock installed again.

Its still a problem with the apps on my phone and appletv's though. If they made it $4.99/mo I'd probably fork it over but $14 is more than my other streaming services and they create their own content. Youtube just hosts content.

Edit: how-to geek not thinkgeek. I think they went out of business.

you said you weren’t using an Ad Blocker but getting pop-ups saying you were. it’s because the pi-hole is blocking ads at a DNS level so the site detects that and sends that message instead.

uBlock will block the whole visual element FTW.

Oh, and I hadn't realized how awful youtube became over the last year or so with the ads. I was just dealing with it like an asshole. When I put ublock back on, my enjoyment of youtube shot up!

Try getting some kind of sponsorblock, too. I didn't realize how annoying those little messages were until I didn't have to manually speed through them.

God, how far Thinkgeek has fallen. Why would a retail site even need ads? You already there to do shopping. I don't think I've bought anything since they got bought out.

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I really like freetube on desktop, since I have liked the move towards less dependency on accounts. And freetube let's me have a custom feed without needing an account.

And I love the built in sponsorblock and channel blocking feature too.

+1 for FreeTube. It's so customizable. Besides the ad blocking and sponsor blocking by default, there are SO MANY features and interface improvements. Never going back.

The only problem I have with it is I can't like videos. As much as people push it, I still want to do it for the people I watch.

But that's not worth dealing with Youtube's BS

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i have yet to see a single anti-adblock pop-up on youtube lmao

Me neither. I've tested Brave, Firefox and LibreWolf+uBlock Origin on desktop. Nothing. Firefox, Iceraven, Brave and NewPipe on Android. Still nothing.

What gives?

Well, besides YouTube giving us videos without ads...

I was getting them on chrome starting a couple of weeks ago. They have gotten more aggressive over time. I switched to Firefox with ublock and I have not received a single message

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Someone please add a vivaldi-like tab tiling feature in Firefox so I can switch to it and leave the chromium cancer away.

Hey using Firefox here too, but why Chromium is so bad?

Chromium means Google gets to decide what internet standards get implemented. The existance of alternative engines (like the one Firefox uses) means that there is still some democratic control. If you care about the internet, don't use a chromium-based browser.

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Seriously just use invidious. Ad-free + doesn't hard consume your resources

Somehow, I'm not even able to see ads on my system. I have firefox with ublock, sync on my three systems macOS, linux and windows. Not a single ad in years. I've tried to disable ublock, just to see the mess, and it still wont play ads. Lol. Anyway, I will stop watching youtube before watching ads. I always watch the sponsor thing tho.

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What prevents them from going in video adds? Technically difficult? Or what?

Sponsorblock basically already bypasses this.

In video ads = no relevant ads based on the user. Less relevant ads = less revenue generated for people paying YouTube for hosting those ads. Thus, people would pay less to YouTube to host ads. Thus, less profits for YouTube.

Plus as another dude said: Sponsorblock.

I think it wouldn't be that dificult to figure out what is interesting for people watching the video since channels themselves already usually have a target audience. If I am watching a video from a dude who focus on video games or tech odds are I'd be more interested in tech adds. But if Google REALLY wants to know what we need/want then yeah maybe you're right. Shit it happened so many times me just saying the word pizza would set off a pizza ad later in my phone. These mfers want to inject ads in our souls.

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There's no reason they can't mix relevant ads in the video stream itself. It's just technically more expensive and complex.

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In video ads, even those by the content creators themselves, can generally be dealt with using SponsorBlock. This is community driven, users mark the segment of the video that's just sponsor filler or credits or whatever.

You can even get a NewPipe fork that includes SponsorBlock.

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They think they can do whatever they want but companies have been shown wrong time and time again.

As a read yesterday "we have learnt from history that we don't learnt from history".

How did YouTube become the monopoly it is? Seems they were always riding Vimeo’s coattails and have been rewarded handsomely for it.

How did YouTube become the monopoly it is?

Back then Google was "do no evil", and they had the infrastructure and the finances to support an endeavor like YouTube.

For some reason, I'd never heard of vimeo until YouTube was already the default video powerhouse.

Google was willing to lose money for awhile.

indeed, this is this unfair advantage to these silicon valley behemots.

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Send email to your fav. Youtubers to start a channel on Odyssey. Hope we get a comparable alternative. Odyssey is pretty good. Load time is less and video quality is great. Just need content creators. Does anyone know if Odyssey pays its content creators?

Like a week ago, the company behind Odyssey lost a lawsuit and will be shutting down. As of now, no one knows what happens to Odyssey in the future. Maybe some other company buys it and continues to run it. Maybe it changes into something totally different. Maybe it just shuts down.

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Umm no, NewPipe is not a website. That would be invidious/piped.

Idk if others are unaware, but there is a simple way to just google a video and not get ads. That is all i will say.

Vivaldi's stock built in ad blocking has still been working for me, have yet to see an ad.

Technology circumvention and copyright infringement are just about the only power consumers have against the near monopolies and cartel like behavior from the tech/media industry since our government regulators have been neutered.

I am grandfathered into a family Premium plan from the old Youtube Red days. The price is close to doubling come April. In the absence of competition or government intervention to punish anti-compeitive, anti-consumer behaviour I will be relying on ad-blocking and other circumvention measures next year. I am willing to pay a fair price but costs of living have gone up a lot while incomes for regular people are stagnant. The executives running these companies are completely disconnected from reality.

YouTube is like a time killing drug. I'm trying to get rid of it. Any advice?

  1. go through your subscriptions and get rid of the channels you aren't interested in anymore
  2. export subs as .json and import them into Freetube for desktop pc and Newpipe for android. Invidious and piped instances such as and also allow you to import subs. You can also import youtube subs into RSS feed readers.
  3. go into your google account settings, nuke and turn off watch hiyostory, turn off targeted ads and anything else you see in there.
  4. Repeat step 1 every so often and better curate your list of subs. Your feed only contains the videos you want to see first in formost and not what the algorithm wants you to see. When you do have to use youtube itself it will be limited in how much data it can collect off you.

If you're looking for advice for a less-addictive video service, and you want to support creators, Nebula.

New Pipe is also a great little YT client, less addictive in that there's no suggestion algorithm, so you need to know what you want to watch.

Don’t install an ad blocker. You’ll be looking for something else in no time.

Honestly, Google did this to themselves with not properly vetting the advertisers that they sell space to, and with oversaturation of ads.

If they'd have stopped granting ad space to scammers and malware spreaders, and if they'd have stopped adding advertisements at the line most people find tolerable (which seems to be a single ad between videos... not multiple at a time, and certainly no mid-rolls), they wouldn't have triggered quite the level of ad blocking that they did.

I see this "problem" that they have as being entirely of their own making.

but i saw another article saying that adblocker usage dropped by like ... meh i dunno 80% or some awful figure that I didn't want to believe.

i'd rather live in the version of the world where this one is true, that nobody is installing adblockers, but i know better (sometimes) than to simply succumb to confirmation bias...

if youtube were smart though, it'd make ads less shitty, intrusive, and obnoxious.

If you read the article (or the comments), you'd know the title is misleading. People are uninstalling ad blockers because they're installing better ones.

ahhhhh there it is.

so the other article was akin to youtube celebrating that the car that ran them over stopped, without acknowledging that it only did so to shift into reverse and back over them again. heh.

I saw that one from Wired but didn't post it because the body itself referenced increased installations of some adblockers. The title seemed like a strange conclusion to draw from it all.

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Next logical step is to modify the uploaded video itself to contain ads around the video frame or on automatically detected clear surfaces in the video.

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