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Joined 1 years ago

Schlongs of Skyrim, Apocalypse Magic of Skyrim, Interesting NPCs,

And I can’t recall or find the name of a follower that had really enjoyable voice acting and can process based on your preference.

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Alas I have no idea having only modded on PC, but I bet they would.

And this is where it died 😢 what a better time than beans and jeans.

an extreme example of a phenomenon that academics call “internet banging”

Really? We call it that?

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Hear that everyone? He’s worried about the assholes and not any cockamamie abstract ideas!

For me, it was their lack of attention to the bugs and crashes and pushing other unfinished and paywalled content.

When they patch things “should” work as described and still don’t.

And mash!

And what will the consequences be? Nothing.

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Oh wow! Slammed by using boilerplate legal jargon. It must sting.

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Obligatory Shit is fucked up and it’s child abuse for profit and sometimes paid for by tax dollars.

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Yes, yes buy. Do not sail the high seas.

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Let me guess. Food? Housing? Clothes?

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1.6 has been worked on for a while. Small content update but is going to make modding easier or more robust. 🤞

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And profit! Don’t forget profit!

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Oh posh posh. Just join the Linux bandwagon.

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Good. This is some common sense gun laws I think people could get behind. You can keep all the guns you want but if you fail to secure them you’re held liable. Maybe more people will not keep a loaded gun unsecured and accessible to anyone let alone children.

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I have to have adobe installed on my work computer and fuck it’s intrusive everythingness. Fuck em.

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Yup. From the government. Not your employer.

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Never ask a question in that setting where you don’t already know the answer. Step one is doing the investigation and then get them on record.

Because they have to comply with lawful subpoenas for free.

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Maybe put more effort into it, like you should have with this post.

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Unfortunately any theology shouldn’t impact lawmaking.

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Is it a gay agenda if there’s no brunch?

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The way you phrased the question is a tad bitey.

That person may or may not be immunocompromised or they are caring for someone who is and are taking precautions.

Why does it matter if someone chooses to wear a mask or not? Maybe it’s a great excuse to avoid facial recognition software.

Change the view that if you have a contagious illness that wearing a mask helps prevent the spread of it? Never gonna change. I don’t wear one daily but choose to if I start showing signs of a respiratory illness because it works and I care about people around me.

It’s not what the article says. Still interesting application of mixed 2D/3D technologies. Always hopeful that these energy developments leave the lab though.

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Witness the violence inherent in the system!

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Power and control. To protect and serve the ruling class interests.

No disagreement, but the horses are already out the gate on this one. Gotta support who we got, unfortunately.

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Thank you. I am saving this for future use.

On purpose though? Estelle Getty played the oldest but wasn’t really.

Honey, welcome to life.

Neither is Israel?

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Shock. A billionaire who only cares about themself?

Oh jeeze that is worse.

Ah so you stoop to name calling to give your argument credence.

Windows key + left or right arrow key will blow your mind.

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Is this old or was there another?

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If you’re so displeased go moderate your own instance.

Released in 89 and stayed on the charts through the 90?

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