3 Post – 414 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It being a third-party investigator means they aren't "investigating themselves."

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There are common, well-known tracking parameters that Google uses such as the ones starting with "utm_"

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Developers? Panicking? Developers will rejoice that they don't have to build these garbage mechanics. Publishers and game studio execs? Yeah they'll panic

Not sure about "unnecessary." 5% works for Ukraine but also it has a much smaller land mass. You can't use that 5% to protect the entirety of the US' borders along with every other place we are stationed along with the required ongoing maintenance

I'm not saying the budget isn't ridiculously high, but also saying it's unnecessary as a whole is just incorrect

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Slur? That's not a slur. Fuck outta here with that

I've been seeing it more regardless of group size. I went to a restauraunt alone and they had the audacity to charge a service fee and ask for a fucking tip

I wouldve tipped more than the service charge! So I gave nothing instead

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Nobody's really hiding the existence of slaves, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say here

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You've tracked them, but that doesn't mean you've followed up at every second of every day to see if the company still exists.

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You just have to move to the new API which is still free, the old one is temporarily still available by paying

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If you have a masters and 20 years of experience, you're pretty much guaranteed to have a job that has the health insurance to pay for all of that. If you don't, then you need a new job

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To be perfectly fair, the world has always been screwed up in a hundred different ways at any given time. It's just more immediately visible to every single person these days

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They may be the bad guys, but they're not necessarily bad guys

You can be a perfectly good dev and not enjoy working in the cli, especially when there are good enough alternatives

Google DOES make money from ads. A metric tuckton of it. Why the fuck else would they need your data other than to serve better ads???

They'd absolutely 100% be losing money with a $2 ad free tier. Ads make significantly more than that per user per month. Same with your """solution""" for higher res video. Bandwidth is goddamn expensive.

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Captchas pretty much worthless. They're easily bypassed for basically free. You're better off putting your instance behind Cloudflare with their captcha

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You just need to move to the new API, which is free, the old one is still available temporarily if you pay

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That's mobile first done badly. You can have a good desktop design while also looking good on mobile, you just have to care even the slightest bit

If you didn't read it, fuck off and don't reply. I decided not to read your comment beyond that because you're an inconsiderate cuss.

It can often take longer to get what you want out of it than it would've to have just drawn it. I've spent 8 or 9 hours fiddling with inputs and settings for a piece and it still didn't come out as good as it would have if I had commissioned an artist.

I've been using it to get "close" then using it as a reference when commissioning things

The only objectively wrong option

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To be completely fair, a layer builds up in the pipe which stops the lead being an issue unless you royally fuck up like Flint. That said, it still should've been fixed

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Have you even used Lemmy for anything except meme reposts?

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To be fair, most people aren't driving across the US on an even yearly basis, if ever in their lives.

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My roommate stomps around like he's a 600lb land whale. He's like 140lb. I'm a bigger dude and sometimes people don't even hear me coming. Be considerate and walk like a normal person

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I mean, to be fair, slavery is slavery whether there's a "good reason" or not

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Variable taxes based on region. The rates don't change within a single store, which is where all of the labels are printed. Just print the label with the tax added.

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Nebula can only afford to do that because basically nobody who subs to nebula actually watches the videos on it. They did a video about their revenue model and people treat it as a way to support the creators, not to actually watch content

I'm working on teaching the significant how to cook... It's difficult at times because he thinks I'm being overbearing at times when, no, if you do it that way you risk slicing your fingers off. Please, you worry me

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Recover your freedom? So you're not free and are forced to work? Sounds like textbook slavery, to me. Indentured servitude is still slavery

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Yeah like that time Obama had it?

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So it's not Firefox

Oh man, guy saved 3k a year, so rich /s

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JWST isn't going in circles, it's orbiting the sun. If you look at it relative to that, then it looks more like a sine wave rather than going in circles. However from the perspective of the earth, it looks like it's going in circles

I would love to see him blatantly admit to illegal activity

The first all hands meeting (within three days of being hired) I had at my new job was the CEO talking about legal allegations and indicating he's going to be much less involved in the day-to-day. Apparently he was pretty well known for being a massive dick and berating employees.

On the bright side, I've not had to deal with him once! In the last year-plus I've seen him comment on two tickets regarding bugs, but that's about it. We've not had a single all-hands since then. I just started at an unlucky time, haha

Finally I can buy one

I've been holding off on getting a steam deck since I wanted to get their second version rather than being a beta tester for the first

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Invisible captchas are about as useful as graphical ones and are significantly less annoying to the end user

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I'm a pretty senior dev and have chat gpt open for quick searches. It's great for helping me figure out what to Google in the cases where I can't think of the name of a pattern or type I'm looking for. It also helps quite a bit with learning about obscure functions and keywords in SQL that I can do more research on

Hell, I use Copilot daily. Its auto complete is top-tier