Zelenskyy fires recruitment officials for accepting $10,000 bribes to help Ukrainian men dodge the draft: 'bribery during war is treason'

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 1418 points –
Zelenskyy fires recruitment officials for accepting $10,000 bribes to help Ukrainian men dodge the draft: 'bribery during war is treason'

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I mean, to be fair, slavery is slavery whether there's a "good reason" or not

You generally don't get paid for being a slave, nor recover your freedom after the crisis has passed.

Recover your freedom? So you're not free and are forced to work? Sounds like textbook slavery, to me. Indentured servitude is still slavery

You are forced to go to school, you are forced to work to earn your life. Are those slavery too?

There a huge difference between parents making a child do something, with basically no legal repercussions if they don't, and the government forcing an adult to do something against their will at the threat of prison.

They are all restricting your freedom because there's a consensus that it helps the group in general.

School doesn't kill you. I don't even qualify for the draft anymore and I know it's fucking vile.

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Forced labour and servitude generally fall under the umbrella of slavery, according to the USIDHR at least

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