5 Post – 291 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'd love to see some stats on reddit engagement now. Anecdotally, I logged in just to look at my usual subreddits (the ones that are open) and they seem dead.

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I think this must be a cultural thing because no one in the UK sends SMS messages. Everyone just uses WhatsApp or signal or telegram. I'm android and have literally never had anyone mention the colour of my bubble. I didn't know this was a thing!

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Why would anyone date a conservative, it isn't safe?

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I feel like I got out just at the right time!

It's such a shame that everything has to be commodifed. Being on lemmy, free of ads and financial incentives is such a breath of fresh air. Community and sharing ideas shouldn't be driven by money.

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If someone's beliefs are a danger to my life or others' then yep, I won't be pursuing a relationship with them, romantic or otherwise.

Yeah, I love my phone and the whole world it opens up, having access to so much information in my pocket. But I also hate how tied we are to them now. I bought tickets for a gig recently and the only way I can access them is by downloading an app (that I'm only going to use for this one gig). What if I didn't have a smartphone? What if I didn't want to take a smartphone to a gig? You aren't allowed to go to this gig without one, and it's a small thing, but I don't like how the option is out of your hands.

Pretty much every supermarket in the UK now requires you to download an app so you can access their offers. I hate this so much.

9 more... has been down a lot, I've been trying to use it but half the times I've logged on it's been down. So that might be part of it?

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Google is unusable now. Google images is the worst.

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Can someone tell me what Mastodon is like please, I have social network fatigue and can't be bothered to try another one? 😅

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It has been photoshopped more than these agencies allow, and the reason people are interested is because there is a lot of speculation right now about where Kate Middleton actually is.

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Fuck Google. Fuck YouTube. Let's build the internet we want and deserve 🥰

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It depends, does your article reference a verified report from a rape crisis centre and a text apologising for the rape from the rapist?

Surely there are easier ways to destroy it without making himself look really, really dumb.

I don't think it's they deep, I think he's just quite stupid.

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More fragile than based.

Children shouldn't be punished for the crimes of crazy men.

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Yeah this is what I do. I tried gestures but I really prefer the buttons.

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Absolutely not. It's slavery, and forcing humans to kill other humans for the cause of some sociopaths that hold power is abhorrent.

My great grandad was conscripted in WW2, he escaped twice just so he could hold his baby daughter. Good for him. I might not have got to meet him if he hadn't done that. Seeing his friends get blown to bits for nothing changed him forever.

I think it must be a federation thing? I have the same problem and would like a definitive answer.

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Thanks mate.

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Of course.

I'm using Lemmy on Connect, I really like it.

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Gaza is only 25 miles long. The furthest away I could get from my neighbours right now would be the next town over, where 1 million people already live and there is limited food and water. Have some compassion ffs.

And bombing civilians is a war crime, so no, it doesn't happen in a war zone.

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I threw a work party and it turned out to be really fun. Everyone got drunk and silly, some people danced, someone people sat by the campfire, everyone ate way too much food. It reminded me why I love my workplace so much.

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I'm in the UK and Imo they're not good people. I know several tattooists who have been threatened/had their place trashed by them when they've opened a shop in my city.

I also went to a Hells Angels bar once when a music event was being hosted there and they were awful people. Charged more for drinks if they didn't like the look of someone, one guy threatened me because a glass fell on the floor and smashed (it was nowhere near me) and made me clean it up. I'm a small woman, I was scared, so I did it and left 😬

Not really, one of the women went to a rape crisis centre right after he assaulted her and the investigators were able to verify this, as well as text messages between her and Brand where he apologised for raping her. The MET are asking for other victims to come forward so I think it's unlikely the end.

Well yeah, of course he's gonna say that.

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Probably not, in a previous job my hair (wig or real) had to be a "natural" colour.

It's just a fact, I don't think it needs to be funny or clever.

Seriously, wtf is up with that subreddit. I got banned for saying maybe it's not ok to shoot people in hospitals.

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Have I just gone into the past?

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The modifiers haven't seemed to work for a long time.

You have to go to things where you regularly see the same people every week or month. This is the only way.

Outside of work, my partner and I made most of our friends through music events. Going to the same kind of events a few times a month and spending time with the same people. We aren't having kids so it's been nice to meet other people in their 30s who also don't have/want kids.

I agree with you, don't shout at me please 😭 I just can't use ublock on my TV and I'm too lazy to plug my laptop in.

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Rich people will get safe abortions, people without money will find other ways to have abortions that risk their own life.

Insane 😆 Is Elon actually trying to tank Twitter completely? I don't understand it.

There isn't anywhere safe in Gaza right now.

Like what Hama's did? Ya, forget terrorists dont have rules didn't you?

We aren't talking about what Hamas did, obviously that wasn't ok?

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Yeah agreed, I guess it's prayer rebranded for people who wouldn't necessarily be religious otherwise.

My parents have fully bought into it and it's taken over their lives. They're constantly focusing on their ideal future rather than enjoying what's in front of them and it makes me sad.

You can say the same for lots of things though. I think if we want to take back control of discourse then we have to accept the cost.

An example from a world I understand - putting on and taking part in free parties (in the UK and the rest of Europe) has a financial and time cost. But people put on these incredible festivals not for financial gain, and not to even break even as there's no charge to get in, but because they love music and community. Some things are more important than profit.

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I'm sure they care about both of those things.

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Yeah I got the same!

I've been using ecosia instead of Google for a while and I like it.

Edit: ecosia gives you the alphabetical list