Spelling rule

Lazylazycat@lemmy.world to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 264 points –

I will never in my life spell "maitenence" correctly without spellcheck/autocorrect.

Good try my friend.


out of curiosity, do you speak french

Not very much. I took two years of it in college, but I'm a poor student of language even by United States standards. I was a middling speaker, and my reading & writing comprehension was frankly pathetic. How come?

Govern -> Government
Settle -> Settlement
Judge -> *Judg*ment

I advocate for "judge" to be spelled "judg" for adherence to English standards.

Holy shit, I've been spelling it "judgement" this whole time.

You know what? I'm gonna keep spelling it my way. I don't fucking care if it's "wrong". I'm over my grammar nazi arc, we grammar anarchy now.

I advocate for fucking up all the other words for adherence to English standards.

The educated knows to avoid pitfalls. The educated knows how to do maths with imaginary fingers. The educated can sing the alphabet song in their head to figure out which letter comes before or after.

The inteli–… intell– Intel Ligent™ person knows to live and breathe the weaknesses their own stupidity brings.

“Restaurant” eludes me and I spend like a decade working in them.

Res Taur Ant

Meaning resurrect the Tauren over there named Ant. Just play enough WoW raids and you'll lern spells real good.

I play almost exclusively Tauren Druid, so now I feel silly for never making this association.

Yep, I have to say "rest-au-rant" in my head every time.

Absolutely. Every time I’ve had to fill out a job application and don’t have autocorrect at my disposal, that’s how I’m doing it.

Yeah why is the “d” still in Wednesday when you don’t pronounce it? Even other Germanic language have removed it. Or do English speaker still honor Odin/Woden?

I'm in this picture and I don't like it.

That's not your fault though, it's the weak, stupid, uneducated language