
217 Post – 410 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

She / They blobhaj, flag, bisexual

Yuri lover with Touhou brainrot.

Please don't use the forbidden dildo.


I love it.

But also, aw my eyes!

  1. Just because reaching a true utopia is not possible, it doesn't mean we should settle for an economic system that is literally destroying the planet.
  2. Despite what both conservatives and tankies want everyone to believe, marxism and comunism are not the same thing. All marxists are communist, but not all forms of comunism are marxist, there's also anarchism, democratic confederalism and libertarian socialism.
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Ok, boomer.

No 🌈🌟

Never I thought I'd be reading about a wheelchair locked behind paywalls. What a ridiculous world we live in.

Edit: I'm glad you figured something out and that those profiteers won't get a cent out of it.

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You skipped the last one

Q: What lessons should I take from this conflict?

A: That dehumanization begets dehumanization, terror begets terror, and none of us will be free until all of us are free; or, you know, that it might be easier to just look away.

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Technobros and a tenuous understanding of how the real world works, name a more iconic duo.

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You wouldn't download a linux

"Not gay as in happy, but queer as in fuck you!"

TRANS RIGHTS blobhaj, flag, trans, transgender

"In English, we don't have a word for spicy" - Neil touchgrass Tyson at a linguistics conference.

I'm starting to suspect that being good at astrophysics doesn't mean you're automatically the best at everything else too.

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For the lazy:

"Democrats have always fucked me over but I keep voting for them because the alternative is actively more harmful".

No, I don't find it touching nor powerful. This is a celebration of the failure of the 2 party system.

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"Women bad, they're so emotional, unlike me"

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He's never been the same since the xnopyt incident...

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"Are you gonna start cracking horrible jokes now?"

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You put the picture of Mussolini upside down.

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Now we also have climate dread and mass surveillance.

Wow! They're finally building the torment nexus from the book 'Don't Build The Torment Nexus'.

I'm gonna need some source on the Portuguese origin of 'ne', it sounds too much like the misinfo that arigatou comes from obrigado.

(I'm so funny at linguists parties)

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If the West falling means we get more fit women with abs, good. Let it all crash down.

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Every billionaire has enough power and influence to change the world on a whim. And every morning, every single one of them wakes up and chooses to be evil.

Imagine having so much money that you could never spend it all your entire life and your first concern is to hoard even more of it.

The more savy billionaires at least try to hide behind their "philanthropy", but it doesn't take too much digging to find out that those ventures are actually run for profit/propaganda.

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Based take.

I swear, if you could teleport some people back to the French revolution, they'd be like "No need to protest, the king will give up absolute power on his own if we keep asking nicely" 🙄

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Oh no, if people remember that games are supposed to be good, no one will buy our lootbox-infested crap anymore.


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I like the idea, but realistically those bastards would probably find some backdoor deal so they can both profit off of you.

Capitalism doesn't need to be fixed, it needs to be dismantled.

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You gotta keep up with the patch notes.

boykisser indoctrination meme

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I wouldn't define it as safe and happy when it's full of toxic masculinity.

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I like all three :3

There's a game called Suck Up that is basically that, you play as a vampire that needs to trick AI-powered NPCs into inviting you inside their house.

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Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

How many things will we let them ruin before we finally learn that corporations cannot be trusted?

What installing Arch does to a mf

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I was today years old when I discovered mongolian goth.

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Neurodivergence is the white space.

Real manly men only think about other manly men.

Think of the children!

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Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.

I doubt the mermaids have neoliberal capitalism though 🤔

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The busty mommies are aimed at the female players.

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