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Joined 1 years ago

Technically I'm an archaeologist, I guess.

Nobody's saying your dipshit child doesn't work hard. They're saying he has access and opportunities few others do.

Is the only reason he's in a position to be cast for roles that you're his parent? Probably not. Is a reason he's in a position to be cast for roles that you're his parent? You're stupid if you don't think so.

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I'm pleased that she's experiencing the fallout from all this, but whatever logic she used to calculate that political risk is baffling.

Four John Wick movies have grossed over a billion dollars on the conceit that harming a dog is a legitimate emotional catalyst for someone to kill 450 people.

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Sure, today is worse than yesterday. But at least it's better than tomorrow!

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Today is worse than yesterday. But at least it's better than tomorrow!

In seriousness, though, your 30s will be considerably less garbage than your 20s. Stuff on your body is gonna begin hurting more, and that's dumb, but you'll generally have fewer hangups about things and life's day-to-day gets more enjoyable.

The world is a flaming hellscape, but not every individual moment has to suck. I figured that out in my 30s 🙃

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I work in higher education, coordinating advanced degree programs. This situation makes me think of half a dozen research faculty I know personally that behave the exact same way.

I'm not of the opinion that people of advanced age are automatically less competent, but it's a fact that age-related cognitive decline is a thing. People persisting in important decision-making positions after such decline cause immense and compounding problems.

It'll never happen, but I'd love for us to collectively decide that a particular age range is the end of a person's professional life and the beginning of something new and exciting and also dignified. I'm aware of the cultural reasons that it can't happen in this particular time and place, but it would improve things a lot if it could.

If they wanted me to read about their scam, they shouldn't describe it over a stressful image of red wine and an open flame resting on a 1x6 on a beige couch.

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Don't forget postal workers!

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I love their recipe for no bake cookies, though! Just 12-15 minutes at 375°, and you're good to go.

Nanny state foolishness. It's just crewed spaceflight, not rocket science.

We introduced a ton of clover into our lawn 4 years ago and have been letting it self-seed & spread. It's been great.

My boomer-y neighbors don't like it and make comments, but ours is the only green lawn for several blocks because it hasn't rained for shit all summer. Plus we have wildflower areas so we also have all kinds of bumblebees, butterflies, and dragonflies cruising around.

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What's stopping you from switching to iPhone?

My lack of desire to switch to iPhone.

This Stanley cup thing is pissing me off because I have one of those green trigger coffee mugs that needs a new lid. You can't get replacement parts for practically any Stanley cup.

I could get a different coffee cup, but why should I change when it's these TikTok water cup weirdos that suck?

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Big fren!

I hated every moment of school. It was miserable from start to finish, and I wouldn't go back if you paid me. I wish I would have thought to drop out at 16 and get my GED.

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Cheese apples sound bomb.

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Decent quality automatic cat feeders.

We have 3 cats, and I resisted getting autofeeders for 5 years because it felt silly to buy what amounts to three $75 food bowls.

They paid for themselves the first weekend I didn't have 3 razor sharp dickheads screaming at me to feed them at 5:15 AM. I should have bought them years ago.

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I microwave at lower power settings for longer times, and I stop to stir and taste at regular intervals. My microwaved food is usually the temperature I want it to be.

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A story as old as time.

My mom got me this "protection" charm from a woo-ass lady at a farmer's market once. It was cool looking, so I wore it on a tight necklace that couldn't slip over my head, and I never took it off.

A couple years later, I was in a nasty rollover car accident that could easily have killed me. I walked away only mildly banged up. I realized later that day that the necklace was gone. I scoured the car and even went to the crash site looking for it. Never saw the thing again.

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Do you live in the US? If so, what region? Wanna go to a movie sometime and then get pancakes & talk about said movie?

I wouldn't say that I have zero friends, but I certainly don't have the social circle I wish I had. That worries me for my own future. I'm gonna die someday, and I don't want to slip into the abyss feeling totally alone.

And the fact that I don't seem to be an outlier makes me worried for the future health and resiliency of entire communities.

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Right?? Those are amateur numbers.

I mean, they do that every year, but they did it this year, too.

Hit me with your top flashlight fact.

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Thanks for clearing that up.

I'm visualizing the experience, sitting in a 10'x12' room, and totally unconstrained. Just that makes me feel anxious.

I think that I'd have a mental break in less than a day. Probably in less than a few hours.

I couldn't do it.

Someone broke into my car once and just moved everything from the trunk into the driver's seat for some reason. They didn't even steal any of my tools, which was honestly a little insulting.

Reject humanity, return to prokaryote.

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I wish I would have thought of it first this time 😔

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I can understand having 2 or 3 to make sure you're drinking out of something clean without having to disassemble the whole thing every day, but a friend from work showed me how some people have like 20 of these things. Defeats the purpose of a reusable cup when you have a couple dozen.

Like you said, though. These aren't being used for their initial purpose. They're decor for lots of folks.

...which honestly wouldn't upset me so much if this automotive o-ring I'm using on my lid right now didn't leak and/or they'd keep their hands off the other less twee Stanley stuff. I like my mug.

I worked at grocery stores for 7 years in my late teens and early 20s. People who don't use cart corrals deserve nothing.


Chocolate milk.

I don't get it often, but I get psyched when I decide it's time.

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Plus, I'm pretty sure that days are always about 24 hours long 🙃

I was a union organizer for a while, and I see some loose similarities with the API shenanigans and the blackout.

It's always the militant 2-5% that's ready to go to the mattresses agitating for action getting backed up by another 5-10% that are a little more pragmatic.

The remaining 85% is made up of people you'd almost believe are managmenet plants and others who seem to simply accept that management's point of view is automatically correct. You know. Libs.

A protracted thing with management can almost never happen because of that dynamic. Assuming you can even get a critical mass of people assembed as a show of force in the first place, the whole thing starts coming undone if there's not immediate results.

The rank and file will abandon you the moment it takes more effort than doing literally nothing. The shills who got in your way the entire time will say they told you so. The libs will be like "good try, gang. we really got that conversation started! Guess we better get back to work, huh?" The vanguard will be upset that more aggressive measures weren't taken. The pragmatic group will try salvaging and spinning what they can.

Some time down the road, those slippery slopes the activated 15% warned about will turn out to, indeed, be slippery. The shills will not recignize or acknowledge the fact. The libs will go all pikachu face. The pragmatic activists will invoke past struggle and try to cobble together a response. The vanguard will have stopped organizing out of frustration or burnout, and a new one will have take. its place

In a way, the current Reddit situation feels analagous to that.

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With that baby around, I think it's you who needs to worry about surviving a 20-story fall.

I'm a disability spouse, and this aspect of the whole scenario makes me so angry. It's not that they're ignorant and dismissive of people's accessibility concerns, it's the manner in which they're ignorant and dismissive of people's accessibility concerns.

I'm not from the south, but I used to work in warehouses where the summertime was quite hot. I wore a kilt, and it was amazing. This kind of kilt. They're more comfortable than shorts when it's hot.

Every warehouse I worked in either never articulated that we had to wear pants, or they had an actual written policy pertaining to skirts. (usually for office staff). The guys would bust my balls for a minute, but a bunch of peripheral things would usually shut that down pretty quickly.

They don't affect your mobility, and since it's inadvisable to go commando, anyway, there's no issue climbing ladders and whatnot. I always wore lightweight boxer briefs underneath super bright plaid silk boxers so I could be cheeky about the whole kilt thing if anybody did try sneaking a peek.

I feel the complete opposite!

It stresses me out to feel encumbered on a plane. I don't mind waiting at a carousel for a while to get my luggage if it means I can board with nothing but headphones and an overpriced pretzel.

If they lose my bags, I'll get them back eventually. It's not like they don't have stores at [insert destination].

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Eskimos have a kabrillion words for snow.

Indigenous Alaskan/north Canadian languages have a few more words for snow than English, but it's not that that much more.