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I think it’s a combo of the two. I watch a lot of panel shows and the first thing that comes to mind is pandemic filming. It actually was a bit awkward at first not to have the studio laugh because it was traditionally filmed with a live audience. That’s still half an argument as certain shows will have cues for the audience.

At the end of the day we are very social animals and appreciate feeling emotion together so if we find something funny/scary/exciting we get positive feedback when others around us (at least sound like) they feel the same. It’s the main reason a decent amount of people enjoy going to the movies.

This will fall flat when laugh tracks are added over frequently; but when used properly (and with actually good jokes) they encourage the audience to fully engage.

Imagine the embarrassment of being the only person to clap/laugh/scream at a performance; thats the intended buffer for ‘canned’ responses.

Edit; when I started this comment there was only one response. What I cover was also brought up by other commenters, but I’m slow at typing while I’m sleepy (RIP)

I’ll be a minority voice considering the other comments. But maybe just pay for onlyfans or whatever you guys use. I’m a generally attractive woman (I can surmise from interactions while trying to date) and I really don’t like the idea that my likeness would be used for something like this. Get your jollies off, but try and be a bit consensual about it. Is that so much to ask?

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It's a long video posted by YouTube creator HBomberguy regarding plagiarism on YouTube. If you watch/listen to video essays on YouTube it's worth a play.

TL;DW- it's a longstanding issue of ripping practically verbatim sections of other people's work without proper sourcing. There were a few larger named channels put forth as evidence. I know at least one of the plagarist has since turned off comments on his videos.

That was a really insightful comment, for a fish.

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This dipshit was born in California, I guess he just thought it was a coincidence most of our main cities have Spanish names ¯\(ツ)

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My apologies, I truly didn't mean anything along those lines. It is an important feature of the musical, but that's hard to describe in a four panel Yu-Gi-Oh meme. If that's the consensus though, I'm happy to remove.

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I used to work at the parks and loved just hanging out. There's a lot of work that went into forced perspective and theming. Disney has always leaned hard into escapism, and it's easy to see why someone would want to be reminded of easier years.

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Reminds me of that older Odin meme;

"Odin promised the end of all frost giants, and I don't see any frost giants."

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Whew, hopefully he'll forget he's supposed to track me till the end of time

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Where did it come from, where did it go? Where did it come from Glitter Cum Joe?

Considering this quote from the article; 'Firefighter Aaron Clark, whose father was also a district firefighter, choked up as he recounted how growing up his dad took him to the parks using the passes and how he now does the same thing with his three daughters.' I think you're spot on. They also mention discounts in the park which was a part of a cast member badge. When I worked in the parks I could have sworn they also had the blue ID (as opposed to green for 3rd party vendor), but that was a while ago.

Current Steam popular user-defined tags for this product: Capitalism, Crime, Psychological Horror.

That's the beauty of micro-plastics, my corpse will have a great shelf life

To put into context; Microsoft bought Activision/Blizzard for 69 Billion dollars. A huge portion of that was actually King.

Around 2014, over 93 million people were playing Candy Crush Saga, while revenue over a three-month period as reported by King was over $493 million. Five years after its release on mobile, the Candy Crush Saga series has received over 2.7 billion downloads, and the game has been one of the highest-grossing and most-played mobile apps in that time frame. As of September 2023, it had reached over $20 billion in revenue.

Safe to say mobile market makes a lot more money we’d be comfortable with.

I shared my arcade membership with my mom a while ago (I had gotten it included) and it put her purchases on my card. This bio-chemist (very smart lady in some specific subjects) spent over $25 on ‘micro’ transactions in a week or so. They prey on the group that just want to get things done.

It is, those are 'water cannons' they're not squirt guns. Just adding so people understand how high pressure these things can be.

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Only as strong as your least paid worker.

I don't think privatization of public goods is the best answer for this. I'd rather not let these individual private entities have so much power over a public resource. Don't want to read it, fine. It's not like they've got the Anarchist Cookbook for next week's bookclub.

Semi-related fun fact that I like to share; Costco doesn’t require membership for alcohol or pharmacy purchases.

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We're not out of money though, Republicans are just throwing a fit.

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I'll add another bee one to the pile; I had a lady very confidently tell me that you don't see bees during the winter because they migrate. I wanted to correct her, but all I could think of was Monty Python. "Are you suggesting bees migrate‽" it's also hard to explain that they also don't hibernate, but create a sort of space heater around the queen.

Dug's an older rescue, but still hitting his stride!

Y’all need tag out clasps

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I need to stop doing this, but I'll just tip a tall glass off the shelf and catch it on the way down.

Thanks for the tip about camping tables! I'll be looking into that when it comes time to get a new desk

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Ah well, that explains why your sense of humor is so shit. Guess we're all living up to our stereotype.

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I hate that I know what this is. It's like a poor man's version of loss. I love it.

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I work at a gaming themed brewery and I now desperately wish I had @gameale(.)com as my domain

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Gärries Modifikation. Yeah, they're not wrong.

Stick him in a glue

I'm unsure if I'd say 'focus on', but I feel The Good Place is a good fit. Honestly funny scenes, but still hits on some heavier points. The cast is lovable, often relatable, and who can say no to Dancin' Ted Danson‽

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He covered at least 5 content creators, so it's not just 'the other two'. This is purely anecdotal as this was my personal experience.

I definitely knew about the illuminati drama, but none of the others. I've seen video essays from every creator covered (except for Phillip) and had enjoyed having James S in the background in particular. It looks like he's turned off all comments in his videos post plagiarism video. For the record I hadn't seen any other hbomberguy videos prior to this.

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I understood his video to be primarily calling out rampant plagiarism on YouTube. Illuminati was a small portion of the video and helped him convey the issue with content farms. Also, just because you're aware of the issue doesn't mean everyone else is.

Oh cool, rampancy is contagious

I get that this a quip, but it actually is. Weather patterns are a lot more forgiving of the un sheltered. To the point where other states will send their homeless to us. As if we weren't putting enough people out.

Honestly disappointed with the combination of batch awards and probably the shortest acceptance speech timer I've seen. This game awards felt solely for producers and publishers, not for the people who actually made these games. I get not wanting another 8 min speech, but it left a bad taste in my mouth

Good thing there's no history of any shady dealings prior, otherwise people might get ideas.

We're also bringing back sailing to a degree.

My partner was like this till his 30s, and I was a bit jealous having been kicked out at 18. He was able to buy a house( with an admittedly amazing APR) with the money he was able to put away with this method. While he didn’t pay rent he helped around the house, and was a near-guaranteed dog sitter. I think that as long as the situation works for everyone it’s a great leg up. If someone has a judge-y attitude towards it they’re probably jealous haha.

Your parents (likely) had better opportunities to get that house than you do now. Give yourself some grace, just make sure you’re helping out where you can :)

he's also larger than a baby

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Did we watch the same video? Did you watch the video? I'm aware of the charity situation but that wasn't referenced in the video.