43 Post – 1052 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Taylor Swift needs to become president

How expensive is fent actually compared to say coke?

That's super cool. It's interesting that they removed the tracks but not the bridge

Wouldn't it kill them instantly as it'd be their first exposure?


Maybe parents

Well you can buy all of those things, so there's nothing stopping you.

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It should be on a pivot so it always faces where youre pulling from

Bro doesn't need the cig when he's sitting on an asbestos pipe

What would you do differently if you were young this time? Asking as a 21M.

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Then who lives in the towers?

Damn. These are Eastern Europe levels of corruption. Has it only gotten this bad in the past few years or were Cameron/Blair/Major etc. just better at hiding it?

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I really do wish governments invested more in open source. If it's a generic thing like an operating system that the public could benefit from at large, they would be doing the public a service.

Edit: Germany does it again!

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Does anyone know of communities where the posts are many paragraphs of OC selftext with the comments discussing it? I don't really care what the content is, but that's for format I'm looking for. So far it's just links, cat pics, and memes...

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This will make for interesting primary source material in a 2075 history book

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Yeah. The gradual triumph of Ukraine makes me hopeful for the future of democracies in general

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I never thought I'd be in an environment where FOSS user is the majority demographic.

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KDE + AeroThemePlasma

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This would be a nightmare because I have no idea what the signals look like.

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Is this what nature intended?

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That must have been fun to design

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I feel that creepy old lady is an underrepresented trope on the internet

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Tfw the washing machine is gender fluid

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They really ought to do something about that. That's 1 billion people's daily poops going straight into the river/sea

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I have epilepsy so my brain gets DDOSed from time to time

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I switched to Paint.NET ages ago

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Probably only the build scripts are written in python

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This is brilliant.

Ever apologise for not being able to provide your opinion, as a large language model?

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Props. Minnesota seems to be doing some really progressive stuff

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dark theme › slower battery usage › charging less often › less electricity usage › less coal power plants › less emissions › solved global warming. It's simple really. Now you just need to turn off the tap while you brush your teeth.

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Only geeks will understand

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Charged with battery? What is he, a cyborg?

I like the bit in Season 2 where he turns water into wine. I would really appreciate that in this economy

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This will be most people's first heads up that Farage is back in the game

I still feel like half of the time the people from Europe are using it as an opportunity to pat themselves on the back for something they were born into. (I can make this criticism because I'm from there)

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This is actually even more terrifying

I bet they weren't getting laid

"needs to happen" ...for what?