Ukraine Just Blew Up Russia's Main Missile Base In Occupied Crimea to World – 1678 points –
Ukraine Just Blew Up Russia’s Main Missile Base In Occupied Crimea

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Yeah. The gradual triumph of Ukraine makes me hopeful for the future of democracies in general

Yes, I hope it has been making China have second thoughts about invading Taiwan

China will never invade Taiwan unless it wants a war with the US.

Idk why you people keep saying otherwise as though you have a point. 50 upvotes? Really? Come on guys. Wake up to fearmongering.

The investment and business class seem to think it's at least a possibility. It's why Bershire Hathaway sold their TSMC shares and why TSMC has started building foundries outside of Taiwan.

Taiwan has no defensive treaties, and an invasion wouldn't automatically bring anyone else into the war. China, like Russia, is a nuclear power, so I doubt nuclear nations would directly join the war. It would be another Russia-Ukraine war situation, but economically catastrophic (because of this, I doubt China would invade unless it gets into an economic state where it doesn't have much to lose).