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university scholars from traveling to more than half of the country using the state’s money. That has posed a significant challenge to sports teams at public colleges and universities, which have had to find alternative funding sources to pay for their road games in states like Arizona and Utah.

Umm... why the fuck are state dollars being used for college sports teams?

Tuition isn't free, why is the taxpayer footing the bill?

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That's not a bad idea.

Now let's stop calling them 'energy' drinks.

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That's fucking horrible.

First off, I wish they would show the full uncut raw footage. People need to see the reality of getting shot.

Second, he literally just pulls the gun out and says "get out of the car." Like, what the fuck man? Get out of the car or I'm going to shoot you? For stealing from a fucking kroger? One of the biggest businesses in the US?

Dude. This is bullshit. He needs criminal charges.

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You can stream pretty much anything for free here:

Just make sure you have uBlock Origin installed.

If you ever have issues, do an internet search for "free streaming sites reddit" and try one of those.

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If some websites seem to load significantly faster than others now (youtube, reddit, facebook), it's because ISPs can throttle or prioritise traffic to certain websites and they do not have to report this information to their customers.

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Copyright and patent laws need to die.

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What is the legal justification for this?

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It’s a Monday in September, but with schools closed, the three children in the Pruente household have nowhere to be. Callahan, 13, contorts herself into a backbend as 7-year-old Hudson fiddles with a balloon and 10-year-old Keegan plays the piano.

Really wish articles wouldn't say dumb shit like this. Just tell us the information without making it all dramatized.

All nazi/confederate monuments should be taken down.

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It's so sad that russians have been so brainwashed to do this to their fellow man.

Literally all they need to do is divert their military to building instead of destroying and Russia would be in a much better place now.

poll-driven commitment of many Democrats

You mean the will of the people? You would subvert the will of the people for your own agenda?

Hmm... sounds like a tyrant to me.

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Weird how they never thank god for the successful attacks.

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What’s the point?

Middle management needs something to do to justify their useless existence.

It's just saying a bunch of bullshit and hoping that one of the things you say resonates with everyone.

If you don't get them by the first 3 lies, saying 'Obamacare' is guaranteed to rile them up.

Jeez, that should be the headline.

"Facebook exposes messages that land a mom in prison for giving her daughter abortion pills."

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Does anyone know who these pigs are?

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They should join up with the Ukrainians.

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Weird how that consistency can't be created by raising wages.

I mean, you're probably not the only one who thinks anything.

That said, do you eat meat? If so, the meat and dairy industries systematically do egregious things to millions of animals every day.

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I dunno. Some people are completely sane and still just shitbags.

Lots of people voted for trump specifically because they wanted to make the world a worse place.

Social contract is unraveling.

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Hmm... products and services still cost the same but now there are less people in the chain to make a profit.

Sounds like a win-win for me.

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I highly doubt the US government will be in a position to pay out social security when I'm in need of it.

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This is the 'regulation' that conservatives bitch about so much.

It's a good thing when government steps in to protect citizens from corporate greed.


He's talking out of his ass.

harm the state’s economy and cost millions of dollars in upgrades to its coal plants.

Translation: The ruling class will not make as much money if we do this.

Privatize the gains, socialize the losses.

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They should really specify 'The band Queen'

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Time isn't free.

Saying it's cheaper to do it yourself is almost always true with cooking. It doesn't really make sense to bring up because you're comparing apples to oranges.

In reality, you just want to feel superior to people who eat fast food. Come on, admit it.

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If you create the conditions for war and terrorism, do not be surprised when war and terrorism come.

This is exactly why they're so surprised. They thought that Palestinians should just roll over and take it up the ass, like god intended, the natural order of things.

There's only an issue when the oppressed fight back.

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You can stream pretty much anything for free here:

Make sure you have uBlock Origin installed.

If you get stuck, try googling "free streaming sites reddit" and go from there.

Use your brain, not your wallet.

Amazon has the money to vet its products and provide better search results, it just chooses not to because it doesn’t need to.

Better to shove a shitty, expensive product in customer’s faces than a cheap, standard one.

Something tells me the rich people in singapore have no problem getting drugs.

It's not you. Saying 'wearing shorts' is why you didn't give CPR is fucking stupid.

Why do you keep linking to ycombinator and not the actual article?

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Lol, what? Terrorism has a very broad definition and for good reason.

The main way to identify terrorism is if the terrorist's goal is to instill fear into the populace. That's why it's called, terrorism after all. It's an asymmetrical warfare tactic that people use when fighting directly isn't viable.

Sad seeing people live in their fantasy worlds and then get their panties in a bunch when met with reality.

Glad I switched to firefox when it became apparent google wants to take away control to shove more ads in our faces.

Batman researcher?

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Yeah. They were literally bred to be as vicious as possible.

We can write them off. I don't blame the dogs, I blame the people who made them this way.

How do they get free health care and education while reducing taxes and the size of government?

Always with the reducing taxes...

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