3 Post – 120 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

New normal, folks. So begins the era of climate migration.

A reminder that this is why we should never tolerate selfishness. We're now largely screwed because we, as a species, valued our individual comfort over expert research.

We knew what we needed to do - but no, profits. Such a dumb way to die.

15 more...

Yeah, not a fan of the ominous shadow threads™️ casts. I don't trust them not to flood the fediverse with assorted toxic garbage to push people back towards their walled garden platforms.

The fediverse offers something radical - a new shot at genuine self determination and a socialised, self-governing internet. That shit spells B-A-D N-E-W-S for incumbent platforms (imo) and they're bad actors in general; they wouldn't think twice about smothering anything that threatens their short/long term profits. Who'se going to stop them?

Might be a little bit overly risk concious but goddamn. If I were them, I'd be trying to kill alternative ecosystems before they grew - especially if mine (metas) is both trash to use, and be used by.

5 more...

Legitimately wild for the Pope to point blank call the US regressive.

Not out of hypocrisy (though, yeah - solidarity with survivors and the colonised) - but because he was actually really justified in what he said to reach that.

Wild. Absolutely wild. The US is so comically bad faith a society even the pope can eloquate why it's awful.

1 more...

One anecdotal chime in: I dropped the Zuck for a year and gradually realised that my city runs all its cultural events through Facebook - unless you know or someone invites you, that was pretty much it.

I think I did miss out on meeting new people or seeing old friends by chance, simply because I didn't know to turn up somewhere for a gig or whatever - and the old addage has some truth imo; often you just need to be in the right place at the right time for things to happen.

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Here's hoping Queensland has the spine to say the same thing about the Olympics.

They want to bulldoze a 100 year old primary school so they can knock down a stadium we already have - to build a new one worth 2.7 billion in exactly the same place. Meanwhile, our rents are going crazy as locals get forced out of their support networks, there's rough sleepers being displaced and at times outright attacked by the states support workers, our education system is now decades underfunded and the health system isn't far behind.

We didn't ask for the Olympics. The campaign was a businessmans vanity project. It's insane to shoulder the burden of that frivolity right now.

Depends - is anyone reading The Sun?

Because the people benefiting from its brokenness aren't ready to stop salting the earth for numbers.

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Meanwhile, in countries with healthcare:

Australia still supports Israel to the hilt. Settler-colonies prop each other up.

Don't fall for this.

1 more...

Fuck sad. Get angry. Do something with that feeling. This is fucked and as thinking, feeling human beings we are obligated to act on this.

Milei is a Thatcherite.

I anticipate things are going to get ugly in Argentina... horrible direction to see.

Damn, that's nice - what a cool mod

Meanwhile, in Palestine...

Also worth noting the unnecessary and insane amount of emissions from this practice. We're in a climate crisis and they're throwing fuel into the fire with real world consequences for the sake of a legal loophole.

An utterly self centred business practice.

4 more...

Depends on whose house or land they're living in/on.

Again, ethnic cleansing and apartheid is not a cultural trait. Israeli =/= Jewish.

1 more...

This is exactly why armed resistance is both inevitable and entirely justified. The UN agrees - of whom Israel explicitly refuses to allow record the conflict. Israel kills the record-keepers and then gaslights away the truth.

Fascism rides again under the colors blue and white.

I never thought the lion would eat my face. Free Palestine.

They also inked deals for gas/oil exporting rights to the Gazan coast.

Zionists came out of the woodwork for this section, huh.

"I don't think it's racist to say~"

mic cut, riff immediately starts, front man left angrily mouthing words to bandmates

It just dawned on me I might never get to see a glacier...

Nah - the ABC was pretty big on its twitter integration. We had a few long running, decade+ old forum-style shows where people could/would tweet in live to be part of the program.

This is a big thing for Aunty, in terms of its culture.

Fascists 🤝 Capitalists

At least for the first stage of the tumour.

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Cool - so they're skipping straight to trying to devalue the severity and precedence of being put before the ICJ.

Well that might change some geopolitical calculus... did China previously have an outward facing military foothold in SEA like this?

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I mean, it's far right attacks on left-leaning politicians. I can see where they're coming from - it's reminiscent of the brown shirts.

No, they're right. Speaking as an Australian protester - we have a very conformist culture here. We haven't been taught to imagine outside the status quo, it's why Yank flavour and Neoliberal policies get pushed uncritically here. We're sectioned off in the little castles of our homes - we have to seek out any form of community that isn't our workplaces in the first place, let alone subversion, let alone (toothless and state captured) protest, let alone direct action and informed praxis.

We might have once, but the majority of Australians don't know shit about anything that isn't themselves. We might want to look out for ours - but that circle is very small for mainstream Australia and you bet your ass that's manipulable by wealthy interests.

Not all of us, but the majority of us are spineless people terrified we're not safe enough.

Of course you're in a thread like this.

Brother, that's not how we talk to people. Everyone here is treated like people and respected for their personhood. This isn't a theatre for bigoted nonsense - there's other platforms available if you want to attack people and get that out of your system.

Show people respect or leave people alone - but don't be like that.

I think we just witnessed the birth of its use! It vibes like something that's chuggy but has a kind of abstract phlegmy quality to it.

Who knows - I should be sleeping!

3 more...

Dude - I'm really sorry, an escape hatch for the rich people who can pay to be onboard isn't a solution. We've been living unsustainably - this, by definition, can't be sustained. We need to change now so we can make that change as comfortable and human as possible; otherwise we're going to be stuck reactively responding to each successive disaster, or crop failure, or ecosystem collapse, or climate migration wave etc.

We need to get ahead, now.

To be fair to them, fascists do this too

Feels more like a Chekhovs gun than a red herring at the moment but I hear what you're saying.

Is narcoterrorism still considered a thing in current year? This has to be more an export industry thing rather than a geopolitical disabilisation force multiplier thing, right?

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But theres a point here - what does it really matter if she does? People aren't static, we all have constant varying degrees of change in our lives and our perceptions of the world around us - I think it's worthwhile and even noble to try and find words to communicate those changes.

She said so herself, right? Like, we identify with the labels that'll help people outside ourselves understand best where we're at - sometimes we change, sometimes we find a more immediately accurate label that articulates something the last one we identified with couldn't quite reach.

Sure it's reflective work for the perceived and asks a bit more headspace to process things in that frame for the perceiver - but we're people. When we commit to being honest (for lack of a better word), we're never going to live as simple narratives for others.

Yeah, that's not how you stop apartheid and ethnic cleansing...

The price of Bahn Mi is about to go up

Free Palestine. This is apartheid - how has Israel not been decried by the world? After this may killings and pogroms?

Remember Jamal Khashoggi.