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Joined 12 months ago
  • matrix isn't a fediverse thing, it's its own thing. it does happen to be decentralized, like the fediverse.

  • matrix isn't an alternative to discord. it's an alternative to whatsapp/signal/telegram/etc.

  • matrix is nice (I use it with my friend group), but it's not perfect. we're looking for something better.

  • if you're looking for a decentralized, self-hosted, open-source, secure alternative for discord, my friends and I use Mumble. It works great for VoIP (and its noise cancellation software actually seems to work noticeably better than Discord's), but it doesn't really have the advanced text chat features that Discord does. We make do with Matrix.

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it's not thousands of years of context. All this stuff dates back to, like, roughly the 1900s. Basically the British Mandatory period.

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They make them money because:

  • they use reddit
  • spez gets some nice usage stats to show off
  • as a direct consequence, advertisers keep paying to put their ads
  • also as a direct consequence, investors' confidence in reddit continues to recover; there's a real possibility that, when it IPOs, it will actually go for a decent price

Now, if enough people go commit ad-block, and advertisers somehow become wise to that fact... then maybe it will hurt reddit's bottom line (at which point spez will start trying to emulate youtube's anti-ad stuff).

But as it stands, especially if most of reddit's usage is through reddit's mobile app... I'm not really sure how you can block ads there.

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this is why I never use ÷ (or more realistically "/") without explicit brackets denoting order of operations.

The "as geography permits" part is a big obstacle, unfortunately.

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Speaking as someone who does know what a homestuck fan is, you're 100% right.

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Petition to replace cringe ageism with based classism (against the rich)

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incredibly based. fuck the execs. fucking parasites

Their proposal is that, when you visit a website using WEI, it doesn't let you see it right away. Instead, it first asks a third party if you're "legit", as opposed to maybe a bot or something.

The problem is, it would be really tricky to tell if you're "legit", because people get very, very tricky and clever with their bots (not to mention things like content farms, which aren't even bots, they're real humans, just doing the same job as a bot would). So, in order to try to do their jobs at all, these kind of third parties would have to try to find out a whole bunch of stuff about you.

Now, websites already try to do that, but for now the arms race is actually on our side; the end user has more or less full control over what code a website can run on their browser (which is how extensions like u-block and privacy badger work).

But if the end user could just block data collection, the third-party is back to square one. How can they possibly verify ("attest") that you aren't sus, if you're preventing all attempts at collecting data about yourself, or your device / operating system / browser / etc?

The answer is, they can't. So, to do a proper attestation, they have to have a whole bunch of information about you. And if they can't, they logically have no way of knowing if you're a bot. And if that's the case, when the third-party reports that back to the website you're trying to visit, they'll assume you're a bot, and block you. Obviously.

That's pretty much my understanding of the situation. In order to actually implement this proposal, it would require unprecedented invasive measures for data collection; and for people who try to block it, they might just end up being classified as "bots" and basically frozen out of major parts of the internet. Especially because, when you consider how people can essentially just use whatever hardware and software they want, it would be in these big companies' interests to restrict consumer choice to only the hardware and software they deem acceptable. Basically, it's a conflict of interest, especially because the one trying to push this on everyone is Google themselves.

Now, Google obviously denies all that. They assure us it won't be used for invasive data collection, that people will be able to opt out without losing access to websites, that there won't be any discrimination against anyone's personal choice of browser/OS/device/etc.

But it's bullshit. They're lying. It's that shrimple.

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they're on that sigma onlyfans grindset, ofc they're winning

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Much more... versatile, than Vaporeon

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what are these awful, awful communities I should be staying away from

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I am incapable of believing this

Everyone should be allowed.. except countries currently actively invading one. Or currently enaged in warfare in general.

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I love capitalism


while expected tipping in general is ridiculous, expected tipping to landlords is some next level stupidity.

They're going to invade Ukraine even harder now

I dare you to post every single page

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No, it has almost nothing to do with religion. The only part of the Israeli-Palestinian crisis that actually tangibly relates to a religious dispute, is the contesting claims over Jerusalem (because it's holy to both Judaism and Islam).

Literally the entire rest of the conflict is based on competing nationalist claims.

Yes, even though Hamas is yelling "Allahu-akbar". Believe it or not, they're not fighting because of their religion, they're fighting because of their political goals (namely in Hamas' case AFAIK the destruction of Israel). They do also happen to be religious, but the primary conflict is a political one.

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According to the article, the researchers concluded that nuclear reactors are not a good fit for that role.

the jpeg makes it that much better

that password is already in use

lmao, "security" moment

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It would be nice if it was just Putin. And it's true that lots of Russians are opposed to the war. It's even probably true that lots of them are as apolitical as they can be, just doing whatever they have to do to survive day by day.

But there are lots of Russians who support him. Even outside of Russia. There is, in fact, a large portion of the population that approves of him, despite the invasion into Ukraine. A lot of it is retired people, of course, but also shit-tons of people who listen mainly to Russian news sources, and therefore believe Putin's propaganda.

Even if Putin were assassinated the next day, his replacement wouldn't be much better. Hopefully they'd pull out of Ukraine, but they would likely be just as chauvinist and nationalist as Putin. Russia's political spectrum is, unfortunately, very close to "50 shades of nationalism", to the point where even Navalny had to curry favor with them to build up sufficient support. And nationalists (and fascists) tend to do stupid shit like invading neighboring countries.

I would agree that "fuck Russians" is going a step too far. But if Russia's international reputation is shit right now, it's no one's fault but Putin's, and it is unfortunately well-deserved. And, whether we like it or not, when you say "I'm from [country]", that country's reputation will affect how people see you. So if individual Russians around the world are facing stigma, that's really unfortunate, but it's the inevitable outcome of shit like this. It's nothing new — after WWII, Germans had to deal with the exact same shit.

"Of course I know him, he's me"

holy shit

I can't wait for the elephant-to-human translators

imagine if we could actually talk to elephants? if we could, like, teach them concepts?

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The only windows I use are made of glass

I'd say this is an apples-to-oranges comparison, but really it's more of a taliban-to-guacamole comparison

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I really like that car design

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omg no way, equals 3

I am going to call it that now.

What they should do — what we should force all corporations to do, and governments for that matter — is to respect the fundamental human right to privacy. And in the meantime, they should stop getting in people's way when it comes to repairing their devices at the repair shop of their own choosing, and getting in people's way when they want to get literally any software on their device not expressly approved by Apple.

The choice isn't "either they do what they do now, or they just let everyone collect data". Big tech corporations like Apple, Google, and all the rest have, from a privacy perspective, been fucking us up the ass for years and years now. Apple's entire "we care about your privacy" thing was, aside from a big PR success, pretty much just a giant middle finger to Facebook, and its other data collecting competitors. Fuck Apple, fuck Facebook, fuck Google, fuck them all.

oh fuck

As far as I know, the USSR collapsed because Gorbachev's reforms weakened existing institutions and power structures, without providing replacements.

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I mean, that's kind of exactly what happened. He was "Athens' gadfly", always asking people what they believed, and why they believed it. Eventually it annoyed some relatively influential Athenians, to the point that they accused him of something like "corrupting the youth" (I don't quite remember, it was some BS like that).

The punishment for breaking that law was technically supposed to be death, but if you were a citizen you could plead for exile (and your plea would usually be granted). Socrates, however, obstinately refused to plead the council for anything. As a result, he was scheduled to be executed. I suppose you could say he died because he held his ideals to be more important than his own life — or you could equally say he died of his own stubbornness. Either way, not too far off from your comment.

Some social constructs are shortsighted and useless. Some are undeniably useful. However, even the ones we consider useful should be scrutinized for flaws. Otherwise we end up with an economic system that creates plenty of empty houses and scores of homeless people, and massive amounts of annual food waste while thousands upon thousands starve.

true love

in the interest of absolute pedantry, I'd like to point out that they do, in fact, have a publicly available API — it just costs money to use.

Now, on one hand, it's only 24 cents per 1000 API calls (which is very little for individual use, but adds up quickly for any sort of widely used tool or service). On the other hand, fuck reddit lol.

I mean, speaking literally, it is sadly the reverse

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