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Joined 10 months ago

Barbers hill, and they're picking on a dude's hair.

Eh, it's not that simple... There's a windowing system on Linux, and an old punk band from LA, and a whole generation...

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That looks a lot like an autoexec.bat

Phoenix just broke its record for consecutive days over 110° at 31, previous record was half that...

I'm reading this in Mickey's voice...

I watched someone make this mistake during a screen share, she hit execute and I screamed "wait! You forgot the where!" Fortunately, it was such a huge database that SQL spun for a moment I guess deciding how it was going to do it before actually doing it, she was able to cancel it and ran a couple checks to confirm it hadn't actually changed anything yet. I don't think anything computer related has ever gotten my adrenaline going like that before or since

Seriously, I wouldn't even bother futzing with adblockers on my Android TV if it was reasonable, but fucking 45 seconds of ads for every 5 minutes of content is just ridiculous. I almost wonder if it was all an experiment to see how much they could get away with...

He had to laugh at you, otherwise he would have cried because he knew you were right.

That's a lot harder to not do. Much easier to not run for president.

even if they're doing it for their own self-interest, they're still doing a good thing

Are they? Teenagers attracted to teenagers is wrong now?

Burn, reddit, burn.

interesting if you're interested in the topic

The first rule of tautology club is the first rule of tautology club.

Enshittification intensifies!

And we still don't have flying cars!

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I guess we'll have to give Texas back to Mexico as reparations... We sure won't miss it.

The problem is you can't judge people's actions on what we know after the fact, you have to look at what the person knew in the moment, and for the residents, it sure seemed like someone was breaking into their house, and it's not reasonable to expect to have a dialogue with a burglar.

As capitalism is currently doing...

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Some have been playing ads for years.

Go home, robot, you're drunk

I ran into this recently. Trying to get access to a credit union's system as a vendor, they had a captcha that was the old style image of distorted text, with a text box labeled "are you a robot?". Having the tendency to take things literally, I initially typed "no" into the box. That was not the right answer.

So, in other words, it works?

Oh no, a challenge. Let's not even try.

Base 16 is great when you're interacting with a computer, but aside from that, not much. Only being divisible by 2 is kind of a pain in the real world.

All the food you have ever bought sure, but what about eaten? I've eaten wild blueberries, venison jerky that a coworker shot, gutted, and processed himself, my grandma used to grow rhubarb in her garden and made pies and jam from it, my other grandma grows tomatoes & broccoli...

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In war we're tough and able

Quite indefatigable

Between our quests we sequin vests and impersonate Clark Gable

It's an abusive relationship - "look what you made me do"

My personal favorite is (and I'm probably messing it up because it's been 30 years...):

If there were more bloody noses, there'd be fewer wars.

When I read that, I was finally able to reconcile my pacifist upbringing with the reality I was observing.

But then how would they exploit the poors?

Same reason school shooters pull the fire alarm.

Sometimes it's religious. My daughter was due to start kindergarten at the tail end of COVID lockdowns, so my wife and I were looking at options that didn't involve her sitting in a room with 20+ kids... There are people that will homeschool small groups of kids, like 5 or so, and the public school system will pay them per kid so there's no out of pocket cost to the parents. We interviewed with one family, and it was looking like it might be worth doing, they were obviously religious, but not obviously nutjobs, and I'm ok with my kids seeing that religion is out there as long as it's not being forced on them... But then the mom said those magic words, evolution is "just one theory" and I couldn't get past that. We ended up enrolling her in an online kindergarten.

Does it really make someone an "asshole" for just pulling up until their tire hits something?

Yes, it absolutely does.


Doesn't matter if it's intentional or not, it's still causing a problem...

The biggest problem with breaking windows is nobody really knows how to fix anything, it's just a shit load of random "did you try this?" Until you either find it's working again (after trying something that didn't work, then backing out that change, or it just randomly starts working again without really doing anything) or you learn to live with it.

With Linux, if you can break it, you can be pretty sure someone somewhere has broken it the same way before, and analyzed the shit out of it including reading the source, and figured out how to fix it.

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Nobody specified whose benefit...

This is nothing new. Why do you think they make such a big deal about sexuality being a choice? Because for them, it is.

Where I work, we'd just call it an established product...

I've often thought about what I would do if I won the lottery, and this is it- I'd start a few businesses, not really caring if they are profitable, but just to have access to the stuff I want at a known place and time. Sure you could just own the equipment to make really good pizza anytime, but leaving it dormant most of the time would seem like a waste. Rather make it into a business, even if it doesn't cover the cost, it would at least reduce it somewhat...

Because they might need to move a large piece of furniture someday...

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Is it "right and defendable" that a drowning person will quite literally climb on top of you and push you under if you get too close? No, but it won't stop them from doing it.

Funny, I've only been pulled over once on my bike, and I was just keeping up with traffic, which was going 80 to be fair... But he claimed I was going 97, so I had to go to court, where he lied his ass off to the judge, and I had to eat a $400 ticket plus whatever it did to my insurance... and I'm very white too, if I wasn't, who knows what that piece of shit might have done.