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Joined 10 months ago

"Escort back to China" sure is a weird way of saying they kidnapped her.

17 more...

Turns out the rest of the world doesn't stop just because some fucked up shit is happening.

I thought kickers usually avoided the kind of brain damage that would explain what could only be described as a blatant attempt to get canceled.

Can we just skip to producing a vaccine for this now? If they're that intent on giving it every possible chance to jump to humans, and we obviously can't stop them, let's at least try to contain it before we get Pandemic 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Once again conservative Terrorism wins.

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They have their freedom, they are free to do whatever they want to filter their own drinking water. They're free to buy or produce distilled water for all their consumption. They're free to only ever drink beer. But the drinking water provided as a public good should be maintained for the good of the public, and when the studies are pretty clear that fluoridated water fights tooth decay, then fluoridated water it is.

Of course letting him run free, facing no consequences at all for flagrantly breaking the law and ignoring court orders means that he and his rabid followers are harmless, right?

He might have contingency plans for when he goes to jail, but that doesn't mean he should remain free of consequences.


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Remember back when Elon kept calling himself a Free Speech Absolutist? That just gets funnier every day.

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Yeah, no. Musk bought Twitter because he HAD to. He very publicly made comments about buying Twitter at absolute meme-stock prices, but didn't disclose that he already owned a LOT of Twitter stock. So, when his comments predictably increased the price of Twitter stock, he had two choices: Either it was just talk, and he was BLATANTLY guilty of stock manipulation and the Feds put a target on his back, or he acts like he totally meant it.

So he went with option two, acted like he was serious and wanted to buy twitter. Then he tried everything he could think of to kill the deal, accusing Twitter of all sorts of wrongdoing and lies, but Twitter was more careful than that. They got their shit right, and Musk couldn't back out. So he bought Twitter, rather than go to prison.

The fact that he could also kill the tracking twitter account was completely incidental. Musk is an idiot, but even he isn't that stupid. Musk initially offered $5,000 to the account holder to stop, and then balked at the return offer for $50,000. Now, I may not be a billionaire tech-bro, but I'm pretty sure that spending $50,000 to achieve a goal is preferable to spending $44,000,000,000. He's dumb, but he's not that dumb.

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He's a fucking loser, and he'll never love you no matter how much you hope he notices you.

Musk isn't an Engineer. He hasn't designed anything, the extent of his responsibility for anything of value is telling other people, smarter people, to invent something. He doesn't create, he buys existing companies then parades around like he's the one that started them.

You want a shit take? Take a look at how far out of your way you went to defend him and you'll see that shit take. He hasn't used his money to improve shit. He used it to burn 20+ billion dollars on a global communications platform and turn it into a cesspit of lies and nazis.

So yeah, we'll dismiss him. Elon Musk is a fucking idiot that doesn't know when to shut the fuck up and throws a tantrum every time he's handed a loss.

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Elon used to love saying he was a Free Speech Absolutist, but once again that only extends to speech he likes.

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The irony of literally anyone (eligible) not voting for Biden specifically because of his handling of the Gaza situation, and thereby doing their part to help Donald "Gotta Finish the Problem" Trump win, makes my bones hurt. I hate this timeline and I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

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Honestly the only surprising thing gleaned here is the notion that the gag order was actually working in the first place.

Okay but is it really averting a Nuclear Holocaust when you're the president and you're entertaining those intrusive thoughts, only to then decide not to initiate a nuclear holocaust? I mean, you don't really get to say you stopped a mass shooter, when all you did was not go on a mass shooting.

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But guys, they swore an oath of loyalty to Russia, the plan is foolproof.

Concussion and head injury are a serious problem in Football today, so this tracks.

The fact that that article is itself behind a paywall is some weapons grade irony that The Onion wishes it thought of.

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So you'll see some things about how it fits in a car cup holder (Lots of others do too) or how one survived a fire (This is just how insulated bottles like that tend to work) and those are all... good enough... but they're not why there's so much hype. The Hype has been carefully engineered. The head of the company is a Marketing guy, and he basically imported Sneaker culture into a new industry. Stanley Cups are released on a limited basis, with partnerships producing only limited supplies. It's induced scarcity and marketing, people are rushing to get one because if they don't rush, there won't be any more, and that makes more people want to rush to get one.

It's just an insulated cup that is intentionally hard to find sometimes. That's all.

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Well after their pay-per-download debacle, their latest quarter's earnings may not be indicative of the shit that is coming down on them. There are dark clouds on the horizon for Unity.

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"All my client did is say that the court personnel should die. That his followers proceeded to threaten to kill them is unrelated." You have to wonder if the lawyers involved are just trying to do their best to represent a client they know is batshit fucking crazy, or if they've actually bought into the madness.

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The Party of Small Government, Ladies and Gentlemen. The most grotesque joke since The Aristocrats.

Sounds to me like it should be an easy PR win for the Administration. Policy is literally in place to ease financial strain on consumers in a difficult time, the help is there, but the people of Florida get to suffer anyway because their governor, instead of actually accomplishing anything or improving anything, is just childishly refusing. There's no way they can't figure out how to present this to just make DeSantis look like shit.

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Republicans have been trying to get out ahead of a suspected (by them at least) endorsement of Biden by the widely popular billionaire superstar. They want to manufacture as much rancor and outrage against her and any peripheral involvement to what they claim was a rigged game as they can. If they throw a big enough fit, that if she DOES endorse Biden at some point, they can just screech about how they saw it coming and the Superbowl was rigged and... whatever other demented shit they think might stick.

So really, Most people just don't care Swift was at the game, then there's the usual media fervor about the latest idol of the week doing anything, and finally everything she does is being amplified by Republicans in an effort to prove their latest conspiracy theory.

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What's this? Ron DeSantis LIED about something? He was WRONG? Oh my goodness this is big news! The implication that he has ever told the truth in his miserable life needs to be heard! People need to know!

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Wouldn't it be nice if you could just "Move on" and stop dealing with the problems from your past? Just like this guy Kyle who "Moved on" from owing me $2,000 and thinks that's the end of it.

Seems they're both wrong.

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Again? Is it gonna stick this time? You promise?

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Of course no one will notice, because it's beneficial to certain groups to keep pushing the idea that there's a rampant crime wave and we're in more danger than ever.

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Big talk from a small man. The internet hasn't forgotten the buried sub you were moderator of, Spez.

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It's not a question of whether or not they notice, it's a question of whether or not they care. They don't vote for him because of his policies, they vote for him because he wants to hurt the people they don't like. They vote for him because "The Left" doesn't want him. He literally says his first day in office would be his Dictator Day and they ate it up.

You're kidding right? Are there actually people thinking they just can't live without Amazon Prime? Seriously? Fuck even if you HAVE to order something off of Amazon, which you absolutely don't HAVE to do, you don't fuckin need prime just for... what... slightly faster shipping?

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Just give in, do it to one spool, and you can move on with your life. Resistance only makes it hurt more.

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They struggled to keep the government open and to keep the United States from defaulting on its debt.

Writer seems to misunderstand, it was never the goal of the Republicans to do either of those things. Those were threats they were making unless they got their way.

Frankly if Republicans are caught in a war, civil or otherwise, that they themselves started, they should just look to their role models through history for guidance. Lose the war, surrender, and maybe go out on their own terms in a bunker somewhere.

Sounds more like just closing a loophole.

This is not about early access, where you buy an unfinished game that may never be completed. Advanced Access is the fairly uncommon offering where buying some sort of special edition gives you access to the full, complete game a few days before official release.

Advanced Access is time spent with the finished, release-state game. There was no reason for this to have not been counted before.

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Didn't the judge rule that he can't use bankruptcy to get out of the debt awarded by the courts here? So what incentive do the families have to let him off the hook, exactly? He has to pay. This is just one more time where Alex Jones can fuck all the way off. That soulless piece of shit can pay up and die in poverty.

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It's because they want to be able to hide. You see a bus, not only do you know it's full of people but you can often see through the windows, and they can see you. A box truck is a stealthier way to move those people, and it also prevents a bunch of wanna-be tacticool fascist shitfucks from seeing the crowd telling them to emulate their hero and kill themselves.

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Making a lot of assumptions about what he's willing to put into this.

He's not going to get fancy expensive new equipment, he's not going to hire the best machinists, he's not going to slow the work down to allow that kind of accuracy. He's going to bluster and shout and make demands without providing any way of actually achieving those demands. That's what Elon does. He's not an Engineer, he doesn't design things, he doesn't build things, he tells people who actually know what they're doing to build something. Here, he's just saying "Do better" without anything more, and expecting that to be enough because he doesn't actually know shit about dick.

Frankly the closest I've seen to evidence that Elon has ever actually designed anything is the eyesore that is the Cybertruck, because it absolutely looks like something that cretin would draw in crayon and demand be made a reality.

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Traditionally, being self sufficient enough to move out of your parents house and live on your own was considered a major, basic, and early benchmark of growing up, adulthood, and success. Sort of like taking your first steps, it was just considered a "bare minimum" benchmark.

That impression, the idea of moving out on your own being the bare minimum start to being a successful adult, has not kept up with the modern age and the economy we've grown up in. The idea that anyone should be able to move out on their own came about in an age when a single adult working a basic job full time could afford a house and support a family on their income alone. That just is not even close to the case now, but some societal memes take longer to change than others.

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Anybody else remember when Musk said he was buying Twitter so he could get rid of all the bots? Once again he does exactly the opposite of what he said he would.

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If only they put the same effort into the most recent Pokemon games that they do into making sure nobody else makes a better version.