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Joined 11 months ago

How not to get people to read your article: have a fucking 99 slide presentation. Like what the fuck that couldn't have been done in a third of that?

That never happens to me because I'm too autistic to be aware of my own facial expressions. I didn't even realize until a friend I made at 20 or 21 told me I could go into theater because I was so expressive with my face. That gave me a bit of a mini existential crisis. My face has been loudly communicating things to everyone all this time without my knowledge or consent? Wtf

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Anarchism and communism are 95% the same in regards to goals. They just have different views on how to get there, that differ very little or a lot depending on the specific sub ideology, of which there are many. The 5% with different goals are some anarchist tendencies which want to keep markets and money, like mutualism. Everyone else wants a stateless, moneyless and classless society where people contribute according to their ability and receive according to their need on the basis of mutual aid. And no, "anarcho"-capitalism is not a thing, that's an oxymoron.

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Lmao I've been an atheist all my life but I do always joke that God hates me in particular because there's no other explanation for my life

Imagine thinking in 2023 that there's still such a thing as 'useless data'

We have (very loosely translated) 'the innkeeper trusts his patrons as much as he trusts/knows himself' in Dutch. Or semantically more accurate would be 'an untrustworthy innkeeper distrusts his patrons'.

Yeah they evolved to keep much more baby-like features into adulthood with a big head and huge eyes because that's cute to us and triggers strong instincts of protection and love. I forget the exact name for it. And my cats do be looking extremely cute all the time so it was very successful.

Probably something like... €400.000 to €450.000. Then I could buy an apartment or small house when I graduate and pay off my student loans in full. It depends on the city I can find work in and want to live though. There are 3 I'm seriously considering and it varies about a €100.000 for a house between the cheapest and most expensive of the three.

I'm sorry but you're being a child. 'Well, if everyone apparently hates hearing me talk so much, I'll just say nothing at all, just to please everyone even if it kills me inside!' My guy. If multiple people at different points in your life with different relationships all say the same thing to you, it's probably true. I know it's hard to accept but you're not accurately seeing what is happening in these social situations because you have a certain view of yourself and how you behave doesn't match with that so you ignore it.

I speak from experience. I'm autistic, it took a long time for me to learn to communicate properly. I had to be told by multiple people who were close to me at mutlple parts of my life that I was selfish in conversation and only talked about myself. At first I was very offended and indignant and denied it. Those people stopped being friends with me, but years later I realized they were right. Still, when I'm not trying I slip into just talking about myself. It took my brother and his wife saying it to me again 2 years ago. I apologized to them and have started paying attention more, and it makes a world of difference.

Let other people talk, ask them questions, no matter how brilliant or interesting you think you are. You, in your childish indignation, think that being more empathetic in conversation will have a negative impact on you, but the people around you will like you way more and be more willing to talk with you, which actually has a positive impact on you. You know, I have students who are also super offended every time you discipline them because it's sooo unfair and they didn't do anything wrong, but it happens with every single teacher. It's not them, it's you. Try to be open to the fact that sometimes, other people have a more accurate view of your behavior. If they all say the same thing, listen.

I don't even care about the shorts showing up in search results. What really irks me is that you get like 3 videos related to search results, then some random unrelated shit, 3 relevant videos, more unrelated garbage, and then the rest of the actually relevant videos. I am specifically searching for something, just show me the damn thing.

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It's not the government who is settling the West Bank. Yes, it is their policy, but it's regular Israeli citizens who are killing Palestinians, burning their homes down or taking their homes from them and driving them away.

Ethnic cleansing comes next. It also came previous, but it will come next, too.

Where in the world do you not put beans in chili? That's literally the point of chili. Is this an American thing I'm too European to understand?

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They mean that the people fucking with you by making noise on purpose are assholes

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A gay person existing doesn't actually literally harm anyone though. A homphobe shouting slurs at a gay person, excluding them from vital social, economic or whatever activity or beating them up does very concretely harm someone. It's not that difficult.

Israel can have a little genocide, as a treat

Not literally that many beers, but the equivalent in other types of alcohol, for sure. The trick is to use a fuckton of amphetamines so you don't notice how drunk you are so you can extra destroy your body and brain. But nothing the multivitamin can't fix!

So, I'm not completely ace, but I am 95% and seemingly get more ace every year that goes by. Thing is, there's a difference between sexual impulse and arousal on one hand and attraction to an actual person on the other. I get horny as hell every single month during my ovulation because my uterus is screaming and begging me to make babies, and that's usually when my once or twice a month masturbation happens. But the last time I met an actual real life person I was sexually attracted to was 4 years ago.

I can also find the idea of a person sexually arousing, but still won't find the actual person attractive. I know this from experience, because when I was much younger and didn't know myself as well I did act on the attraction to the idea of a person only to be sorely disappointed when it actually happened and I felt nothing.

This is only my own experience of course, but I hope this helps a bit in understanding it.

5 years for me lol

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I've been making my own clothes for more than a decade now and I've dabbled in knitting and crocheting, but I'll admit it's a bit too much for me. I once made a dress where I didn't have quite enough fabric so the skirt ended up too short and thought, oh, I'll just a crotchet a nice 15 cm wide decorative border. Problem was it was a circle skirt so the hem was 4m long. Shit took me 15 damn hours lol. I respect people who have the patience for it or just find it fun but that's not me.

My pharmacy is ridiculously short-staffed because of summer, so they're only open for 3 hours in the afternoon. But because everyone is calling in those 3 hours, it's so busy you don't even get put on hold, it just says the wait time is too long and to email them and hangs up, lmao.

Same. Being undiagnosed autistic is horrifying in high school. I was chronically depressed and suicidal and everyone avoided me like the plague because I was weird as fuck and had no social skills. I did drop out at 17, then delivered mail for a few years, then after I got diagnosed and put on proper meds went and got my diploma in adult education at 24, which was super chill. Ironically I decided to become a teacher, in part because I want to contribute to making school a little less horrifying to kids like I was. And the 7 years of delay ended up being a huge benefit, because I can stand in front 25 13 year-olds confidently at 28, but I could never have done that at 21.

You can get a cat for who it is more beneficial to stay inside. For example cats who are scared and skittish or cats who are fiv positive. The former should stay inside for their own safety and the latter for other cats' safety. And they too deserve a home :)

Damn that explains why I was diagnosed at 20. It wasn't because women in autism is severely underdiagnosed, it was because I had only recently gotten it by diligently voting in every election since turning 18! 😫

Goddamn don't let Austrians hear you just called them German

It's my daily driver on my phone. I have Firefox on desktop, but back when I wanted a more privacy focused browser on my phone too, mobile Firefox was still dogshit. I got vivaldi instead and haven't really felt the need to switch.

Same. I have two alarms dedicated to just 'washing machine' and 'call pharmacy' because I will forget those every single time and end up with no clean underwear and no medication. The only problem is when I'm in a situation where I can't immediately write something down and/or set an alarm for something, like when I'm in the shower. Then whatever I thought of will simply be lost to the void forever.

I feel the same way. When I've done a particularly difficult jigsaw puzzle or made a new dress with a cool original design I do feel proud and accomplished. I also feel very satisfied after finally doing some cleaning task because everything looks clean and nice. But with assignments or exams from school or whatever I don't. The only time I get a true feeling of accomplishment from anything school related is if I've made a really fucking slapping lesson and the kids thought it was fun and weren't out for blood that day, lol.

I have two small friend groups of four and in both is someone who often works weekend, so that's always fun trying to plan something, let alone if I want to have both groups somewhere. It was honestly a miracle I could get all 6 of them in one place at the same time somewhat close to my birthday.

It's country specific. They were discontinued only in the US, but they still operate in multiple European countries, and in my experience like 70% of households here in the Netherlands have one of those things.

Thanks for the tip, I'll try that next time. Even though it's infuriating that it's necessary in the first place