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Joined 13 months ago

It made an attempt for sure, a cute one at that 🤣

Oh man, i've never been able to get over the: "i really want to play a game now that i have 30 minutes to spare and some energy left" ah fuck, 60gb update...fine i'm off to bed then.

Can't imagine what i would do if a car update would come with the worst possible timing like having to take your partner to the hospital for an emergency.

Ayy, someone gets it. The AI is basically going: "fuck yo dreams of being an artist".

This reminds me of the blackberry ping days, everyone and their mom acting like a diva for having a sidekick blackberry just to use ping.

Those were better days financially.

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I'd give them a call: "i don't mind these changes for 65% of the previous fee, unless you want me to cancel right here right now".

See if they are willing to compensate, if not just cancel and yarr matey.

It's just entertainment in the end, nothing we can't live without or have loads of replacements available.

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A digital upbringing it seems. Self taught, doomscrolling with no one around who loves them enough to tell them they are slipping away into darkness.

Please don't the 17 attempts for me to surrender my cookies are already exhausting my willingness to use the web.

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I can get behind the whole: "i'm playing games to escape from the world, stop dragging the real world politics into games" sentiment, but!

I made a trans character in cyberpunk because haha look a penis and boobies, Apparently Diego is now in a gay relationship with Sam...something about Sam and Cora (i find them adoreable, i'm just sad i can't give her all the books i steal) made me prefer them and...well i'm gay it seems lol.

Even more layers to roleplaying yay.

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You definitely got to know them, they kinda suck tho., if i understand this correctly yeah...the Deck might upen us all up to a future of Linux as our operating system as gamers?

Seeing how popular it is etc, might that actually be on purpose? Excuse me being dumb, i just play games and that's it basically no real computer tech knowledge.

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Keep it up, dumbasses.

Catch the hint...the harder you try the harder we do. There's no trying from our end.

I do everything on a roadbike and fixed gear, which are claimed to have the highest risk of getting a flat tire.

I usually have 2 flats a year which cost around 6€. I usually get a new pair of tires roughly once a year "just to be safe" when i notice the rubber showing oddities or they start losing grip a little. I usually go for continental GP (4kII/5k) tires if they are discounted and pay roughly 80€ for a pair.

I'm curious to see if this "no flat" tire will be cheaper and if it can be run tubeless.

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Or bad performance on near new overpriced hardware.

I enjoyed it for about 70h, then i got sick of all the loading.

I just need properly updated skyrim. Better graphics, similar amount of loading screens, better npc's, better mechanics but the same old fantasy setting.

Oh and all the mods, something about sculpting my own vuloptuous barbie doll character to turn into the ultimate killing machine.

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I haven't seen Louis Rossman's new video where the thumbnail claims their war on adblockers is backfiring, but i'm quite curious as i also found an adblocker for my smart tv that i'm going to try out when i get home from work.

Yarr matey

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My memories go as far back to when a full commercial block was 60 seconds and only happened once in the middle of a movie and usually around once per hour on regular tv.

The corner is missing from the package, but slightly to the left the corner can be found underneath another staple.

I almost thought they re-used the paper for the next guy

Turns out i'm gonna buy a steamdeck with them using linux and thinking of things like this.

I just need to wait a bit as the most expensive season is around the corner, i'm just glad our Dutch black friday doesn't outdo any regular discount making it a near necessity to wait for black friday.

What is that video xD Dutch oven wth kind of nickname is that for a battlebot man i'm dead

And then they leak/sell your email so for each cancelation you receive 7 different new spam mails on a daily basis.

At least that's what it seems like most of the time.

I actually don't most of the time, but i'm not going to explain our dynamic to some weirdo on the web just to protect myself against something that has less than zero consequences in my life.

I'm actually surprised this hasn't happened to streaming services yet.

Because the big channels will get a significant drop in views which lowers their sponsor pay and willingness to work with them.

My go to would be Skyrim, but i actually stopped playing about a year ago. My current one would be cyberpunk but i'm waiting for the dlc and playing diablo 4 atm.

I wonder what would happen if Google manages to destroy itself with increasing shenanigans like this.

I mean, so much of digital based stuff relies on them for some extent.

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Someone quick, put them in a sock.

Since we're all going off what is visible and nothing more: the outer bits seem to be fabric, maybe those are dirt covers?

That's some high res looking pikachu, i stole it.

Try 3d printing, it's a blast 😈

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It's not that i don't want to pay, it's just that their "service" isn't serving me and thus not worth the money.

Give me my cd's back lol. Let me own what i purchase.

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I would think it plays an ad on the screen and you have to touch it to start so it knows you're there and doesn't print until the ad is finished.

Seems to me that €2,50 is a fair price for a throwaway watch.

That's me, but with my 3d printer.

Every report i've passed claims yt is running in the reds for years, assuming this is true i can understand it.

But i'm still very happy adblock works for me on pc, the ads i get on tv are too many, too often.

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I have those magnet balls and over the years (sounds more dramatic than it is) i bought 10 sets which usually sit on my desk in some fancy shape as decoration.

They can get fairly expensive (mass/price) so i opted to buy a single set every so often as i haven't found a magnet shop that sells individual balls for less.

Sometimes i get so invested i'll mess with them for hours.

Imo paying a monthly fee and not getting something in return you can still use if you fall on bad times in such uncertain times as today makes zero sense. Rent more than doubled in the past 3 years and my wage actually went down, there is zero oppertunity to build a better life and now every silly business wants me to increase my monthly expenses by another 5/20 bucks per service per month, compared to an era where we just bought shit for cheap from the discount bin when we didn't make a lot of money.

I'll "ARRRR!" the whole way until they behave and life becomes affordable again.

I stopped working out because i can't afford the food needed to properly benefit from a workout. Whey used to be a cheap way to get protëine and it went up 350% in the past 2 years. Eggs, chicken, peanuts, vegetables all doubled in price. I'm left eating a roll of cheap cookies just to get some food in me half the time.

All hail Gabe

If i don't see the value i'm pirating.

Money is tight, don't expect me to pay for a play button that you'll take away the second i can't spare the money. It means there is no value delivered for my money so i don't have a reason to spend my hard earned money.

Especially when the amouny is as significant as 10/15€. Fuck i would've bought a cd for each month i could spare that money.

I saw a claim that Elon never said that but actually said: we will ad a lower cost tier.