Linux vs Windows tested in 10 games - Linux 17% faster on Average

Joe to – 635 points –
Linux vs Windows tested in 10 games - Linux 17% faster on Average

From Hardlimit


You are viewing a single comment, if i understand this correctly yeah...the Deck might upen us all up to a future of Linux as our operating system as gamers?

Seeing how popular it is etc, might that actually be on purpose? Excuse me being dumb, i just play games and that's it basically no real computer tech knowledge.

That was always Gabe's intention with SteamOS when it came out around a decade ago. He has never really liked windows, and definitely never liked the potential for Microsoft to mess with his product. SteamOS was made from the ground up to supplant windows as the primary gamer OS, we are just now witnessing the turning of the tide.

Gabe Newell has been openly critizicing Microsoft for quite some time now and therefore, Valve has been pro Linux for years.

It is not too far fetched that the Steamdeck is their second attempt to make Linux gaming more widespread after the failed "Steamboxes". This and they took the opportunity to make a PC-Switch knock-off when the market was perfectly ready for it.