4 Post – 299 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

For people wondering:

On the left you see a format popular on tiktok, where a clip from a videogame, some ice cream video and a Family Guy clip share the screen, playing simultaneously.

On the right you see a news anchor with weather info, a ticker and stock data also sharing the same screen.

The tiktok format is supposedly for low attention span kids which (also supposedly) need three completely disconnected things happening on screen at once in order to not lose interest in the video. The other one is... the news as it is common in the US.

"They are the same": you could say that both of these formats serve the same purpose.

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Woman bad videogame good

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Looks like religious conservative "pro-life" propaganda to me. ಠ_ಠ

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If he only knew anything about politics, it wouldn't be so bad. He seriously applauded Elon Musk for "fighting" against media bias by "the far-left democrats". 🫠

You really need to understand that there is a waaay bigger political spectrum than "Democrats" and "Republicans". Especially when it comes to foreign policy.

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Not being a tankie doesn't make you a lib.

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They do link to the sourde code and the website in the video description.

The lemmy post could be better, though.

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Not being a wage slave is based, actually

Romanus eunt domus.

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Here'rs the project page

Here's the sourge code repo

Louis Rossman is usually legit, but I definetly understand your wearyness. OP should do better.

Can someone ELI5 why this is so great? I watched the video and I hardly get it. (Linux user for 18 years)

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I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

Counter question: Do you think that running libraries is theft?

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Nice job! You even managed to not get downvoted into oblivion for using Gnome on Unixporn! XD

I think Canonical pitched this about 10 years ago.

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The dolphinbar has that feature and you should note, that the wiimote sensor has quite a low resolution (I'm guessing 640x480). That was fine for an SD console. For 1080p/4K mouse control: not so much.

Just as a warning.

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I see, we've passed the Pixar lazy ideas with AI phase and entered the videogames lazy ideas with AI phase.

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Comments are lies that will happen sometime in the future

Comments are always overlooked if gode gets refactored. Language servers can't/won't parse them and they're easy to overlook.

If you name your functions/variables clearly, put complex logic into clearly named functions and keep the same level of abstraction in every function (which never exceeds roughly 50 lines), you hardly need any comments, if any.

Comments are for behavior that's not possible to convey clearly through code.

He's allergic to cumin? TIL

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Bigger problems like the republicans and other far-right parties attacking reproductive rights? Yeah, you're right.

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To give the org credit, they found and fixed the problem – a typo in a script, apparently – but as a result, the sequencing of the demos was disrupted and the result was a little confusing.

I'm gonna quote this, the next time my boss asks why we need a thorough testing culture.

Edit: Also: language servers and static code checkers safe money, so don't hassle me about why I need to config neovim while clocked in.

You're describing communalism, if you're interested.

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You skipped the "of". Made the same mistake.

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seconded. has afaik the biggest interesing communities for FOSS, privacy, Memes, etc.

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OP thinks they're going to hell for this. This is not enough effort for hell to even bother.

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Depends on your definition of "works". Do you want stabilityin your sound?

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You are dn the internet and not everyone here is from the US.

The US political system is not the center of the political world.

In fact, I think that the Democrat Republican dichotomy is one reason why people in the west are so badly informed when it comes to politics.

Both from the Apartheit colonizers as well as the islamist terrorist organizations?

Have you ever heard of climate change?

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I find all the "privacy isn't possible on the clearnet, lol" Commets quite troubling. Yes, the internet doesn't forget and we should always behave on the internet as if our moms could read it.

But that kind of "privacy realism" fosters an additude that doesn't care about privacy at all; no matter how it could be improved (even if it's never perfect). Just because anyone on the street can follow me home and therefore can find my home address, I'm not carrying a sign with my address when going to a protest.

According to this comment, privacy is worse than with mastodon. And while data always can be scraped, it still isn't too much to ask to properly federate deletions.

Yes, the internet is a public place and reddit is bad and you might not like raddle, but come on, people. Have you all given up on improving things already? And do only tech-savvy people with the knowledge and resources to run their own servers have a right to privacy on the internet?

I thought Nintendo will keep that voice actor a secret as to prevent him from having too much power over the brand (they'd have more freedom in replacing any VA and pay them less).

Now I imagine Afghani touring with Martinet and them having "Wahoo!", "It's-a me!", "Yipiiiiieeeehhh!" conversations on stage.

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Jesse what the fuck are you talking about dot jpeg

Yes, dad. 🙄

They specifically stated that they where attending anti-governmsnt protests. 🙄

Native Linux: Install it on Desktop mode.

With proton: You just download the installer and add it as a non-Steam game. After installation, redirect the non-Steam game link to the game binary/executable. You'll probably need to force proton, too.

With music: add it to your Deck in Desktop mode via USB/SD, or the network. There's probably a Decky plugin for playing music files, too.

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Not if you need any work done.

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But it also makes it more hilarious!

Can someone explain what the chad is referencing?

Ok, then make the trains a public service, collect taxes for it and make puplic transport free.

Analogous to the whole "piracy" discourse: Manage more media like libraries.

There was a recent report (rather exagerrated but still) which claimed that in the 1930s it took 65 hours of human labour a week to run a household. Today it takes 3. Things were worse back in medieval days.
