
2 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Master of Applied Cuntery, Level 7 Misanthrope, and Social Injustice Warrior

I used my PC to watch TV from bed before sleeping and just set an auto shutdown so it would turn off after I fell asleep. Once I forgot to set the auto shutdown. So I did the only reasonable thing: I grabbed the laptop next to my bed, booted it, SSHed into my PC, shut it down remotely and then powered off the laptop. This was in the days of spinning hard discs and the entire scheme took at least 20 times as long as had I just gotten up, moved 1.5m (that's 5 feet in freedom units) and shut it down directly.

Dear women, please don't listen to a random cunt on the internet on how to dress. I'm also random, and a cunt, but please dress like this:

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Whoa, who would've guessed there are so many anti-Semites in Israel!?

Little add-on: The current behavior kind of makes the creator of a post the "owner" of the comment section. If they dislike an ensuing conversation, even if they're not involved in it, they just delete the post - "Fuck you, you're not having that conversation!". I find that problematic from an ethical perspective.

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The pattern is inconsistent. Either it needs to be bar and bye or bmouth and bnose.

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Non-paywall link: https://web.archive.org/web/20240305000347/https://www.wired.com/story/pornhub-chatbot-csam-help/

There's this lingering implication that there is CSAM at Pornhub. Why bother with "searches for CSAM" if it does not return CSAM results? And what exactly constitutes a "search for CSAM"? The article and the linked one are incredibly opaque about that. Why target the consumer and not the source? This feels kind of backwards and like language policing without really addressing the problem. What do they expect to happen if they prohibit specific words/language? That people searching for CSAM will just give up? Do they expect anything beyond them changing the used language and go for a permanent cat and mouse game? I guess I share the sentiments that motivated them to do this, but it feels so incredibly pointless.

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Ah, the ancient country Spance, which sank because its inhabitants disrespected the mighty god Nuggan.

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Ooohh, give it a twist! One direction the trolley kills a bazillion people. The other direction it kills only one person, but everybody else becomes an atheist.

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You me an everything to me.

Keming is hard.

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Thanks. Red is my favorite taste.

Enable rpmfusion for media codecs and things like libdvdcss or unrestricted mesa drivers: https://rpmfusion.org/Configuration


Fedora comes out of the box with a curated flatpak repo. You might want to replace that with flathub: https://flatpak.org/setup/Fedora

Imho, there's no reason not to enable disk encryption for root. Luks configuration during setup is very straightforward.

If you don't have nvidia graphics, enable uefi and secure boot (no legacy options). Fedora works well with it out of the box.

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I'd love Hitchens, or someone of that caliber, to pull that off in talkshow: just show that picture and say it's not a human. And after the nutters have lost their shits and raged for minutes, reveal that it really is not a human, because, it is an elephant.

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Runs on ~5 tons of coal per day.

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One recent article authored by Stokes claimed that a Nazi-alien alliance was responsible for acts of arson at a Kellogg’s cereal factory.

Oh my ... that was an entertaining read 😂

Re sauce:

I can't browse through the brain rot 😢

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Garlic is only replaceable by more garlic.

Confront it with a/the trolley-problem.

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Something not catering to your sensibilities doesn't translate to "inappropriate". There's clear criticism in that comment. Do you want to deny them to voice criticism?

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I fear for my aunt and cousin.

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How do you feel about camping and anal?

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Not joy in general; just other people's joy.

*per C

The % symbol is based on the arabic numeral 0.

Your mom is so fat she compresses a binary tree into a linked list in O(1) by sitting on it.

Hamas is not at that point.

So, how many bombs still need to be dropped on Palestine to get them there?

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All of them are great if you want diabetes.

I came for the drugs and hookers. False advertisement much. Pretty disappointed.

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Doesn't it get tiring to create new accounts only to post the same stuff time and time again, only to get it downvoted, removed, and banned time and time again? What do you get out of it? Do you masturbate to the comment sections?

What's the difference between racism and asian people?

Racism has many faces.

Every man has his price. Mine happens to be 3 gummy bears.

_cnt0 says everything that comes after 'Trump says' can be discarded as a lie.

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Nothing of that is thanks to capitalism. All of it is despite capitalism.

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Seeing that in recent days was actually the inspiration for my concoction.

(Open) Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Or OpenTTD for short.

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Not my proudest fap ...

*Greg Kroah-Hartman

Welcome to the KDE gang.

If they didn't do it the mods and admins will.

Yah, I was about to mention that, but left it out to keep the post brief and on point.

Power mods shape conversation here far more than Reddit mods ever did.

I'm not sure of that. My experience feels the other way around.