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Joined 1 years ago

A few years ago I chose to stop thinking about it. I just refill the roll and don’t worry about it. When I realized it didn’t matter, it was a weight lifted off my shoulders. Same with trying to stop the gas pump on the nearest dollar or setting the tv volume to an even number.

I don’t know why I felt such a relief when I let go, but I did and now I’m free!

My favorite is when the title says remote or local to you, but then the body of the posting says you would be required to relocate and that it was intentionally posted in multiple cities to reach a wider audience.

If I wanted to work in Minnesota, I would have searched for jobs in Minnesota.

This is a method I heard once for remembering random passwords that I thought was clever.

Create your own alphabet of words (or random characters). A is for Apple, B is for Boy, C is for Cat…etc.

For every letter in the URL, you use the word from your alphabet. Ex:


F = Fog, A = Apple, C = Cat, E = Egg, B = Boy, O = Off, O = Off, K = Kite

Next, you need a number if you didn’t use one in your alphabet.

Facebook is 8 letters long so I might use 8. Or only letters repeated once. Or maybe you use the whole URL. Up to you, but you do it the same way for every site. You create a patter that you follow and can remember, rather than remembering every password.

Need a symbol? Assign that to the top level domain. In my example, .com = # .edu = ? .org = * etc

Put it all together and my example password would be “8FogAppleCatEggBoyOffOffKite#”.

A password for google.com might be ‘6GolfOffOffGolfLogEgg#’.

Obviously, you don’t have to do it this exact way with the alphabet, number, and symbol. The idea is that you create a set of rules that you remember and follow. If you write down “A = Apple B = Boy…” and someone finds it, it won’t be instantly obvious that it is meant for passwords.

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Idk. I mean, you can stream games on your browser with a decent internet connection. I don’t know what quality the games will be but I don’t think games in a browser is itself a problem.

Web Applications are inherently cross-platform so they don’t need to spend as much developing for multiple systems.

Many desktop applications ares secretly Web Applications and you might not even know.

While I’d prefer the do that also, I think the issue is that Google pays them so much, they couldn’t afford to exist without it.

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Mixed feelings about this too. I want to know that a prescriber is taking it seriously, but also, making a doctors appointment is surprisingly really hard for me to do. I don’t mean because of a busy schedule. I meant it is just really difficult for some neurodivergent people to do things that other people can do easily.

Online treatment has made it more accessible for people like me and I may not have sought treatment otherwise.

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Audible replaced a version of a book my boyfriend bought with a completely different version of the same book. I mean a different narrator and everything. He had purchased the book a few years earlier but he didn’t manage to get a refund from them.

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lol. Cybertrucks are looking like my sink.

They should invest heavily in Barkeepers Friend. Works pretty well on the sink.

TLDR; Fandom has a lot of QAnon articles written to make the scams seem legitimate to less computer savvy people.

My mom has fallen in a Qanon conspiracy world. The people from that world write Fandom articles about themselves to make it seem legitimate. I found them when I started investigating these people trying to convince her to steer clear.

I don’t trust a single thing on Fandom anymore.

It’s like music streaming. The streaming quality is worse and wireless earbuds don’t sound great, but the convenience of it all made that industry huge.

Convenience over quality.

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Future's portfolio of brands included TechRadar, PC Gamer, Tom's Guide, Tom's Hardware, Marie Claire, GamesRadar+, All About Space, How it Works, CinemaBlend, Android Central, IT Pro and Windows Central.


Supposedly he met the creators at a party after the first game came out and asked to play claptrap. I don’t have a source to share with you, but if that’s true then I’m fine with it.

But yeah, most of this movie looks very bad.

I did too until last year when I realized Subway was making my 16 year old niece work for 9 hours with no lunch and no breaks.

Even minors, don’t get lunches in red states.

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Too late. I already canceled. FOSS is the future.

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I grew up pretty close to St. Mary’s. It’s a small town, probably like 3k people sorta between Topeka and Manhattan KS. A bunch of St Pius Catholics moved there and now they fight about it with the original citizens.

Keep in mind, this isn’t far from Westboro Baptist Church and a surprisingly large population of Mormons near Kansas City. Honestly the fact that they didn’t support this guys is pretty wild considering.

Small town KS has been increasingly left moving. My gay aunt was elected mayor of a different small town. The raid on the newspaper, has people rolling back (some) support in police, and while driving on some backroads near cattle farms, I saw a large amount of signs supporting Biden vs Trump in the election. It was pretty surprising.

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I realize they charge what people are willing to pay, but can someone explain to me why YouTube costs just a couple USD a month in some countries and almost $20 a month in the US?

Are operating costs cheaper in those countries? Are they taking a loss in those counties? Or are they just price gouging in the US?

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They can’t sell. Their adult children have to live with them since they can’t afford anything else.

Soul Reaver

My whole family loved these games.

Later, I realized Amy Hennig worked on these at Crystal Dynamics before leaving for Naughty Dog where she worked on the Uncharted Series.

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Skyrim. I’m a Skyrim hoarder, grabbing every flower I run by. While driving to work I remember thinking, I need to get those. Thank goodness I remembered not to do that in real life.

I just deleted mine too.

I think the original joke was funnier. It was unexpected. The new joke felt a bit lazy.

Also, I really want malls to be turned into mixed use facilities. Like all the small stores are apartments and the big anchoring spaces on the ends of the mall would be grocery stores and shopping. Imagine you forgot to pick up milk after work so you just walk to the other end of the mall and buy it. I love that idea.

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Same. I have a low paying white collar job that I don’t enjoy. I thought I would start learning development just in time or AI and then layoffs. It makes me feel really sick and scared for the future.

A lot of posts and videos have been put up about how it will be fine. That AI won’t take jobs and even with the layoffs, they say head counts are still up, but it feels pretty hopeless to me.

I don’t know what else to do, so I’m just going to keep trying and keep pushing myself to be a better dev. Maybe I’ll get there someday.

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Came here to say this. That movie is fantastic. And it was made for basically nothing. It’s so smart.

I’m hoping with the easing up of emulators and game streaming that Nintendo and Sega would just put official emulators up. Honestly, I’d pay them for access to one and to related games.

I know this is mostly wishful thinking but, a woman can dream.

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I guess I better rewatch and find him!

A Christian website designer sued so she wouldn’t have to make sites for LGBTQ+ weddings. The court said she can refuse, citing religious freedom. It was a 6-3 vote.

Also, it seems the web designer that sued basically made it all up. The designer didn’t have any same-sex clients. She didn’t receive any requests from gay couples to work on their wedding websites. But it doesn’t matter the court ruled that she can legally discriminate anyway.

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I saw a comic who spoke about telling the bartender before shows to put tea in his glass instead. Even if people order a shot for him, it should just be tea. It looked enough like alcohol that no one would make a big deal about it.

It’s wild that you can’t just be like “I want tea” without it becoming a whole thing.

Not all airlines assign seats. I learned this last year. Southwest doesn’t assign seats but you get assigned groups for boarding. You can probably pay for earlier groups but I don’t know, I wasn’t the one who purchased the tickets directly.

Anyways, you line up in order of your boarding assignment. The earlier you get on the plane the better seat you get.

I hated it. Just assign seats.

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This. I’m not completely sober but I did get myself in trouble a couple times after moving to a new city where I didn’t know anyone. The only way to meet people was at a bar and when I did make friends with my interests, again, it was always meeting up at a bar.

I get it. Where are you going to go after work when other places are closing and it’s dark outside.

my social anxiety made it all worse. What do I do with my hands? I guess I’ll hold a drink. I hated the whole thing. Now, I’m in my 30s and I barely leave my house. Dogs are better than people. 😊

This kept happening to me. Then, I realized my account was compromised. Someone in China was also using it to listen to music. It kept pausing every time they started playing a song.

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It did at the very very bottom. I almost missed it.

This. I work in commercial real estate and it’s kind of hard to turn into house. It’s cheaper for them to just knock it down and start over.

The issue is the electricity and plumbing. In a commercial building these tend to run up and down the middle or just one side of the building. Apartments need to equally have access to utilities so they’d had to do a ton of construction to move plumbing and wiring into the correct places.

Nothing has made my computer slower than trying to open Excel. FFS. You need min 32GBs of RAM and a 4060 for that thing.

I set an alarm but I have a bad habit of turning it off and just going back to what I was doing.

I don’t know why he won’t give me XR. When I brought it up, he pushed Vyvanse instead. I’m not opposed to trying it, now that it’s generic but I asked my pharmacist and she said she wouldn’t because they can’t get that in stock either.

Doc did suggest I set an alarm in a different room next to the pills. It forces me to get up and turn it off. I do that when I work from home.

I was going through my YouTube subscriptions on an account that’s been active since 2010ish. I didn’t recognize several accounts at all. They had deleted all their older videos and changed their account names.

I found myself subscribed to things that I would never have subscribed to. Either I had done it accidentally or they changed their name and took their videos in a different direction.

It’s a bummer because there are some old videos that were pretty funny/creative and now they are just gone.

I agree with you. I think this is a way to introduce people who aren’t tech-savvy into Activity Pub and Fediverse, which is ultimately a good thing.

Yes, Meta has a history of being untrustworthy, but I think a place that allows communication between a large population isn’t a bad thing either.

I would rather wait and see when Threads is full federated and what that means. We just don’t have enough information to make a decision.

I would rather 70 million people have joined Mastodon but that’s just not how things work and we need to be realistic.

Hey! I love this! I produce and edit a podcast in my free time and I’m going back to school for web development so I have many related projects!

My boyfriend loves that he can say that to me and I’m not offended. He says it to other people and they are confused

You’re not alone. I feel this way too. I don’t know what else to do so I’m just going to keep going, but it definitely seems bleak at times.

I love making things and I love figuring out how stuff works so at least it’s not a chore for me.