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I think the point is that the kids don't care and the only people complaining are the adults who don't feel completely comfortable.

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Boo fucking hoo. Mozilla isn't a saint and could benefit from a shake up as well. Mozilla's dependency on Google is dangerous for all of us.

The biggest loser if the DOJ doesn't win is literally everyone.

I will bite whatever bullet I have to if it means the end of Google hegemony.

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I'm not addressing the racist part of the post with this, just the "less government involvement" part:

  • anti-porn laws
  • educational restriction laws
  • abortion restriction laws
  • contraceptive restriction laws
  • laws attacking encryption

The list goes on (and I'm sure there are more laws passed that I'm forgetting about) but the first four categories are heavily pushed by the GOP and the last one they are still co-sponsors on (Lindsay Graham and Diane Feinstein both suck). Some of the laws that are being passed are even designed to restrict constituents even when they aren't in the state, and some even restrict their ability to LEAVE the state.

GOP is not the "less government" party, they are the "less government that allows things I don't like and more government that forces everyone in line" party. There really isn't a "less" government party, they're all just "different" government parties.

PS: Adding "PS: Trump sucks" at the end doesn't magically give everything else you said credence.

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I don't think it's Linux.

I think Tim Sweeney is just like all of the big publicly traded companies where they do not want the best thing for their customers and only want to control them.

Valve, and thus Gabe Newell, is actually making pro-consumer choices, which is success that Tim Sweeney wants.

I think the grudge is against Gabe Newell and Valve.

There is a chance that Tim Sweeney would actively shit on Linux anyway, since that would reduce control over consumers (and yes with all of the deceptive practices Epic does and how they fight lawsuits in court, they definitely are not trying to give control to the users).

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Fortnite loads fine on Linux but closes after reaching the main menu. It doesn't crash, it closes. They're actively blocking the community from self-supporting.

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I dropped my sub. Was paying roughly $7.50/mo for 2 years for the legacy bundle and they nearly tripled it to $18.99/mo.

Of all my streaming services, I literally do not watch ESPN, and barely use Hulu and Disney. I could justify $7.50 by stretching the definition of justification, but $18.99 is more than I pay for streaming services I use regularly.

I actually work harder (in general) than before because now I don't have to commute, 1-2 hours more a day I can spend getting stuff done

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... Only a free month? After cleaning up brains? I hope there was also some pay for therapy.

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Exactly, why would you vote for a party that is telling you how to raise your kids and what you can do in your own bedroom, i.e. why vote for the GOP, who do exactly that?

If the GOP doesn't outright restrict you, they let their corporate sponsors do it directly.

They can't spell, and even if they can they can't read and don't listen.

Unless it's a Java Minecraft server which I believe exclusively uses TCP still.

I mean this only routes a small amount to their servers, the actual data to use a website isn't sent to

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ATLA live action. It's already almost gone from my memory but not quite all the way gone.

This is a chicken and egg problem.

They claim there is voter fraud, so they vote twice to counteract the voter fraud, which leads to claims of voter fraud.

I mean I guess it's counteracting the vote fraud if they get caught and stripped of eligibility...

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Because it's showing how garbage the Portal is.

The Portal is first party hardware that:

  1. Can only do one job as opposed to the Steamdeck
  2. Does its singular job worse than the Steamdeck does the exact same job
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Vanguard was announced and was supposed to be added to League imminently a while ago. I stopped playing months ago as a result. I can hardly imagine that I am the only one, so the number seems cherry picked for convenience.

I'd like to know what the average daily player count on Linux was prior to 2024, I suspect it's higher than 800.

That said, I get the trade-off. I won't support that trade-off though because I will never agree with an anticheat implemented like Vanguard is.

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The ban is on campus networks, but the reactions I'm reading are acting like this is a ban on the campus itself.

It's not censorship (or fascism), just like if they blocked PornHub it wouldn't be censorship (or fascism).

And no, blocking PornHub on a university campus where the vast, vast majority of connected users are 18+ isn't justifiable unless it was under the grounds of security.

If everyone did that we would have a solution.

The reality is that with the current balance of power that will never happen.

It not that I don't wish for it to happen, but even if two people here agree there's no way we are going to take 70 million votes away from each party equally to guarantee neither can beat the third party.

We have one path: get more young people who aren't batshit crazy into both the Senate and the House until we can force campaign finance reform, ban all of the should-be-illegal lobbying, force a voting system chance, and ban gerrymandering. Nothing else is going to beat the corporate government.

I'm not buying an EV not because of lack of infrastructure or lack of interest, but because the product sucks.

I'm not buying a gas car either for the same product sucking reason, and an active desire to never purchase a gas car again.

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If "Jesus" returned he would smite them all for the last 2000 years of bloodshed.

They're not actually advocating for mob rule, mob rule is only acceptable if it's the mob rule that accomplishes what they want.

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The latter point is probably correct, because it totally won't stop people from going and he has to know this.

My knees are fine and my back doesn't hurt from age.

TF? (aka fuck'em) That seems like the USD price is probably going to rise too then. USD 9.99 right now for me and that's AUD 15.41.

AUD 33 would be more than doubling it for me, just like Disney more than doubled my barely used subscription (I instantly cancelled that).

One Piece is going to have real live action now methinks.

I watched Apocalypto for a school paper at age 15 (from a list of options given to me), and honestly I think some softcore porn would have been better. Some rated R stuff is fine for a kid to watch, Apocalypto definitely wasn't.

Also that same year I researched and did presentations on Chinese history (was a prehistorical to maybe a couple hundred years ago timeline) and at least in my research I covered things like the foot tying thing (to make feet smaller) and that didn't prepare me for the scene in Marco Polo (I think on Netflix) where that happened (and I didn't finish the episode or continue the series because it's just too fucked up).

Porn can be fucked up, some porn is definitely NSFL, but there are a lot of things that are so much worse than the average porn site.

I wish they actually tried to "protect the children" but the politicians are very clearly not.

I'm very left leaning but I don't think we as a society are necessarily ready for the optimal societal structure, and I know I don't know what the best path to getting us there is.

I'm not against opposition parties, I think that we ideally need a bunch of distinct viewpoints at the table, but all of those distinct viewpoints should meet some minimum bar of human decency and respect.

Right now I think some of the stuff the GOP fights for is demonstrably below that bar, and I am not referring to the quiet and unheard constituents, I'm referring to the people with the loudspeaker.

Some examples of viewpoints that don't get a seat at the table are pro-slavery, pro-genocide, pro-sexual abuse, pro-fake medicine, pro-corporate ownership, etc. An opposition party is not a party that supports these things, an opposition party would be one that says "hey rather than letting X company corner the market and have a de facto monopoly, we break them up so they have less control", or "hey instead of invading another country militarily, we offer humanitarian aid instead", or "hey if we're going to rework the economy to have more freedom and respect for the consumer, instead of socializing production of resources we adopt more competition-oriented free-market regulations". The thing is, this isn't what any opposition party is doing.

(I'll also admit that I was a fool for thinking that big tech hate by the right was ever going to lead stronger regulation of the big tech corporate empires, it's just hollow and blind hatred, all bark and literally no useful bite.)

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The GOP also continues to get elected because of the two party system. There's a much better shot at taking over the Democratic party to force reform through than will ever happen with the GOP. I want to vote third party, but I'm not going to pretend that it's safe to do so yet at the level of president.

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Didn't EA shut down Origin or at least make it optional?

Remember Valve is the company and Steam is the storefront/launcher.

Epic is the company, EGS is the storefront/launcher.

EA is the company, Origin is (was?) the storefront/launcher.

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It sounds about as out of touch as their neurons.

Sucks that the idiots forcing these stupid ideas get buckets of money though.

If it works it's likely not supported officially by any carrier (this probably also applies to Canada and possibly Mexico), but it's at least not for sale in the US. Not sure if it's sold to all of Europe or just the EU/EEZ however.

I would hope after Pence's life was threatened that he'd continue to do the opposite of what Trump wants him to do.

Software engineer here to say I show up to an interview in similar attire (I ask the recruiter what the expected attire is so I may dress slightly more or less formal depending on that), but after that I'm thankful there's no dress code because I dress in a T-shirt and gym shorts basically all day every day barring weather concerns.

I never would have thought to call his outfit sleazy or even bad.

Because the Police and Politicians are the boots and suits of the uber rich.

He did something: add national security loopholes

The worst possible offenders aren't really being reined in by this executive order.

Quite frankly it didn't put enough restrictions on the various "national security" agencies, and so while it may help to stem the tide of irresponsible usage by many of the lesser-impact agencies, it doesn't do the same for the agencies that we know will be the worst offenders (and have been the worst offenders).

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Trump would dump multiple times the amount of money Biden is into Israel, and he'd pivot us to backing Russia in the extermination of Ukraine. Assuming he doesn't start another genocide himself, he will absolutely make the situation worse.

Biden may have no shame, but Trump is constantly talking about doing even worse. Pretending risking him in office would be better is a dangerous delusion.

The advertisers are only paying for seen ads, not ads that are blocked.

And people that block ads weren't likely to click on any to begin with, which benefits advertisers because they get a higher clickthrough rate.

Google doesn't want to be providing a good service to anyone though, they want money. Low clickthrough with high views makes Google more money (and costs the advertisers more money and the viewers more time).

Or the vaping without permission inside someone else's home during a meal.

It's impressive the level of mental gymnastics to jump around both and call the act of kicking them out excessive seeing as both are sufficient justification on their own, let alone together.

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I honestly am not sure I've ever heard of the bottom two, I'm a second generation DeWalter (though my dad also used Ryobi).

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Honestly saying that Steam killed physical ownership of games and citing HL2 is a poor example. Just off the top of my head Blizzard beat Valve to this with World of Warcraft. You could buy a physical copy but you couldn't play it without their servers. Keys were locked to a single account as far as I'm aware.

Ultimately physical size constraints lead to the demise of physical purchases. That said, Valve in theory has a set-up to allow us to retain our games even if they disappear one day. How that works or how long it would take to happen is a different story, but they do apparently have something like a kill-switch in place.

TF2 was certainly the first major western game to have loot boxes, but extremely similar gacha systems already existed before this. It would be disingenuous to blame Valve for this, they just hopped on the train.

MFN clause is really only an issue if it can be proven that it is in place for anticompetitive reasons, and Steam's rule is not completely inflexible. Also, if the copy is being sold without Steam integration, fine, I can totally see why you shouldn't need price parity — but if you were to sell a Steam key price parity is entirely fair since the end user is getting access to Valve's servers. Also if a developer sold a game for the same price with no Steam integration on somewhere like GOG, Valve wouldn't be getting any cut, the developer would just be making more money (though ironically with less feature integration, it's not like Steam doesn't add value).

On the flip side instead of acting like we said all of Valve's decisions were pro-consumer and cherry picking a few decisions that aren't, I can cite:

  • Valve's work on Wine/Proton
  • the open SteamOS
  • repairability and part availability and compatibility for SteamDeck
  • all of the features Valve adds to Steam and the improvements they're making over time (it has gotten better), Steam is arguably easier to use and functionally superior to something like EGS
  • the community marketplaces and discussion boards that Steam hosts
  • their work to support users on a variety of platforms with things like Steam Link and even cross-platform support for their utilities and games

It's really not like they do literally nothing that is pro-consumer.