
1 Post – 120 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Censoring inoffensive words like sex.

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What does not work
capitalism (IRL; I wouldn't want to try implementing it here)

I actually lol'd

And I gotta ask, what insanity drives someone to implement a minecraft server in bash...?

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Also look into donating to your instance maintainer. They literally pay for the server costs, so it's fair.

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As someone who comes from a country where we do require photo ID for voting, not requiring one feels absurd, so I asked the same question. Apparently in the US, there is a part of the population that doesn't normally get photo ID and that part is mostly poor people and minorities and photo ID laws are used as means of disenfranchisement, similar to having the voting days during business days (when many people can't come to vote) or having voting stations far away in an area with limited public transport options.

Where I live in Finland, the police will actually grant you a temporary photo ID only for voting if you don't have one, although most people have passports. There are early voting stations in basically every post office for a week and the main voting day is always on a Sunday. No excuse to miss voting.

I've only missed one voting during my life, at a time when I was living in another country and there was no consulate in the part of the country I was in. Nowadays there's also the option of mail-in voting when outside the country, I don't know if it wasn't a thing back then or I just didn't know.

That's not to say I didn't want some improvements in our system: I'd like to see ranked choice voting or something similar here, there are some smaller parties I've been voting and it seems they seldom have a chance.

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I feel like there are some missed opportunities

  • Sensors that don't work because a proprietary driver is missing
  • Having to add repositories to get wifi working
  • Voice assistant that only works if you know terminal command parameters by heart
  • More tool windows
  • More xorg.conf to get displays working
  • A flame war about the relative benefits of obscure infrastructure componemts
  • 7 package managers, 3 if which are needed to install 90% of needed software. The remaining 10% somehow still needs to be installed via shell scripts
  • Completely new UI in each version, still looks like it was designed by german ocelots in the 90s
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Technically yes, but in practice the goal is to make the practical arrangements implementing of Article 5 security quarantees possible. There is not much use of NATO support, if alliance forces can't operate in Finland in a practical way.

I am sure there are new operational agreements of similar nature will be made between Finland and Sweden as well as Finland and Estonia. That said, there is already a significant degree of defence cooperation between Finland and Sweden.

Finland is also already part of the british led JEF, and I would be surprised if the Nato framework would not change the nature of that cooperation.

There may be challenges involved in controlling the shape, location and number of regrown teeth.

To what extent..?

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You should all go file a complaint with a data protection agency.

The thread in the linked social network suggests concentrating the complaints to the Irish DPC: https://forms.dataprotection.ie/contact

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Lithium batteries are happiest between 20 and 80% state of charge. You should not store them outside of that range. Charging a little often also doesn't hurt your battery like many seem to believe.

Charging while cold is bad, but storing in cold is good.

Also, NiMh and NiCd batteries are different tha Lithium based ones. Check what type of battery you have. Phones and EVs are almost always lithium though.

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That... Actually covers it. Yea.

Amazing. I'm not OP and have no use for this info, but it was fun to learn it still.

That is what they are saying which is pretty disingenuous. The entire point of the law is to target multinationals which cannot be reined in by national legislation.

Boo hoo, the poor tiny Amazon doesn't want to take responsibility.

Yea, fof models X and S, they have a discrete GPU and can run steam.

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I kind of want to know what it does... Is it like a rumble pack for your ass? And is it intended to improve the gaming experience or is the game supposed to improve sex?

Although not something I could see myself doing, I don't judge. People can be too busy for dating, out of practice, too awkward or just wanting to cross off something off their bucket list. At the very least it ain't my business.

Bees... Do both?

I agree with the problem, but I also kind of agree with the judge. The point of separation of powers is that the judicial system interprets the will of the legislative. We have had similar cases in Finland , where the law clearly should say one thing and the courts conclude that the law in fact says another thing. Fortunately, this situation occasionally leads the parliament into saying 'well fuck' and changing the law.

I will admit I don't really understand the role of courts making law in the US and other common law countries, so it might be different there.

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I have been lucky, no ads, no message. Probably my region gets the updates so late uBlock has already compensated.

Loric is what Mark Zuckerberg emanates.

I would ve against using this weapon, if the Russians had not already used them extensively. Clearing out all of the unexploded ones is going to take decades...

Still, glad to see the political will to support Ukraine is still there!

It also goes away quickly when not addicted.

Source: tried nicotine, was disappointed.

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Many wrong answers here. Most devices have what's called a power path. When a device is powered via a cable and the battery is full, the device battery is bypassed and the electronics powered via the charging port directly.

There are always losses in both charging and discharging a battery. Discharging the power bank first and the SD battery second avoids the charging loss from the SD battery.

You should avoid keeping either battery at sub 20% state-of-charge for long periods, if possible.

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I have engineered a solution for exactly this, believe it or not.

The shower system consists of carbon doped ferrous material coated with a zinc passivation agent. There is a flow control subsystem made of a Cu-Zn alloy which also causes aerosolization of the hydrogen-oxygen payload. The hydrogen-oxygen mixture is pre-processed in a large volume nitrogen container, and precipitated down to the shower system using a combination of thermal effects and manipulation of ambient pressure.

Works really well, only limitation is the amount of precipitate available.

In other words, it's a metal rain bucket with a faucet.

This is really well made, kudos!

I just checked I have no payment method on file. Should protect me.

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The point is not to ban smoking, but to make it less appealing. This has worked extremely well in Finland, combined with education about the risks.

I think you're on to something.

I studied in a university which also had a famous art department. I tried taking courses on the art programme's aide, but they didn't take me - all courses required the 10 month basic arts studies to participate.

I think some mingling would benefit both the artists and the techies. Steve Jobs famously studied calligraphy, and later made apple the mainstay of digital art, so it can be profitable too.

I kind of understand that they can't offer the cloud service forever - that's OK, but I'd like there to be a local option then

So after spending a fair amount of money on a device with forced obsolescence, I get to give more money to this company, yay!

I feel like there's a simple solution: Government issues free photo IDs to everyone, you need to pay for it if you destroy/lose it while it's still valid.

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To an extent, it is also beneficial in today's society. Hyperfocus and fast context switching can be assets in some jobs, if the downsides are not too great and that can depend on the job and colleagues a lot.

But yea, I can imagine it has been more of an asset in a different time.

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I have found Linux to have excellent HW support for all older hardware. Only notable exception is fingerprint readers. Granted, it's been years since I tried gaming.

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A 1 minute google search would have revealed that the main ICBM used by the PLA uses a liquid fuel rocket. It is being replaced with the DF-41, but it is very likely DF-5 is the missile being referenced by the article.

The DF-5s are used in two main operational modes: erecting a mobile launch platform commonly on rails (missiles stored inside mountain tunnels) or stored vertically and ready to launch in silos.

China has maintained a sort of minimalistic nuclear deterrent for years - I think very responsibly - where a handful of quick to launch and well hidden nuclear weapons ensure other powers don't get too uppity. The pre-fueled missiles in silos therefore represent an essential retaliatory strike component for China's nuclear deterrent.

Although embarrassing, this sort of corruption can cause catastrophic consequences. I would be happy that rotten apples like this are rooted out.

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I love it when someone can verbalize my feelings perfectly.

The cost of the scroll wheel cannot possibly be more than 10€ and the pcb cannot be more than 1€ battery is about 4e and display can be 7-8, chip is 2-3e and passives, connectors etc brlow 5. The manufacturing costs of the thing are likely below 40€, even in small volumes. Assy costs are probably about 20% of the total.

Part of the high cost may be investments in moulds for the casing and r&d cost.

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They would already know to a very high degree, because the device associates with a specific cell tower, and the cell size is quite small for 5g networks, especially in cities. I don't see why they would need a more accurate info.

I think there might be two options to the right (yellow stickers) indicating eg 95E15 and 98E10

It seems to me this passage speaks against the bankers, intellectual property owners, monopolists, land owners and the like. All gate keepers of resources.

Perhaps Atlas is actually someone else than Rand thought.

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Although I understand the sentiment, the instrument under which the funding has been granted is called NEVI and has pretty strict requirements about what gets built (150kW rated, payment terminal equipped charging stations along major roads) as well as transparency requirements about reliability.

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My wife once commented to me with a snide smile

Wife: I know why like that bluey show so much.

Me: Oh?

W: it's because you are just like the dad!

I've never been so proud. Still think about it sometimes.