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Joined 1 years ago

I have to admit, Samsung have some great things in terms of hardware, but this is not one of them - and their anti-consumer practices will continue to keep me away from the brand.

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Enjoying tech is one thing, wanting touchscreens everywhere is another. If they were so cool as an input device, all the cool kids would have ditched their mechanical keyboards from their desks.

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Something you're paying for should be completely ad free, period.

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He's probably right, but from what I see, the reality is that like 95% of people simply don't care, and the rest will find an alternative.

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The planet isn't going anywhere. We are!

- Carlin

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Left pad is a good example of why you shouldn't.

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"The moon landing was staged, but Stanley Kubrick demanded to shoot on location."

AI will take over the world. You only need to tell it that there's no cabbage.

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Yeah, sure. Even if what they say about the OS resource usage is true, it's only a fraction of the total usage. A lot of the multiplatform software will use the same resources regardless of the OS. Many apps eat RAM for breakfast, doesn't matter if it's content creation or software development. Heck, even smartphones these days have have this much or more RAM.

I won't argue, I just won't buy an Apple product in the near future or probably ever at all.

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The opposite of the opposite of "left" is "wrong".

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"Choose a better date to be born on next time, okay?"

More websites should take example from Stack Exchange. A while ago I was wondering where their app had gone, turns out they unpublished it so that people only use the mobile site (which works pretty well).

If I want to visit 10 different sites, I shouldn't have to install 10 different apps (of which many are just webview wrappers anyway).

The pipeline should handle formatting. No matter how you screw it up, once you commit, it gets formatted to an agreed upon standard.

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... and on top of that you have to watch like ten minutes' worth of ads at the beginning. Ugh.

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What happened to the idea of small, non-intrusive banner ads? Of course it's not realistic to expect those on YouTube and they bring much less revenue compared to in-your-face video interstitials per impression, but I'm much more likely to whitelist those.

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I've almost gotten into the habit of hitting Ctrl+Shift+C when I want to copy something because of that.

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Karma farming bots reposting original user content as their own.

Make sure to update your Ad Blocker settings to include the whole site.

Something tells me that they'll still listen to you for free.

Do people actually sit down and watch these focused? I see longer and longer videos on YouTube because the algorithm seems to favour those, but for me, the longer it is, the more chance it has to be played as background noise or not played at all.

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It's as if this guy is trying to see how many times he can shoot himself in the foot and walk away.

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Talk about information "leaks" these days...

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Lightning might've been somewhat better by itself for the years before USB C became ubiquitous (because it was doing some of what USB C is doing) - but even then it was Lightning (Apple only) versus Micro USB (practically any other phone). The EU forcing Apple to adopt USB C is a good thing for everyone (except Apple themselves probably - because they'll sell fewer special cables).

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Why does she look so happy?

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I'm sad that popup front cameras didn't catch on. I only remember 2 or 3 phones that had them. For me it's the perfect compromise - this way you can make an end to end screen without the need for a notch, and since I very rarely use the front camera, I wouldn't be too concerned about the durability of the popup mechanism. The only real downside I see is that it complicates waterproofing.

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The film industry NEEDS TO CHANGE

Agree, and I'd add that it's not just the film industry. It's mostly the same shit all throughout entertainment industry as a whole. Take video games for example - each year there are assumingly AAA titles coming out half cooked at release and yet they cost more than they ever have. Thank you very much, I'd much rather just wait a year for you to fix all those bugs and I'll buy the game at 80% off if it's any good.

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For a brief period in elementary school I used to think that's it's okay to litter - and not by example of my parents (they're fine) but rather because everyone else was doing it.

I'm not proud that I was doing it, but I'm glad that I quickly grew out of it - so much that it now makes my blood boil seeing someone on the street littering (almost to the point of me wanting to slap them across the face).

Right now it is. It's still a bit empty compared to Reddit, but I see it's slowly getting traction.

That's just the opposite of how tipping is supposed to work. If I'm happy with the service, I'll tip (and I'm far, far from the US - in a place where you don't get frowned upon if you don't tip) - and by "happy" I don't even mean something extraordinary - but I can't know if I will be happy in advance. Moreover I'd prefer tipping in cash as opposed to through an app - this way I know the money can go directly in the worker's pocket, not in the company's.

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I'd honestly be impressed by a freezer that's been running since '97.

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Plot twist: it's generated code for the purpose of the joke.

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The irony is that people create these tools mostly because they're frustrated by the limited customisation options provided by default. If Microsoft ever listens to feedback, it's quite limited, and it takes ages for the new stuff get implemented; moreover very often you just about get used to something and the rug gets pulled from under your feet.

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... aaaand another brand I'll be avoiding when looking for a new phone. In my eyes a phone that can't be rooted is kind of like a computer without access to an administrator account - you can do stuff with it, but at one point your hands are tied.

One vote for BitWarden.

Yep, easy as that, just that each method takes months.

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That's because they're using the wrong date format.


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An office in my city and within 10-15 minutes walking distance.

She wasn't so vocal previously; maybe she was the same kind of person back then too, but it wasn't evident since people were judging her solely based on her work.

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