YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers to – 2016 points –
YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers

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What happened to the idea of small, non-intrusive banner ads? Of course it's not realistic to expect those on YouTube and they bring much less revenue compared to in-your-face video interstitials per impression, but I'm much more likely to whitelist those.

What happened to the idea of small, non-intrusive banner ads

You answered your own question:

they bring much less revenue compared to in-your-face video interstitials per impression

And shortsighted profit driven thinking - can make a load more money now even if some users are pissed off, don't worry about long term user retention. Oh what!?! The usersbase is pissed and leaving/blocking things, better double down to keep them profits high in the mean time...

Can't believe I'm actually missing the days of the "you're the 1000th visitor" banner ads.