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Your battery drains more the more you activity use the device. Shocking...

If it is your phone just uninstall those apps, then you cannot use them. If the devices main point is those apps like gaming on the switch what do you expect? I think the only real problem here is the switch's lack of customizability so you have no trade off between game quality and battery life like you can on something like the steam deck.

Not surprising since car manufacturers lobbied to get them classed as light trucks to dodge the stricter emissions and safety regulations that apply to general cars. Then marketed the hell out of them as there is more profit to be made due to them not needing to comply with as many regulations. And now they are everywhere and are way worst than cars in almost every way.

Funny how yet again the capitalist class chooses profits over any other metric leading to s shittier world overall. Almost like there is a pattern happening in every industry...

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This is a bad response to this news. There are many reasons why you might want to run tor on Windows and gatekeeping people out of tor because they are not on a chosen OS is a terribly way to get more people into thinking about privacy and security practices. Yes if you have the highest threat model you might want to avoid Windows as well, but not everyone needs absolute privacy/security for what they do. But why should you not have access to a tool that can help improve things even if you are not able to switch everything to a more private/secure alternative?

Really you should want everyone and anyone to run on tor, even if they don't need it, even if they are on windows. The more people using it the more secure it is for those that do require it.

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Ads are effective, sadly. And why so much money is poured into them. I believe there are a few effects at play but the direct, see and ad and want to go buy it now is only one ofbhem that mostly only affects some people, or a lot of people occasionally.

I think a bigger effect is familiarity. You are far more likely to pick a product you are familiar with or have seen before over something younjave never heard of. Even if you have only ever seen it on advets and completely forgotten that you have ever seen ads for it. So even if you don't think they work on you they likely do without you realizing, at least enough of the time on enough people that make them worth while running.

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Ubuntu is a fork of unstable Debian packages. You don’t want unstable on your server!

Unstable does not mean crashes all the time. What makes them unstable on Debian is they can change and break API completely. But guess what, Ubuntu freezes the versions for their release and maintains their own security patches, completely mitigating that issue.

There are other reasons you might not want to use Ubuntu on a server but package version stability is not one of them.

Rust, it is a pleasure to work with and far more flexible in where/what it can run then a lot of languages. Good oneverything from embedded systems to running on the web. Only really C and C++ can beat it on that, but those are farlesss pleasant to work with. Even if it is not as mature in some area quite yet, it just gets more support for things as time goes on.

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Applications needs some coordination between each other in order to act like you would expect - things like one window at a time having focus and thus getting all keyboard and mouse inputs. As well as things like positioning on the screen and which screen to render to, the clipboard, and various others things.

X is a server and set of protocols that applications can implement to allow all this behaviour. X11 is the 11th version of the server and protocols. But X was also first created in 1984, and X11 since around 1987. Small changes have been made to X11 over the years but the last was in 2012.

Which makes it a very old protocol - and one which is showing its age. Advances in hardware since then and the way we use devices have left a lot to be desired in the protocol and while it has adapted a bit to keep up with modern tech it has not done so in the best of ways. I also believe its codebase is quite complex and hard to work with so changes are hard to do.

Thus is has quite a lot of limitations that modern systems are rubbing up against - for instance it does not really support multi cursors or input that is not a mouse and keyboard. So things like touch screens or pen/tablets tend to emulate a mouse and thus affect the only pointer X has. It is also not great at touchpads and things like touch pad gestures - while they do work, they are often clunky or not as flexible as some applications need.

It is also very insecure and has no real security measures in place - any GUI application has far more access to the system and input then it really requires. For instance; any application can screen grab the screen at any point in time - not something you really want when you have a banking web page open.

Wayland is basically a new set of protocols that takes more modern hardware and security practices in mind. It does the same fundamental job as X11, but without the same limitations X11 has and to fix a lot of the security issues with X.

One big difference with X though is that Wayland is just a protocol, and not a protocol and server like X. Instead it shifts the responsibilities of the X server into the window manager/compositor (which used to manage window placement and window borders as well as global effects such as any animations or transparency). It also has better controls over things like screen grabs so not every application can just grab a screen shot at once or register global shortcut keys or various things like that. Which for a while was a problem as screen sharing applications or even screenshot tools did not work - but over time these limitations have been added back in more secure ways than how X11 did them.

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Solar panel advances will see millions go off grid, scientists predict

From a definite will.

More than 30 million homes in Europe could meet all their energy needs using rooftop solar panels alone, according to a new study.

To a well, they could.

Researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany found that more than 50 per cent of Europe’s 41 million freestanding homes could have been self-sufficient in 2020 using just solar and batteries, with this figure expected to rise to 75 per cent by 2050.

To a we could have already.

“Our results show that even in 2050 going off-grid won’t be the most economic choice, but it could make sense to invest in these kinds of self-sufficient buildings if you are willing to pay more for self-sufficiency,” said lead researcher Max Kleinebrahm, an energy economics researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

To a, well, they will likely, and probably should, remain connected anyway.

Fuck these people in charge of article headlines twisting what researchers are actually saying into some clickbait title that does not say what the researches said at all.

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Hey Linux devs - Build a GUI or gtfo

No you can GTFO if that is your attitude towards people volunteering their time to bring you an open OS and all the tools you need for free.

Yes, there is still a lot of room for improvement but attacking devs for not providing a GUI is not a good way to interact with the community. If you really want to see improvements then you need to help make those improvements with constructive discussions not hostile statements. We owe you nothing.

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What is sad is that 6 of the 12 platinum games rated by top revenue are free to play games - so must be making money on micro transactions. Sad that model works so well for extracting cash out of players.

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The only major roadblock is some anticheat software requiring highly invasive Windows rootkits to function, which Linux doesn’t really work with.

I consider that more of a feature then a bug

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As with everything - it depends. Sometimes the FOSS versions are not very good, sometimes they are better than the official. Sometimes they are better for privacy, sometimes they make no real difference at all, sometimes the web version is better. Sometimes there is no FOSS version, sometimes the official one does not support Linux.

You are going to need to go on a case by case bases and decide each time.

Isn't, according to Catholics beliefs, the pope infallible? Is that not a core part of the religion that separates it from Protestants?

Are we about to witness a splitting of the Catholic church?

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Ok then.

Ticket marked as closed: won't fix, cannot reproduce, not enough details

With familiarity, can Rust’s intuitiveness match Python’s “from idea to deployment” speed?

Likely not at the start. Rust can take some time to learn to use it effectively it is not the fastest at throwing shit together quickly.

Or should I only learn Rust if I intend to create applications that need tight performance?

Also no. IMO rusts performance is only a nice by product of the language, yeah it encourages people to try it out, but they don't stay for the speed. They stay for the tooling and the feeling that once it compiles it will likely just work they way you intended. Rust forces you to think more about correctness and edge cases of your code - which does slow down initial idea to working prototype a bit. But IMO it quickly pays back dividends when you get something into production and it just works with no random crashing in the middle of the night.

It also makes refactoring a joy to do, where I hate refactoring in languages like python as you never know what you might have broken - likely something that you will find out only after you have deployed to production. Instead the compiler catches basically every thing that you missed before it will even let you run the code - so those edge cases are taken care of when you are developing, not after it fails in production.

I also find it is very nice with data processing/transformation as it lets you use functional coding styles which tend to lean towards clearer/easier to read series of data transforms.

If you want to learn it I would recomend starting out with the offical book, but you might also find zero to production or datawithrust interesting reads as well.

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They are hardly copying Twitter in this regard. Twitter is doing it for fuck knows why, trying to get more money from a dieing platform or something. But Threads:

“Spam attacks have picked up,” requiring new rate limit changes.

Are mitigating spam. That is reasonable and any sane platform will have rate limits in place to stop abuse. They only question is if the rates are low enough to affect normal users or not.

So just because two companies do the same thing does not mean they are strictly copying each other, here they have different reasons as far as I can see.

If you are going to complain about something, do it for reasons that make sense. Don't make shit up.

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Yelp is a business engaging in shady tactics. So how can I ever trust anything they create.

Linux is ready for workplaces and has been for a very very long time. That is irrelevant if workplace IT support is not ready for Linux and has no budget or time to get ready for it. All your points are meaningless and have never been the problem. The problem is with management, policies and getting in house support for things and all the work involved in that. Depending on the size of the company it can take a lot of time effort and money to retrain IT staff to support Linux. And IT staff are already overworked, under-budgeted and don't always have the time to support extra things.

What explains this sudden growth and the sudden decline of Linux in Ukraine?

Do we even know that there was a sudden growth or decline of Linux? This is a percentage graph. It is not very useful without also knowing the total number of users over that time. Could be that a massive amount of users stopped over that time, but for what ever reason fewer using Linux did than Windows did. Or if there was a massive increase it could be from bots or similar attacks. These graphs are very hard to draw any conclusions from due to what they are and how they were collected (which I believe is basically what user agents report on some websites) without a lot more other information. All we really know is that the market share for webtraffic started reporting more Linux based user agent strings (or what ever they use to tell) in relation to windows ones for a time before normalising again.

Nah, why would they try to charge for something no one uses?

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No. So many things are miss represented in movies and TV or skipped entirely in the name of entertainment.

2 more... Are worth a look at. The allow custom domains and I believe have IMAP support. Additionally they encrypt everything they store so are very good from a privacy side (at least as far as you can be private using email).

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Faster than JavaScript

For pure computation, using the right language it can be faster. For a general website that needs to manipulate the DOM the performance is about the same as what popular JS frameworks can do (and can be faster than popular ones like react). But there are faster JS frameworks that react already available and people are not flocking away from react to these other frameworks. So speed is not a big enough issue here for people to want to move to a new language with WASM.

Has a smaller file size

Not sure this is true. Maybe for a single function. But for a general application? I don't think so. WASM tends to be a bit larger than JS code I think as you often need to ship more code, where JS can rely more on things built into the browser. But we are at a point where this difference is not a huge concern any more either. So is not really a point for or against WASM here.

Can be compiled to from pretty much any programming language

This is a huge misleading point. Even if you could do it from any language not all languages have a ecosystem that is useable for it and a lot of languages require large runtimes that need to be shipped with the WASM bundle (making the points above far worst).

Can be used outside of the browser easier thanks to WASI

So can JS? And native code? So I don't really see what this statement is meant to be arguing for? It is irrelevant when talking about websites using WASM in the browser.

So why aren’t most websites starting to try replacing (most) JS with WASM now that it’s supported by every major browser?

Why should they start using it? They all have existing code, their devs already know JS. What major advantage would WASM give them over what they currently have? The points above I have already gone through and are not a big enough reason for this change outside of niche use cases. JS is good enough for most use cases and people that are already working in the web browser side of things already know it. There is little reason to make the switch to WASM as even in languages like rust, which likely has the most mature eco system, still has a vastly less mature eco system for web dev than JS.

There is no line that needs to be passed that will cause floods of people to start adopting it and start converting everything they maintain over towards it. If there is a good enough reason to adopt this technology then it will be done very gradually over many years if not decades. People wont suddenly throw out everything once some line is crossed without some extreme and unconditional benefit to doing so.

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What things are being messed up? You should be able to just install as many DEs as you want without them interfering with each other - just select which you want on the login screen,

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8,000 characters in five hours is 1,600 characters per hour, or 27 characters per minute.

This is irrelevant. Typing when coding is not evenly spaced out over those 5 hours. It is sporadic with most of the time thinking or reading documentation or reading source code and trying to figure out what you want to type. No good conclusions can be drawn from this logic and makes that whole part of the argument irrelevant.

If I were typing that slowly I would quickly forget what the hell I was even trying to do in the first place. Which is the bigger part - when you do need to type you want to quickly get the ideas you have down as fast as you can think them. Going too slow can cause your mind to wander and that can really hamper your productivity.

There is also the cost of context switching. And it is a context switch to go from writing ideas down to making sure I have all the boiler plate and syntax correct. The less of the need for doing that the better IMO.

And TBH I don't really understand the rest of their arguments. They introduce two bits of code, one very short simple class then one with lots of helper methods to set various things while creating a new object. And then concludes with a short paragraph on some real benefits without really explaining why. With the whole paragraph being more of an argument about immutable code being better rather than longer vs shorter code. Then follows up with an entire section on why his code increases maintenance as refactoring requires more points to update with his immutable code and thus prefers languages like F# where the immutable version is a one liner... Which defeats the whole argument that typing is not the bottleneck? I really don't follow his logic here.

Apparently, it has to be explicitly stated: Programmer productivity has nothing to do with typing speed.

I feel they have completely failed to convince me of this fact. Despite me already thinking it is not one of the more important factors of productivity and there are better things to optimise around.

My opinion is that code length is not that important a factor, but you should not go hog while and write the longest things you can either. Every extra bit of code should add some value somewhere. Like taking his examples, spending a bit of time writing the immutable version here lets you reduce the amount you need to write when using that code. Which is a trade-off that can be worthwhile - increasing typing now for reducing typing later. But also the reduced typing makes the where the code is used easier to read and clearer as to what is happening, get a copy of the object with one field updated. That is a nice concept to have and read. Without the need to refer to all the fields every time you want a copy.

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“We had relied and started to rely too much this year on self-checkout in our stores,” Vasos told investors. “We should be using self-checkout as a secondary checkout vehicle, not a primary.”

That is the key point here. Use them to replace the express lanes but dont replace all checkout points with them.

they actually increase labor costs thanks to employees who get taken away from their other duties to help customers deal with the confusing and error prone kiosks

Now that is bullshit... how can it cost more to have someone spend part of their time to help a customer when they have a problem vs having an extra person help them full time during checkout.

Still, 60% of consumers said they prefer self-checkout as of 2021, presumably because they’ve never seen Terminator (wake up sheeple).

WTH... I really don't understand why this person hates them so much. Seems to have some hidden agenda but I cannot for the life of me tell what it is.

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While it is free to download it, the license still costs. Though they seem to let you use it unlicensed for an unlimited amount of time with some restrictions (like not being able to change the background image and an ever present watermark). At least this was true for windows 10. No telling if/when they will drop that feature though, especially if loads of people start using it unlicensed like that (though I doubt that has any effect on people using it that way or not).

There is no real technical challenge in displaying ads that are based on the page content. But ads based on tracking users is much more profitable. Plus they can sell the data collected to anyone else that is interested.

But, I will not be purchasing another AAA game from CDPR until at least 6 months post-release

FTFY, unfinished release day games seems to be more than just a CDPR problem.

How the hell is arch so large? My laptop is only 27GB and that includes all user data and several years of crap being installed as well as several docker images. A fresh install should rival that fedora install.

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Linux is fairly secure out the box and typically does not need any sort of extra hardening for most people unless you have a specific case you are worried about or some threat model that requires it. And hardening a system is not simply about installing some package, but more about learning to setup and utilise said packages to mitigate the threats you think you are going to be dealing with. Hardening a system generally comes with tradeoffs and these are not always worth the cost involved for what you get from them. All depends on what types of threats you think you will face - a journalist in a hostile country is going to want a far more secure system and will be more willing to compromise on other aspects to get that then some grandma that just wants to look at pictures on facebook. Both of these will want different tradeoffs for their systems.

Generally speaking I would start by reading up more about hardening linux systems, and what types of things these tools are designed to do. I would start with anything related to the system you are interested in, nixos has its own guides general security which links to many things you might want to think about. Arch Linux also has some good guides on security that are worth a read. And there is more general stuff like The Practical Linux Hardening Guide or redhats guides though these are more server focused and might offer tips that can be too restrictive for desktop systems.

As for apparmor and selinux, these are competing technologies and I don't think you can use both at once.

In unit testing, a "unit" does not have to be the smallest possible section of code. It can be a while class or module or even set of related classes/modules. Testing individual functions in isolation leads to brittle tests that easily break during refactoring. Testing overall system behaviour results in more robust tests that require fewer changes during refactoring which gives you more confidence then you have not introduced a regression.

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The software can read from both locations in a backwards compatible way. Many tools already do this.

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Software that controls your body should always respect your freedom


But it is extremely worrying that so many devices that people require for their health and have no alternative for are so invasive and can be turned off without any warning.

Worse, it also affect the pronouns the teachers want others to use for themselves:

school employees can’t ask students for their preferred pronouns and restricts school staff from sharing their pronouns with students if they “do not correspond” with their sex.

As an example, one plaintiff, Katie Wood, who teaches math at a Hillsborough County high school, is a transgender woman who transitioned in 2020 and has since used she/her pronouns, including when she started at the school district two years ago. But under the new rules, Wood this year was told by school administrators that she could no longer use female pronouns and would have to use titles like Mr., teacher, or coach. Further, the lawsuit alleges that Wood is forbidden from correcting students who refer to her as Mr. or by he/him pronouns.

Or he wants to delay things until after the election in hopes that he will get into office again and attempt to pardon all his crimes.

What is not reasonable then? Everyone would have their own ideas of what is reasonable. Why advertise anything as unlimited when it is not? Having a limit in their advert let's people know what they can use rather then being told randomly at some point that they have had too much.

Advertisements should not lie about the product. They do it to get more sales, and then complain when it gets abused. You cannot have it both ways.

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Chinese manufacturers are quite flexible on pricing and quality - all the stuff is not the cheapest lowest quality stuff. One big problem they have though is that a lot of companies that farm out manufacturing to china do it to lower costs - and so opt for the cheapest things they can, then wonder why what they get back is a pile of crap and sell it on anyway.

If you are willing to pay more then the quality can actually be very good. At lot of things things you think of as good quality are still made in china or at least parts of it are.

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Helix IMO has one huge benifit over Kakoune - inbuilt LSP and treesitter support and sane defaults. It takes the best bits of kakoune and neovim and improves on them both. This gives me an editor with enough IDE like support that I can use it for just about anything. All with only a few lines of config and zero plugins.

This means I don't need to spend ages trying to configure my editor to work with various languages or working around its archaic defaults. I can just install it, optionally tweak some minor settings (like the theme and turning off auto bracers), install the LSP servers for the languages I need and I can get to coding.

And after years of fiddling with neovim/vim to get it to it behave in a reasonable, but not perfect, manor helix is a breath of free air. I did try kakoune for a very short time after getting pissed off with neovims configuration and plugins, but gave up on it quickly when I had to dive into getting more plugins configured for even basic things like LSP support (though this was years ago, back when helix was not in a daily usable state either).

Yeah, it would be nice to have plugins in helix (and they will come one day), but IMO the saner defaults and unbuilt support for most of what I used plugins for before is far nicer than getting support for the few bits that might be missing.

Kakoune promotes the idea that you should visually see the text you’re operating on before running the command.

This is what helix does as well, and it shares kakounes keybindings and input system. So it is more similar to kakoune in that regard than vim with different keybindings. Really it is more of a kakoune clone, with inbuilt support for LSP and treesitter like neovim.

For example, instead of it having a built-in sort command, you use the unix sort command to sort your lines.

You can do this in vim and helix as well. Both can run external commands, pipe your open file to external commands or just your current selection to them. I use the unix sort in helix to sort lines all the time.

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I thought it was going to talk about MINIX and how all intel CPUs run it on ring -3.

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