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Joined 9 months ago

Increasing the money supply didn't help the poor and instead helped the rich just like every other time we've tried that?! I can't believe it!

The current US Federal Trade Commission is quite agressive compared to other FTCs historically.

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I think he thinks he'll lose, and he thinks a big loss is actually less believable to his supporters than a close loss, so he's trying to create a big loss, which will make more of his supporters Jan 6 2.0.

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"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it's source. True humility is the only antidote to shame." -Uncle Iroh

The religion he's talking about isn't Christianity. Trump wouldn't recognize Jesus Christ if he smacked him in the face. He's talking about Trumpism.

Interestingly something like 41% of women identify as pro-life. I know you and the person you were responding to probably wouldn't, but my point is just that there are a lot of women who would see their conservative male partner vote for anti-abortion candidates and not be bothered at all. Not because they're rationalizing it, but because they don't see it as a negative in the first place.

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We don't just allow construction in risky places, we subsidize it. If you're an owner or developer and you wanna put your own money at risk by building in risky places, you should be allowed to do that. Just don't expect me to pay for it through taxes and FEMA flood insurance.

Does Lemmy have post tags or flair or whatever it's called?

Look for Matrix/Element, it's the Lemmy to Signal/Discord/Teams/Slack's Reddit. 👍

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He probably does think that. He could spin rising premiums as speculation based on climate change belief.

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Sort of an extension of the constantly growing period of adolescence. Boomers don't think Gen X and Millennials will do it right, so they hold onto power.

Biden IS too old.

And also Trump is too old. And a crazy person. Lol

That's a good example of unintended consequences. Another is alcohol becoming really dangerous on the black market once Prohibition happened in the US.

If we don't know the exact number, then it's too high. Lol

Just canceling and not watching things is also an option. There's so much stuff out there to do, you'll probably never get bored.

I think people use things like Reddit for anything because Reddit has a built in system of human curation. It's not just SEO engineered garbage fake websites like basically every search engine will yield now, or sites' internal searches pushing you to their top players instead of what you're actually searching for.

Everyone is talking past each other on this issue.


Some people who don't know anything are arguing that enslaved people literally benefited from slavery, but that's not what started this discussion.

Something something it's not commerce because reasons.

Nevermind that the Commerce Clause has been cited to give the federal government authority to prohibit activities that are neither commerce nor inter-state, such as growing cannabis for personal use on your own property.

Schroedinger's commerce. It's commerce only when it's convenient for prohibitionists.

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You can disagree with your party on one issue. There are tons of Democrats who are opposed to increased gun control, for example.

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econ students love them.


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I don't deliver pizzas, but anytime I drive my own car for work I get reimbursed a standard rate set by the US federal government, updated each year. If a pizza place did that, then the delivery fee would cover that cost.

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Good. Subsidizing risky behavior, as we do with some kinds of disaster insurance, encourages risky behavior. Rising insurance costs are the market telling people to stop living in certain places. We'd do well to listen and stop living in places like Florida so much.

I just use Freetube either way. I can't stand autoplaying videos or suggestions, popups, etc.

It's basically a business owner guild, right?

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I think it will. It will drive menthols underground and they'll become more dangerous just like alcohol during Prohibition.

Got a link to a good project of that type? I've been thinking about this recently.

For the drugs, really successful. Drugs are doing great! Lol

The last several GOP speakers have been ripped to shreds by their own party. It very well could happen again.

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Amazon is very much not a monopoly. There are thousands of online retailers. There are also a lot of delivery services, no idea if there are thousands, but there's a lot.

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That might be one reason why some warned against using it, but I definitely had teachers in middle school and high school that explicitly said not to use it because it could be changed by anyone including people who could be wrong or lying.

Tesla doesn't want some other company to buy all its vehicles and turn around and sell them at a higher price, damaging the press around the Tesla brand and stopping its cars from getting to would-be Tesla super fans. It's the same reason stores will sometimes say "limit 2 per customer" on certain items.

That's one reason, anyway.

I've run in largely Christian circles for most of my life, and that's how the conservative Christians I know have been talking about communism as long as I can remember, that its most important feature is that it's atheistic. I don't think it's actually indicative of any change or advancement of their position. Also, I'm pretty sure the GOP is technically less Christian now than it's ever been.

I'm not sure what that has to do with YouTube detecting ad blockers.

Why do they have different standards, anyway? A vehicle is a vehicle, sort of, when it comes to emissions.

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We won't know with Harris because she's extremely unpopular regardless of her sex. Her losing anything is only evidence of how unpopular she is individually.

I think what they were saying is that the law specifically makes exceptions for things that are necessary. Others are saying ads are not necessary per the law's definition, but that's a separate issue.

The government doesn't do the reimbursing, they just specify how much each mile is worth. I assume companies follow the government's guidelines on that for tax reasons.

I think the answer is yes.

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If it's a required thing they should obviously get paid for that time.

Omg, the Evermore one was so bad because it was so good but actually 4 hours long. I lost one whole day of free time to that video. Lol