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Joined 1 years ago

I see no reason to use any other browser than Firefox and maybe Librewolf.

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Maybe it's that homophobia and transphobia are so dominant on more popular platforms that there is a natural migration towards more free and liberal platforms. I always wondered why you see more and more racism, hate and such degeneracy the larger a platform becomes.

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I think that's a requirement

It seems like they don't back Trump despite him being a fascist, they back Trump because he is a fascist.

MacOS, iOS and stock Android, too for that matter. Dark times.

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In my experience, gaming in Linux works even better than on Windows. Every game I installed so far was supported by proton.

The main thing holding Linux back is professional software I think. If Photoshop and the likes are supported better, a lot of people will switch and find out that they also can play games on Linux.

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But I drive my car less, that should do it! /s

This is the reason we're should focus out efforts to make a ruckus and force decision makers to enforce carbon neutrality BY NEXT YEAR instead of by next century. Of course that won't happen but that would be the reasonable way.

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Awesome! That's essentially lucid dreaming, congratulations!

DDG does have better results than Google. I've not used the latter for years and was surprised by the bad quality of results when I used it once accidentally last week.

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I stopped using Macs years ago because with every update I lost more control over the computer, making even basic configurations difficult. It felt like walls closing in.

If all specialized software would work there, I'd be 100% in Linux now because it's just the superior OS - stable, easy to use, flexible and accessible (aside from Wine).

Some video suggestions let me suspect that this only disables me being able to see my history though.

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  • Oil refineries
  • concrete factories
  • mercenaries
  • energy producers that still don't use renewables exclusively
  • private hospital corporations
  • cruises companies
  • unsustainable agrarian producers

All of these are literally killing children. Not directly and immediately but according to the IPCC report we have 1,5 to 2 years time to get to ZERO emissions, else we got some tipping points and risk turning earth into a Venus-like planet.

True but the emissions saved if everyone copied in with the proposed actions dwarf in comparison with the emissions saved if those 100 corporations did the same.

So what is easier to do? Change the lifestyles and circumstances of billions of people in every country in the world within half a decade or so the same with large companies?

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Seconded. I use Gboard because it has the same functionality but I have to sandbox it and restrict all internet access via firewall. I still don't trust it and would prefer a FOSS alternative with the same functionality.

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I'm looking forward to the first open source OS projects for EVs that change the crazy surveillance device into just a car.

Been using them for a while before switching to their paid version. Of course they are closed source and a business, so any hype and over the top praise is misplaced. That said they are indeed one of max a handful companies that never did anything to make me feel that my trust is misplaced. Their service is great, the products are well polished and reliable. Development is slow and they aren't cheap. Their target audience is very security and privacy aware so any betrayal of trust would be punished incredibly hard. In that light, their own self interest should be a good insurance, should you be uncertain.

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I get the impression few people understand was capitalism even is. Capitalism isn't "free markets", even if it claims to be. It's the reign of the wealthy at the cost of the poor. Markets and market mechanisms are fine and very useful if guided by proper rules but those have been eroded for centuries now to create a new kind of feudalism, only with rich people instead of nobles at the top. That's what capitalism is.

I always wondered, is it still a legitimate democracy of there are only two parties?

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I tried to install ArchiCAD via bottles done time ago. At first I thought the DRM inhibits it but they even have native Linux support. And ArchiCAD does have a good MacOS version, too. I don't get it...

Nope, it's not even the executives, they are straw people for the most part.

Most corporations are owned by investors who can cash out any time and threaten to plunge the stock into oblivion by doing so. They go where short term profits are highest, squeeze out every bit they can get and prodeed to the next investment afterwards, demanding enshittification there.

I'm so proud of the polish people to manage to get out of the claws of that more and more dictatorship-like regime by purely democratic means. I never thought such a thing possible but it inspires hope.

And the Screenshot is made in the underdark, right west of the entrance below the goblin camp. This game deserves all of it praise.

Same, switched to an easy Mint install and immediately felt more in control of my computer again. Some professional software does still cause problems though so a 100% switch sadly isn't possible... yet.

Same for Valheim

Weren't there some huge high power sonars that could melt people to goo?

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Public flights have become unbearably obnoxious ever since.


It's dangerously naive to think propaganda Like this wouldn't work everywhere. Look at how Americans vigorously fight healthcare, for example.

It's funny that they name that protocol after a bird that's associated with theft.

Exactly, isn't that, like, the equivalent of Volkswagen lying about the emissions of their cars?

Gerhard's Modifikation

I love Linux but Programs like CAD and professional graphics software don't run. Still Linux is only an option for programming and gaming.

Bought it a few weeks ago and could compare the early access version to the final version now. Not only is the game amazing and incredibly deep but also very polished. I did encounter some very minor bugs but overall, I'm completely amazed.

Yes, free speech and evidence based documentation will be fine, Musk won't be able to afford prolongued legal proceedings. American dream indeed.

Nebula is pretty awesome and the type of content is great. I miss some light entertainment content though, so the network effect is at work. Still, nebula is the only streaming platform I'd consider subscribing as their policy is great and they do provide good value.

And how is that determined? I found the shit that I took this morning immensely creative.

Nope it doesn't. Mine works without any modifications but I heard that it happens occasionally. There are some easy steps to set up FF to work again, should be easy to look up.

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It all fits. The OpenAI board was hired by Altman to keep an eye on ethics. I remember that a few months ago, Microsoft fired their entire AI ethics team because they apparently kept slowing the development down (despite that being the point). Now this OpenAI drama and the involvement of Microsoft...

Is there maybe a way to use this to revoke citizenship of all these CXU/AfD Fascists?

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