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Joined 10 months ago

Why would they copy VSCode including the aspect people hate most.

Had they made it in a native gui I might actually consider it. Otherwise, why wouldn't I just choose vscode.

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I meant native as in non-web. There are plenty of cross-platform GUI toolkits out there that don't use JavaScript. Some of them native-looking even. But more than the looks, it's about performance.

Safety rules are written in blood. When you spend at least 8hours/day doing the same thing, even if that thing has a very small chance of generating an accident, that's a lot of time spent doing something risky. Everyone has bad days, any one of those could kill you/severely injure you if you don't take safety protocols seriously.

I feel like browser support is such a niche. I don't understand why many IDEs dedicate so many resources to make it work on the browser. There are already many options to code on the web if you need it.

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Every time I come across porn I'm not interested in, I block the community. Now 99% of the nsfw I get is the one I like.

Only had the yiff experience for a short period of time.

What's the alternative?

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It's almost impossible to get a 3rd party to win in the US. Their system is rigged so that voting for a 3rd party means throwing away the vote.

You also have to take into account that it is a country in which almost 50% believe Donald trump to be their best option as a president, there's no way you're gonna convince enough people to vote 3rd party.

That's easy to explain. EGS managed to make everyone hate them just as it started. How do they expect to be profitable if they piss off the entire market?

There are other stores such as GoG that have actual users.

Good old Russian propaganda.

What controller costs >$400?

This synthetic benchmark is nice a general wisdom thing. But I'd love a more complete analysis taking into account loading from memory, caches, SIMD, CPU pipeline and all of that.

Probably when taking all those things into account (specially loading values from memory) the performance difference of a div and a mult should be negligible.

Untyped function definitions + *args + *kwargs + args that can be of many types + strings used as enums don't help. The language that imo needs the most documentation is at the same time the one that lacks it the most.

Docs should be written for someone experienced in programming but inexperienced with the API. If it is about a niche subject (for example VR).

Whenever an explanation contains something about that niche subject, you don't need to explain everything, but maybe provide a link towards another place (for example wikipedia) that explains it.

Can the average north Korean read though?

Unlock origin is the adblocker that people are installing. There are a lot of people with shitty adblockers out there, I guess they are switching.

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For those that don't want to click on a reddit link:

Credit to u/paintboth1234, resolve(1), *, 0.001)

Got 2 monitors. Sometimes I think I have another program focused, but turns out YouTube was focused. The other program also has 0-9 as keybinds (or just writing a number). Now the video jumped to a random timestamp.

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Serializing? For serializing you probably want performance above all else. I'm saying this without checking any benchmark, but I'm sure yaml is more expensive to parse than other formats where indentation don't have meaning.

For human readability: it has to be readable (and writeable) by all humans. I know (a lot of people) that dislike yaml, toml and XML. I don't know of a single person that struggles to read/write json, there is a clear winner.

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Not always possible. In Spain IPv6 adoption is at like 5%. There's literally no ISP that offers it. I don't even know how that 5% got it, maybe special deals.

In video games the AI have access to all the data in the game. In real life both the human and AI have access to the same (maybe imprecise) sensor data. There are also physical limitations in the real world. I don't think it's the same scenario.

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In the world of computers, why would remembering numbers be the stop for new technologies?

Do you remember anyone's public key? Certificate?

I don't even remember domain (most) names, just Google them or save them as bookmarks or something.

The reason IPv4 still exists is because ISPs benefit from its scarcity. Big ISPs already paid a lot of money to own IPv4 addresses, if they switched to IPv6 that investnywould be worthless.

Try selling static IPv6 addresses as they do now with IPv4. People would laugh at them and just get a free IPv6 address from an ISP that wants to get new users and doesn't charge for it.

The longer ISPs delay the adoption of IPv6, the longer they can milk IPv4 scarcity.

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Toggles should not exist. They should be check boxes. Checked if "ON", unchecked if "OFF" with a mouse over tooltip if there is any chance that it's ambiguous.

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I sincerely doubt you received no notice from Microsoft. I received multiple emails from them, even though I didn't play back then. If I hadn't transitioned I'm pretty sure they would've kept sending me emails.

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If you mean lambdas like in python where you say lambda x: x+1, they are called closures in rust, try searching for that instead.

My problem with strategy games is that they're too hard to get into. I tried to play civ 5, but they are a thousand mechanics and the tutorials are very bad.

The difficulty setting in strategy games shouldn't be "how smart is the AI?", it should be "how many mechanics do you want to manage at the same time?". That way you can start by playing on easy mode, then the next game on normal, then hard. Instead of that there are 10 difficulty levels and half of them are impossible, the other half you can beat by following the exact same strategy every time.

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I recently discovered there are extensions to disable YouTube hotkeys. I personally disabled numbers 0-9, so annoying and useless.

EDIT: the extension I use is Disable YouTube Seek by Number

I didn't even check if it is open source. So if it's secretly a Bitcoin miner don't blame me.

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Then they should make 2 leagues: one where everyone is allowed to participate, and another one where only boys can participate, so they can win too. Just like we have with every sport's women's league.

Of course the prizes in the boys-only league should be lower since they play in a less competitive league.

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"Searching past information is pretty easy" except for the fact that you have to apply filters to each search, by default it searches in every channel (instead of the channel you are on) and just puts all the answers together (grouped by date, not channel).

I've even encountered the problem of their search servers being down (less than a year ago).

Not to mention that you have to have an account and you have to be in the specific server you want the answer from, which is not trivial since you also need to know that the information you search for is in a discord server to begin with.

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C and memory safety, name a more iconic duo /s

Telnet? Banned. You now need the EUs approval to use networking software. The only apps that any EU users can use that uses the network interface are those whitelisted by the EU.

That's the only way that this is enforceable. And still pretty easy to defeat, or are they gonna Linux too? Since Linux comes with the source code, anyone could recompile it removing the restriction.

It's just absurd.

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I searched "YouTube adblocker" on both google and DDG. The first mention of ublock origin was in the 1st page of Google (just at the bottom, under "recommended adblockers for Firefox", the 2nd option). There was no mention of it on DDG, even though I clicked "more results" once (so searched the equivalent of 2 pages). The problem with Google search is not google, it's SEO, that affects all search engines.

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The fascist party (VOX) got almost 10% of votes last elections. The right-wing party (PP) got almost 40%.

Not all the fascists vote VOX though, many vote PP. So the amount of fascists is somewhere between 10% and almost 50%. Depending on how fascist you deem PP. 25% is not too far fetched.

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The point is not for people to be angry at china. The point is advertising that you're gonna blow up the world economy if something happens to you, therefore the world has a huge incentive to defend them against china, before they blow up their fabs.

When every single person you know uses Whatsapp, you have to use it too. That's what this law is about. So you can use other apps even if everyone else uses whatsapp

There are some things you just can't do without a guide/wiki. For example the achievements of "collect every weapon/ring".

Also, the NPC quests are just undoable. There are basically no hints as to how to do them, and there are many ways to permanently lose the quest. Doing correctly a NPC quest going blind as an average player consists of plain luck.

IDE git is less powerful than CLI git. However I'm pretty confident that most people use more features of git by using a GUI.

CLI feature discoverability is pretty awful, you have to go out of your way and type git help to learn new commands.

With a GUI though, all the buttons are there, you just have to click a new button that you've been seeing for a while and the GUI will guide you how to use it.

It's easily the worst problem of Lemmy. Sometimes one guy has an issue with something and suddenly the whole thread is about that thing, as if everyone thought about it. No, you didn't think about it, you just read another person's comment and made another one instead of replying to it.

I never heard anyone complain about the term "hallucination" for AIs, but suddenly in this one thread there are 100 clonic comments instead of a single upvoted ones.

I get it, you don't like "hallucinate", just upvote the existing comment about it and move on. If you have anything to add, reply to that comment.

I don't know why this specific thing is so common on Lemmy though, I don't think it happened in reddit.

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I don't give a fuck about those "benefits" which have miniscule impact and can absolutely be achieved by means other than cutting a baby's foreskin.

Adults can cut their dick off if they want, surely a lot of men would do it if those benefits are so impressive.

Parents should not have the freedom to mutilate their babies because they say so. Only if a doctor recommends it because of an actual disease (phimosis or whatever).

That is basic ethics. Don't make unneeded permanent choices for a baby. If it is a decision that can easily wait until the baby is an adult, it is evil to make it for them.

Why do ISPs rotate IPv6 prefixes? Aren't they basically infinite?

The main reason I want IPv6 is so I don't have to use fancy DNS for dynamic addresses.

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Because of the way you phrase it.

You only tell chatGPT your side of the story. And chatGPT is just a word predictor. If you offer it 2 options, and for one of them you use words that are on average 20.69% more positive to describe the option than the other one, chatGPT just fills the blanks and will see that that option is more positive, therefore it will probably recommend that.

ChatGPT has no intelligence or reason, it's just a word predictor. It doesn't use logic. It won't do an analysis of the impact of each alternative, it just has some inputs and is asked to predict what the next word will be.

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