Open Source 'Eclipse Theia IDE' Exits Beta to Challenge Visual Studio Code -- Visual Studio Magazine to – 188 points –
Open Source 'Eclipse Theia IDE' Exits Beta to Challenge Visual Studio Code -- Visual Studio Magazine

The project home page.

The Github

Looks just like VS Code and I think it's still built on electron so take that as you will.


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Why would they copy VSCode including the aspect people hate most.

Had they made it in a native gui I might actually consider it. Otherwise, why wouldn't I just choose vscode.

Well it can't really be a native gui and be cross platform.

I meant native as in non-web. There are plenty of cross-platform GUI toolkits out there that don't use JavaScript. Some of them native-looking even. But more than the looks, it's about performance.

There aren't many good cross platform GUI toolkits. I mean realistically is there anything other than Qt?