7 Post – 263 Comments
Joined 8 months ago


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Please tell me you're ruining this on a Hackintosh.

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I've used adblockers for like 15 years and I genuinely get disgusted when watching YouTube without it. There's no way I'll go back. I even do sponsorblock to remove in-video ads.

The unfortunate thing is that I'm willing to pay a reasonable price for a lot of content creators, just not via Google/YouTube.

A dollar per channel? I follow 104 content creators om YouTube through RSS. And many more if we count all the other platforms. I can't afford that.

It's a difficult situation for viewers, creators and providers. I don't have an answer, but a stop-gap solution I'd be happy to see is like 480p max for adblockers, pay for HD+. That's reasonable based on how much ad-dodgers impact YouTube from what I've gathered.

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Be careful, one day you'll boot it up only to find some hacker have set new and impossible to beat highscores.

This article seems to mix antizionism and critique of the state of Israel with antisemitism. One could argue that the article is a tool to curb critique of the state of Israel by abusing the general dislike of antisemitism. That would be war propaganda.

I only consume drugs I find abandoned in the street.

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I'd be happy to update it with more correct information if you can find more accurate numbers.

From the largest instances in order of active users are:

  1. - Federates
  2. - Blocks
  3. Lemmy-ml - Blocks
  4. - Blocks
  5. - Federates.

Let's check the fridge and cupboards again, maybe some snacks have materialised since the last time we checked.

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I think it's relevant to the topic that he was a serving police officer when the abuse happened.

What does it mean that e-mail, username and passwords must be complete and true? No anonymous e-mail? No unique usernames for Lemmy, it must correlate with an external service?

What are your demands for content federated to you?

How does it work if a user wants to delte their account and all relevant data as per GDPR or similar if it's federated?

Update: How does the 18+ rule relate to users on instances with lower or no age requirements?

I'm not trying to be negative, I think we all are trying to figure out how this new methods of interaction can safely occur between both users and instances.

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Are you kidding, "Woman or potato? (73% of people got it wrong)" is legendary!

Edit: I found it, tell me this isn't pure art.

I'm tired of watching bad ideas grow into industry standards.

They're just following the trail of pheromones ahead of them. It goes around in circles so they'll just walk and walk until they die of exhaustion.

Never heard about it so had to read up on it, it's as obscure as a rat king to me.

13 more...

Damn mang, yhat's just an unspousely thing to say.

1 more... should have added in the desc.

It's owned by Meta, the company that runs Facebook. If you're still unsure about the situation perhaps this can help out:

Grisly robot injuries?!

Like bear robot or regular robots, just gravely wounded?

I'm sure you're really knowledgeable about something particularly obsucre, your time to shine will come!

There are many places where a penis would be inappropriate. You'll need a lot of stickers.

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I don't get it, I use a variety of browsers and apps, with or without VPN. I even scrape channel RSS from the same IP and have never seen this.

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I encrypt my thoughts in case I talk in my sleep.

Doesn't sound very enjoyable tbh

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I'm a sausage maker and this image is blasphemous, please delete now or the Würstermünster will curse you.

If it's been a while you could try again as the kernel gets updated with support for various hardware.

One of my laptops was awful with Linux but after a good while I tried reinstalling a fresh distro and it ran like a dream.

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It generally does everything your desktop computer does, but you can do it while you're on the shitter.

I'm not even kidding.

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"schnell-katrin" on one end of the scale, "Nein-Heinrich" on the other.

I hope they don't stop until Facebook is a crime against humanity.

I dunno mang, this title is self-referential... OP is indeed spilling the beans on this meme. It's 4D memery - Like poetry, but with stupidity instead of rhyming.

Then what is even Charactercountpad for?!

Wordpad is the step after Notepad, not Notepad again.

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I agree that people should treat each other with respect. For those who doesn't understand, this is a good post. Perhaps I can elaborate on "the other side", or at least my side, and people could perhaps understand why people disagree with the mirroring?

As most of you probably know, the network effect prevents most of the users of an existing platform to switch to another one. “Why would I go there where there will be no one, when all the people I want to interact with are here?”

I don't want to interact with people who need a crowd. I want to interact with those who want to discuss my favorite topics. There's a healthy lack of shitpost and joke comments on Lemmy outside of the shitposting and joke communities. I like that. I want that to continue. I think it's due to the lemmy crowd being different from the reddit crowd.

It was the case for Mastodon until Twitter started to really become mediocre

Yes, the good ol' days as I remember them. Filled with anti-censorship and freedom loving people willing to put their principles of a free internet above having a sheepish crowd of followers. Now I don't use Mastodon that often.

We might be in a “next year is the year of the Linux Desktop”

Try looking at it from the perspective of people like me who have been using Linux for years or decades - Who cares about "the year of the Linux desktop"?

admins complaining about the system resources consumed by instances, “as much as the largest instances”. Does that mean that if tomorrow reddit.old dies, we double or triple the number of users on Lemmy, instances would have to be shutdown?

Yes, or take "drastic" measures like blocking whole instances or migrating data to external storage. My previous home instance got overloaded due to lack of proper admin tools and literally had to shut down due to a lack of storage space during the reddit influx.

but should we be worried that Lemmy will hit a scalability ceiling at some point?

Cries of help, "I'm out of space", from admins of smaller instances comes up in various support communites every so often. It's not a scalability issue if you have the funds to just increase resources. So yes and no IMO.

I initiated the claim process lol

Why would you send someone to a server "stealing" identities and offer the "victim" to "claim" it? Wouldn't it be more ethical to send them to i.e. with the freedom to chose what instance and community they'd want to be part of?

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Tweeeeeeentythreeeeeeeee is bigger than 10000000000.

I’ve no idea if this is normal

It is not normal.

I don't think it's right to nonchalantly compare the Palestinians as the citizens of a nation and Jews as an ethnic group. It seems a bit... racist?

From what I understand it's not the Palestinians fault they don't have a home, and that's in large part due to Israeli Zionists.

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The whole point of mods to get the perfect gayness level for the individual player. Some want none of it. Some wants a ton of it. I just want Thomas the Tank Engine replacing all sexy men and women.

Feel free to post comparison images of core apps on different mobile OS'es to strengthen your incredulity.

I don't see the point replying to you any more, you seemingly overlook the points I'm trying to make in a sort of "the goal justifies the means" argumentation. But others might find it interesting.

No identity is being “stolen”. The mirrors are not doing anything on behalf of the users, and no content is being altered.

It's copying content belonging to a different entity without permission and presents them on a third party site without enough clarification to be distinguishable from the original account (many have expressed confusion at replying to "mirrored"/ghost accounts). It's not a content viewer like teddit etc. It's copying the content and presenting it for itself.

I hope people understand how it can be argued for it being a stolen identity, even if one personally doesn't agree with it.

Go to /r/redditalternatives and let me know how many people simply don’t understand the concept of instances. Or understand the concept of instances, but didn’t want to bother with the process of finding out which one to choose. Or went with the “just go to” approach, got burned because it was struggling to deal with the influx of people and thought “Aw, Lemmy sucks”. Or took the time to find an instance, but after signing up had no idea how to find (re-)discover all their niche communities.

Sure these are issues, but I still don't think it's ethical to present "claim your account now!" to users. It comes across as borderline extortionate to me. I don't think it's ethical to apply "peer pressure" by having regular users clamor for people to claim their accounts.

Sigh, now I have to know.

Edit: so I went to YouTube on my desktop before I saw the link into the post, sorry OP

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It's either full on "Somber music playing" or subtitles for "foreign" parts only. I just want subtitles for everyone talking. Bonus points if foreign parts are translated, but if there's supposed to be some mysterious group speaking a strange language - like french or something - then give me subtitles in french.

My favorite is when on-screen text is subtitled.

SOME TIME LATER "Some time later"
