German-Israeli Shani Louk is confirmed dead, 3 weeks after Hamas captured her and paraded her through Gazalocked to World – 349 points –
German-Israeli Shani Louk is confirmed dead, 3 weeks after Hamas captured her and paraded her through Gaza in her underwear

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I don't think it's right to nonchalantly compare the Palestinians as the citizens of a nation and Jews as an ethnic group. It seems a bit... racist?

From what I understand it's not the Palestinians fault they don't have a home, and that's in large part due to Israeli Zionists.

Not my intent. I made an edit to address that.

I don't disagree with you if that extends beyond borders. External forces seem to dictate what happens there.

they have a home, and they'd have a country if they just said "yes"

Jews are most assuredly an ethnic group. One Hamas intends to commit genocide against.

"I invaded your land and occupied it and killed your family, but you didn't say yes when I offered you a piece of your land! You're a terrorist! "

you murdered, raped, and defiled the corpses of innocents, unprovoked, and with no aim but the act itself, so you're by definition a terrorist


Palestinians weren't citizens of a nation and than got invaded by Zionist Jews someday. Israel, Gaza and Westbank (now called Palestine) were created in that area which was called Transjordan at the time. And Israelis and Palestinians come from a similar group of people who has ancestors in the area.

The influx of Jews to the area was a result of World War 2 and the exile of Jews in some of the surrounding countries.

You are seen as a "Palestine refugee" btw, when your father was a Palestine refugee. It's not exactly a citizenship.