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The Internet gained steam through hobbyists and is now that corporate shell as described. In my opinion it absolutely was a better place 25 years ago. Today the internet is filled with social engineering everyone's trying to influence something and it's terrible.

I'm very saddened to hear about the death of this young woman. I'm also sad to hear about deaths of many, many Palestinians. I do not think it's coincidence that Hamas decides to launch a major offensive in the midst of talks with between Saudi Arabia and Israel to normalize relations between the two after many years of relative peace. We can't have peace in the Middle East because it doesn't serve the ends to the major regional powers.

Both sides in this conflict are used as pawns for the political ends of others. Innocent people are those that get caught in the midst of it all. Hamas didn't do this without a green light so as much vitriol being spilled in this thread we have to take a step back. These fights have been brewing and going on for generations. If you take the short term view much of the strife we see today is the fallout from WWII and that is used as leverage by other nefarious parties.

It's not the Israeli people's fault they do not have a home. It's not the Palestinian people's fault they do not have a home.

Some of the comments in this thread are sickening, hateful, narrow, and short-sighted.

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..if your average man has better abs. The fuck did I just read. Can't we just just appreciate someone being fit.

!The concept of sex in movies already reached its peak with Porky’s, and any attempts to improve on that are just embarrassing.!<

Never change Onion. 😄

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Can always rely on there being at least one person ... "but the USA did XYZ." Doesn't change what happened in 1989.

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The art of debate and discussion today is watered down to, "...but but that other thing is evil too!"

Can't talk about Uyghurs genocide because European settlers killed natives 500 years ago. IBM and Musk can both be bad. Same as time changes things and people.

Stop distracting from Musk's wrongdoings. What happened 90 years ago was 90 years ago. We can't change that. What we can do is influence change today. Thanks to IBM for not allowing their money to fuel Musk's machines.

Desperate for cash. The free money (low interest rates) is drying up and the modern mantra of business in America is sustained growth for all eternity so they got to squeeze everything until it pops.

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App is shit. Local store made a mistake told me to contact corporate. Corporate told me to talk to local. Eventually was told escalated to tech team. Crickets for two weeks. Had to file dispute with credit card to get my money back.

Uninstalled app and haven't been back to McDonald's since. Fuck em. They have shit support and a shit app.

Troll farms wouldn't be a thing if they weren't effective. Social media has poisoned a lot of minds. I am in my mid-40s and grew up in NE Texas which is part of the "Deep South" (assign to that what you will) and in my lifetime I've seen things that would just not be possible if it were not for the internet.

"Back in my day..." Reading the newspaper was more than sufficient. There were no (edit: few and/or less easily manifest beyond a 'google search') collective hive minds and echo chambers so you had to actually express and own an opinion. I was taught that "this is what Science tells us how God put into motion the universe" We didn't need concealed or open carry to feel safe.

I'm not really that old. I honestly think most of this crap is 9/11. The terrorists actually won. Fear. There is a culture of fear pervading the USA and international troll farms took root and we continue to deal with the fallout today. Not to get too deep into the weeds .. dwindling middle class but .. who gives a shit .. capitalism. When you can't provide for your family on a base wage .. shit is going to go sideways.

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Sounds like schizophrenia to me. Fear-mongering by politicians only exacerbates existing mental health issues.

Sad day.

Just wanted to comment to say this is one of the most awesome music videos ever made. Never tire of the song or video.

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Was scrolling through Facebook as I still use it to keep in touch with family. 20 sponsored posts for every one actual post. Facebook is terrible.

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Wish she held such strong opinions as she voted to confirm the current Supreme Court.

I wish we were ready for another Carl Sagan. If we are then I'm waiting to be awed.

A casual post on the interwebs about losing/gaining communication with an object that uses less power than my NVIDIA 2080 beyond the gravitational pull of our Sun.

Lawl. Fuck that. Crazy. People looking for a miracle well just read the fucking article. Mankind can do amazing things when we just put our minds to it.

(Pre-edit: I was thinking I should use the ever wise internet to verify claims about gravitational pull. I'm 100% wrong but the point still stands. Damn it we can do anything if we just agree and put our minds to it. [From: NASA Despite the probe entering interstellar space, Voyager 2, along with Voyager 1, have not left the solar system and won't for quite a while, NASA said. The space agency said Voyager 2 will leave the Oort Cloud, "a collection of small objects that are still under the influence of the Sun’s gravity," in approximately 30,000 years, so it is still being influenced by the Sun's gravity to some extent.])

... it's Shia LeBeouf!!

Objection your honor, conjecture.

Oh shit, my bad this is the court of public opinion.

We must start holding our politicians accountable.

Yeah, I'm fine with the admins using some due diligence. There is some wild s*** out there that no one needs to see terrible and grotesque without warning. The most recent example that I came across was AI generated porn of "jailbait."

Speaking only for myself but if content like that shows up in my feed I will not continue using Lemmy. So I am appreciative of the admins being proactive and if there's something I want to find I'll search for it but the example that I quoted showing up in my feed is absolutely unacceptable to me.

I'm not saying that piracy rises to the level of the quoted example but I don't manage the server and I'm not willing to manage a server so if there are people out there willing to do it to spare me from nefarious things then power to them. They have to do what's right and legal.

The current situation is dogshit. But let's not gloss over the fact that President Obama had a chance to fill Scalia's seat and he capitulated with the assumption that Clinton would win.

Do not take anything for granted. Everyone must vote.

🤯 mindblown

Never had a problem with Brother printers

We are pretty amazing. This being my second post I am a self prescribed expert. That said... you too are amazing.

Does Lemmy need a "people of Wal-Mart" group to remind people who the real American voters are?

We're here. We're fat. We're voting.

Pew Pew Pew .. 'merica.

Source: am a fat American (US citizen not to be confused with those "other" Americans)

Edit: readers can attribute /s based on their philosophy.. Pew Pew Pew

Is there a FOSS option to turn something like a pi zero into streaming device? My assumption is a flavor of Android is required?

Edit: referring to streaming services such as Netflix. I'm aware of that home plex and jellyfin servers exist

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It's just water under the fridge.

Would love to be there now instead of stuck in this office.

RIP Norn

Not my intent. I made an edit to address that.

I don't disagree with you if that extends beyond borders. External forces seem to dictate what happens there.

Workers are now paid 20+ bucks an hour for fast food and the machine still ask for a tip. Yeah, I'm not made of money and we obviously need jobs. I have drastically cut down dining out but new minimum wage laws which are good has thrown tipping culture into chaos. You don't know when to tip and when not to tip and what someone gets paid and what they don't get paid. It sucks. Everyone should just be paid a living wage so we can call it a day on tipping.

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It really whips the llama's ass.

As someone who has been falsely accused the assumption of guilt is unfair. Tweets are not evidence.

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I am on mobile. I'll try desktop!

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The game has LAN support as well as steam cloud. While it's designed for single it handles multiplayer extremely well. The only annoyance I've ran into is that only one person can interact with a merchant at a time.

I wish more of us gave each other the benefit of the doubt. I refuse to believe most people are assholes... only some. Don't let the few dominate your thoughts.

He's 2nd in line for POTUS. Scary.


There I was ... lotion at the ready .. then .. suddenly .. I have a strong craving for soup and cigarette.

It tasted fishy though but hey .. it was good for me.

Thank you.

Damn. I can't imagine. Hope you and the doctors get it figured out and that you're having a good day. Hang in there. We've barely scratched the surface of gene therapy.

When people are content what is there to say? People tend to post about topics that anger or frustrate them. The quality of the post varies on the sincerity of the user. Anything from shitposting to actually articulate arguments. You're unlikely to find the latter on any form of social media. Most constructive conversation happens face to face. It's just too easy to derail an online conversation and there are powers that be that are literally troll farms because it works.

There was a message yesterday about the game werewolf. An informed minority will generally control the uninformed majority. You get a small number of people to troll and that's all it takes to derail conversation around any topic they don't like.

I know we're not supposed to judge and this is meant to be a community but ... I draw the line at olive hate. They're so damn delicious. Are you even human?

as the top result on "baseball" ... that's the point of the post :)

I just wanted to find a thread to talk about AZ comeback on Philly.

I'm here for the same reason. RIF finally stopped working and I found Sync. Slowly but surely I'm finding communities that interest me but I'm not sure how to setup "a feed" just yet. I'm not going back to Reddit (it's literally becoming a bot and self promotion farm) so I hope to find positive ways to contribute here.